Ancestors of Lazurus Long & Lilieb555 - with connections to others peoples work

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Mathew John BOYD3,38,1181 was born on 29 Jun 1868 in , Marshall, Pennsylvania.3,38 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 16390. Parents: Abraham BOYD and Sarah Ellen ANDERSON.

Spouse: Elizabeth BOGARD. Mathew John BOYD and Elizabeth BOGARD were married. Reference Number:353137 Children were: Abraham BOYD, James BOYD, Margaret BOYD, Isaac BOYD, Jeremiah BOYD.

Mathew Park BOYD3,315 was born in Oct 1871.3,315 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 72651. Parents: Sr. William John BOYD and Martha.

Mathias William BOYD3,633 was born on 10 Jun 1881 in Cokeville, Uinta Co, Lincoln Co. Now, WY.3 He was also known as Mathias William Boyed.3,95 He died Unknown in Oakland, , CA.3 He is reference number 57706. He has Ancestral File Number L4J5-2K.
Source: Banner Blue Software Incorporated. CD #108 Parents: George Frederick BOYD and Violet Louise TUCKER.

Matilda BOYD3,936 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 25099. Parents: Hugh BOYD and Savila HINKLE.

Matilda BOYD2,3 was born between 1806 and 1824 in , Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 45039.

! (1) "The Boyd Family...," by Scott Lee Boyd (Santa Barbara, CA, by author, 1935) p.50. FH L 929.273 B692bs.

Under age in 1824 [b. 1806 or later]. Parents: Benjamin BOYD and Annie WHITE.

Matilda BOYD3,183 was born about 1812.3,183,1292 She died about 1839.3,183 She is reference number 71444. Parents: Robert BOYD and Diana KELLY.

Spouse: John SULLIVAN. John SULLIVAN and Matilda BOYD were married on 1 Apr 1932 in Jefferson County In.3,183,184 Reference Number:1183459

Matilda BOYD3 was born on 28 Aug 1828.3 She died on 15 Jul 1871 in White Mound, Texas.3 She is reference number 425. Parents: James BOYD and Eleanor COE.

Spouse: Benjamin C. BRACKETT. Benjamin C. BRACKETT and Matilda BOYD were married on 20 Aug 1846.3 Reference Number:15952 Children were: Daniel L. BRACKETT, Mary Ellen BRACKETT, James A. BRACKETT, Sarah J. BRACKETT, Theresa A. BRACKETT, Fanny BRACKETT, Benjamin A. BRACKETT.

Matilda BOYD2,3,449,450 was born on 3 Oct 1841 in Elk Lick Township, Somerset Co. Pennsylvania.3,449 She died on 20 Dec 1928.3,449,450 She was buried on 22 Dec 1928 in Liscomb, Marshall Co., IA.3,38 She was also known as Matilda Boyd.3,38 She is reference number 20075. She has Ancestral File Number 1Q7K-PPK.

Matilda is buried in Liscomb Cemetery in Iowa.

Article in Newspaper:

Oldest Inhabitant of Liscomb passes Away

Mrs. Matilda Johnson (87) Succumbs to Double Pneumonia, Following Attack of
Influenza == Resident of Liscomb and Vicinity for 62 Years.

Mrs. Matilda Johnson, oldestresident of Liscomb, died in her home Thursday night of double pneumonia, following an attack of influenza. Mrs. Johnson had been failing in health for several years; death came almost four years to a day after her husands, death, Jacob R. Johnson, who died at Liscomb on Decembr 22, 1924.
Mrs. Johnson was not only Liscomb's oldest resident, but one of the town's earlier peoneers as well. She was born October 3, 1841 on the old Boyd farm near Boynton, Somerset County, Pennsylvania - the only daughter of Douglas and Susanna Boyd. The family came to Norris, now Liscomb, soon after the Civil War - in the spring of 1866. In 1867, she was married in this city to Mrs. Johnson, a Civil War Veteran, who had served in company H of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson spent a yer at the Boyd home, then moved to the Dan Long farm in southern Grundy county, where they lived two years; two years also were spent on the old Delp farm, eas of Liscomb, and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson then bought land southeast of Liscomb, where they lived until twenty-seven years ago, when they went to Liscomb to make their home.
Mr. and mrs. Johnson were the parents of sic children, three of who survive in the persons of Mrs. Susan VanSlyke of Liscomb (who had lived with her mother at 311 Fifth Street), W. C. , Conrad and James Johnson. Two little daughters, Tillie and Mary, died of diptheria in 1882 and were buried in one grave in Liscomb cemetery, being among the first to be interred there. A daughter, Kate, died later.
A brother, James Boyd (82) of Liscomb, is the last surviving member of the family. Three grandchildren and six great grandchildren also survive.
Mrs. Johnson was a member of the Brethren Church for many years, but a few years ago she united with the Christian Church at Liscomb.
Funeral services will be held at 10:30 Saturday A. M. at the Liscomb church, in charge of the services will be Rev. George Beirsborn. Burial will be in the Liscomb Cemetery; (Article dated December 21, 1928.)

Parents: Douglas B. BOYD and Susanna LICHTY.

Spouse: Jacob R. JOHNSON. Jacob R. JOHNSON and Matilda BOYD were married on 20 Feb 1869 in Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa.3,449 Reference Number:408078 Children were: Tillie JOHNSON, Susan A. JOHNSON, James H. JOHNSON, Catherine JOHNSON, Kate JOHNSON, Mary JOHNSON, Matilda JOHNSON, W. C. JOHNSON.

Matilda BOYD3,717,1231 was born on 13 Aug 1864.3,717,1231 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 40073. Parents: John BOYD and Elicia DAVIDSON.

Matilda BOYD3,399 was born about 1880.3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 13570. Parents: Elijah F. BOYD and Margaret JACKSON.

Spouse: Adolphus LOONEY. Adolphus LOONEY and Matilda BOYD were married. Reference Number:325317

Matilda A. BOYD3,297 was born in 1862.3,297 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 51247. Parents: John BOYD and Mary J THOMPSON.

Matilda Blanche BOYD3,205 was born on 29 Sep 1888 in Leavittsville, Carroll Co. OH.3,205,1412 She died on 20 Dec 1930 in Buried In Palermo Cemetery, Perry Twp..3,203,206 She was also known as Blanche Matilda Boyd.3,203,206 She was also known as Matilda Blanche Boyd.3,205 She was buried Unknown in Palermo Cem. Carroll Co. OH.3,205 She is reference number 43034. Parents: Frank Robinson BOYD and Rose Ann MORELAND.

Matilda Etta BOYD3,38 She was born on 16 Oct 1862.3,449,450 She was also known as Tillie. She was also known as Matilda Etta Boyd.3,38 She was also known as Tillie Boyd.3,450 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 20079. She has Ancestral File Number 1Q7K-Q31.

I'm noticing that Matilda and Martha were born only 3 days apart, Edna says this is how the lady who gave her the information told her. Obviously, one is wrong but I don't know which one. Parents: Samuel Douglas BOYD and Catherine BUEGHLEY.

Spouse: James Henry WOODWARD. James Henry WOODWARD and Matilda Etta BOYD were married. Reference Number:408244 Children were: Clarence S WOODWARD, Living WOODWARD, Clayton WOODWARD, Edna Grace WOODWARD, Lloyd James WOODWARD, Earl WOODWARD, Howard Merle WOODWARD, Ray WOODWARD.

Matilda Eveline BOYD3 was born about 1867.3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 67523. Parents: James William BOYD and Henrietta Hulda HENRY.

Matilda H BOYD3,38 was born about 1820 in .3,38 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 16602. Parents: Robert BOYD and Nancy HUTCHINSON.

Matilda H. BOYD3,38,95 was born about 1835 in .3,38 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 5801. She has Ancestral File Number 306Q-23. Parents: Robert BOYD and Nancy Ann WAGNER.

Matilda Josephine BOYD3,1509 was born on 17 Feb 1871 in Coatbridge, Lanark Co. Scotland.3,1509 She died on 2 Feb 1944 in Youngstown, Mahoning County, Ohio.3,1509 She is reference number 1766. Parents: Henry BOYD and Margaret CONNOR.

Spouse: William John TRAYNOR. William John TRAYNOR and Matilda Josephine BOYD were married on 3 Aug 1898 in New Castle-On-Tyne, England.3,1509 Reference Number:40012 Children were: Maria TRAYNOR.

Matilda S. BOYD3,396,487 was born on 16 Mar 1884.3,396,487 She died WFT Est 1885-1978.3,396 She is reference number 36667. Parents: Elisha Thomas BOYD and Matilda Jane ELKINS.

Matilda Spotswood BOYD3,38 was born on 18 Apr 1808 in , Mecklenburg, Virginia.3,38 She was also known as Matilda Spotswood Boyd.3,38 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 21843. Parents: John Richard BOYD and Panthea BURWELL.

Matilda V. BOYD3,145 died Unknown.3 She is reference number 77684. Parents: John F. BOYD and Mary Grace MCCLURE.

Matthew BOYD.3 Parents: John BOYD and Elizabeth.

Matthew BOYD.3 Parents: John BOYD and Catharine.

Matthew BOYD.3 Parents: Hugh BOYD.

Col. Matthew BOYD3 He was born in 1737.3,686 He was christened in 1782 in Bur. Upper Octorara.3,686 He died before 1793 in Danville, Pennsylvania.3,1485 He was buried Unknown in Upper Octorara Graveyard, Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He is reference number 387.

! (1) Chester Co., PA Deeds. (a) Bk T, p.220,222. FHL film 20,860. (b) Bk C-3, p.211. FHL fi lm 555,251. (c) Bk U-3, p.326. FHL film 556,715. (d) Bk A-3, p.100. FHL film 554,995.
(2) "Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834."
(3) "Notes and Queries, Historical and Genealogical, Chiefly Relating to Interior Pennsylva nia," ed. William Henry Egle, Annual Vol. 1897, p.24, note.
(4) "Gilbert Cope Collection - Family Data," BOYD, From Tombstones in Upper Octorara Gravey ard. FHL Film 517,008.
(5) "History of Chester County, Pennsylvania," by J. Smith Futhey and Gilbert Cope (Philade lphia: J.B. Lippencott & Co., 1881) p.485. FHL film 20,995.

! Birth: (1a,2) s/o James BOYD. (3) Brother of George BOYD who m. Mary BOYD. (4) Age 45 at d eath in 1782 [b. 1737].
Marriage to Hannah BOYD: (1c) Widow named Hannah. (3,5) [NOTE: This wife seems to be too yo ung to be the mother of all his children. Also, sources 3 & 5 list only three children as her s. Must be a 2nd wife.]
Death: (1b) Deceased by 23 Apr 1808, when son James sold land he inherited from his father . (1c,d) Died intestate. Case in Orphan's Court 2 Mar 1793. (3,5) Killed by a fall from his h orse. (4) 17 May 1782.
Burial: (4) Upper Octorara Graveyard, Chester Co., PA.

(2) 1764, 15 Apr: (2) 1764, 15 Feb: James BOYD of Sadsbury, Chester Co., PA wrote his will . To sons Matthew and George all estate real and personal in Sadsbury, paying legacies.
(1a) 1773, 10 Dec: Matthew BOYD of Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., PA, yeoman, and George BOY D of the same place, yeoman made an agreement for the division of property inherited from the ir father. Whereas James BOYD late of Sadsbury aforesaid deceased, the Father of the aforesa id Matthew and George, owned 416 acres of land in Sadsbury Twp., and the said James BOYD by h is will dated 15 Apr 1764 bequeathed to Matthew and George BOYD. Matthew and George BOYD ar e arrived to the age of 21 years and upwards. Matthew BOYD shall have all that the Westermos t tract of land for his equal half part of the tract of land devised by the last will and tes tament aforesaid, by land late of Joseph TALFORD, by land hereby allotted to the said Georg e BOYD, on the line of William MOORE's land. George BOYD shall have all that the Eastermost , by land of Joseph TALFORD, land alloted to the said Matthew BOYD, by William MOORE's land , by James MILLER's land, by land of Samuel McCLELAND. Wits. Catherine CLINGAN & William CLIN GAN (Justice).
(1a) 1774, 17 Feb: Articles and Agreement between Matthew BOYD and George BOYD, Chester Co. , PA. George BOYD shall or lawfully may have the benefit, and use all the Water Running fro m a Spring on Walter STUART's land and to pass through land of Matthew BOYD until it comes in to land of George BOYD. Matthew BOYD shall have liberty and privilege of one half of the wat er known by the name of the Glen Run, Spring known by the name of Boiling Spring near the foo t of the north Hill, and limestone Quarrey near where the Old Fullings Mill formerly stood.
(1d) 1804, 13 Jun: James BOYD, eldest son of Colonel Matthew BOYD of Sadsbury Twp., Cheste r Co., PA, yeoman, and Mary his wife, deed to James BOYD of the same place, yeoman, of the ot her part. Colonel Matthew BOYD late of Sadsbury Twp., deceased, owned land situate in Sadsbur y Twp. containing 29 acres and 119 perches. He died intestate leaving six children; at the Or phan's Court at West Chester, 20 Mar 1793, the said James BOYD and Mary his wife, for $312.90 , convey a certain lot or parcel of land, part of the above mentioned lot of 29 acres 119 per ches, bounded by George BOYD's land, by Samuel WILSON's, John MOORE and Andrew STEWART, conta ining 18 acres 65 perches. Wits. John SMITH, William MINNES.
(1b) 1808, 23 Apr: James BOYD in the valley of Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., PA, yeoman, an d Mary his wife, deed to Joseph RENESON of Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., weaver, for 246 pound s 13 shillings, 9 pence, land situated in Sadsbury Twp., bounded by corner of George BOYD's l and, by other land of the said James BOYD, Enoch STUART's land, being part of a tract of lan d which Matthew BOYD, father of the said James BOYD, of Sadsbury Twp. aforesaid became seize d of by Deed of partition bearing date 10 Dec 1773, Bk T, Vol. 19, p.220 &c., and the said Ja mes BOYD after his father's decease became lawfully seized of the same. Wits. William MINNES , Joseph CLOUD.
(1c) 1822, 18 Jun: James BOYD of the valley in the township of Sadsbury, Chester Co., PA, y eoman, and Mary his wife deed to John PHILLIPS of Kennett Twp., Chester Co., PA, yeoman. Wher eas James BOYD late of Sadsbury Twp., possessed a tract or parcel of land containing 416 acre s situated in Sadsbury Twp., made his last will and testament in writing bearing date 15 Ap r 1764... he did give and devise the said tract of land to his two sons Matthew BOYD and Geor ge BOYD to be equally divided between them, and by indenture of Partitions between the said G eorge BOYD and the said Matthew BOYD dated 10 Dec 1773, partition the said tract of 416 acre s was made between the said parties, recorded Bk T, Vol. 19, p.220 &c. The said Matthew BOY D died intestate leaving issue six children, to wit: James, Jane, Mary, William, John & Rebec cah BOYD to whom the same did descend, said James eldest son of the said intestate receivin g a double share in Orphans Court, 2 Mar 1793. Now the said James BOYD and Mary his wife, fo r $5,530, deed land situated in the township of Sadsbury, bounded by land late of Jacob TALFO RD, thence by land now of Matthew BOYD, land of Joseph BOYD, land of Enoch STEWART, land of W illiam CLINGAN, containing 158 acres, being part of the above mentioned tract, (?) to Hanna h MONTGOMERY, the widow of the said Matthew BOYD. Wits. John ROWLAND, Jack C. BAILY, Esq., J. P. Parents: James BOYD and Jane HENDERSON. Parents: James BOYD and Sarah. Parents: James BOYD.

Spouse: MARGARET. Col. Matthew BOYD and MARGARET were married. Reference Number:15313 Children were: James BOYD, Mary BOYD, William H. BOYD.

Spouse: Hannah BOYD. Col. Matthew BOYD and Hannah BOYD were married WFT Est 1763-1780.3,745 Reference Number:15314 Children were: Rebecca BOYD, Jane BOYD, John BOYD.

Matthew BOYD3 was born before 1755.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 258. Parents: James BOYD and JANE.

Matthew BOYD3,1596 was born after 1760.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 22519. Parents: Margaret BOYD.

Matthew BOYD3,483 was born in 1772.3,483 He died before 1835 in Newberry, South Carolina.3,840 He is reference number 59093.

Will probated 1835 Parents: Hugh BOYD and Jeanett MAFFETT.

Matthew BOYD2,3,686 was born about 1783 in Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He died on 3 Jul 1865.2,3 He was buried Unknown in Upper Octorara Graveyard, Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He is reference number 44263.

! (1) Chester Co., PA Deeds. (a) Bk Y-3, p.22, FHL film 556,716. Hard to read.
(2) "Pennsylvania Wills, 1682-1834" (FTM CD 209).
(3) Lancaster Co., PA Deeds. (a) Bk 5F, p.350. FHL film 21,432.
(4) "Gilbert Cope Collection - Family Data," BOYD, From Tombstones in Upper Octorara Gravey ard. FHL Film 517,008.

(2) 1817, 14 Jul: George BOYD of Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., PA wrote his will. Provides fo r wife Mary. To my son Matthew the plantation on which I dwell, with stock, &c., and Oliver W esley SIMS, my negro boy, subject to legacies.
(1a) 1822, 20 Jul: Matthew BOYD of Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., PA, farmer, and Elizabeth hi s wife, deed to Joseph BOYD of the same place, schoolmaster. Whereas a certain Joseph RENISO N and Margaret his wife, 23 May 1814, convey unto Matthew BOYD (grantor above mentioned) a ce rtain tract of land containing 24 acres 107 perches, except a certain water right with a cert ain James BOYD, Recorded Bk L-3, Vol. 59, p.54; Whereas a certain George BOYD by virtue of t he last will of his father James BOYD became lawfully seized of land in Sadsbury Twp., and b y his last will in writing bearing date 14 Jul 1817, he did bequeath unto his son Matthew BOY D the plantation whereon he then lived, he paying to the widow and other heirs; Whereas the s aid Matthew BOYD by the above recited indenture from John RENISON and Margaret, by virtue o f the above recited will of his father George BOYD deceased, for $1,552.21 1/2, convey 47 ac res, bounded by McCALL's Ferry being a corner of Matthew BOYD's other land, James BOYD's, Eno ch STEWART's land, James LATTY's land, and heirs of Samuel BOYD deceased. Wits. James BOYD, J oel C. BAILY.
(3a) [Date not noted]: Robert SLEMMONS and Martha his wife of Jefferson Co., VA, Matthew BO YD of Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., PA, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife, and Samuel BOYD and Sara h his wife made an agreement to settle the estate of Jacob McDILL. Whereas Jacob McDILL 1 Ap r 1818 granted unto Samuel BOYD and Sarah his wife two certain tracts situate in Salisbury Tw p., Lancaster Co., PA, one of which contained 108 3/4 acres 11 perches, the other containin g 36 acres. Jacob McDILL died 12 Mar 1820 intestate leaving issue 3 daughters: Martha interma rried with the said Robert SLEMMONS, Sarah intermarried with the said Samuel BOYD, and Elizab eth intermarried with the said Mathew BOYD. Samuel BOYD settled to the other's satisfaction f or $5,000. Wits. William WILSON, Henry F. SLAYMAKER. Parents: George BOYD and Mary BOYD.

Spouse: Abigail H. MCDILL. Matthew BOYD and Abigail H. MCDILL were married. Reference Number:712869 Children were: Mary BOYD, George BOYD.

Spouse: Elizabeth MC DILL. Matthew BOYD and Elizabeth MC DILL were married. Reference Number:785505

Matthew BOYD2,3 was born after 1808.3 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 32440.

! (1) "Pennsylvania Genealogies, Chiefly Scotch-Irish and German," by William Henry Egle (Ge nealogical Pub. Co., Baltimore, 1969; originally pub. Harrisburg, 1896) p.117.

Parents: William BOYD and Martha COWDEN.

Matthew BOYD3,38 was born about 1817 in , , Virginia (W.VA).3,38 He died after 1880 in , Marshall/Ohio, W.VA.3,38 He was also known as Matthew Boyd.3,38 He is reference number 16189.

Spouse: Elizabeth. Matthew BOYD and Elizabeth were married in , , Virginia.3,38 Reference Number:336959 Children were: Abraham BOYD, Margaret BOYD, William BOYD, Isaac BOYD, Jeremiah BOYD.

Matthew BOYD3,686 was born about 1851.3,686 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 39175. Parents: George BOYD and Sallie K..

Matthew Allen BOYD3,1398 was born on 22 Jan 1857.3,1398 He died on 22 Sep 1928.3,1398 He is reference number 1457. Parents: William BOYD and Mary Jane SMITH.

Spouse: Eletter KENNEDY. Matthew Allen BOYD and Eletter KENNEDY were married on 16 Dec 1880 in Albertville, Alabama.3,1398 Reference Number:34465 Children were: Clarence BOYD.

Matthew H BOYD3,840 was born in 1809 in South Carolina.3,840 He died on 15 Jan 1877 in Boyd, Sumter, Alabama.3,840 He was also known as Matthew Boyd.3,95 He was also known as Matthew Harper Boyd.3,483 He was buried Unknown in Boyd Cem, Sumter, Alabama.3,840 He is reference number 22778. He has Ancestral File Number 1D3D-B70. He was in Farmer.3,840

Parents: John BOYD and Jane DIAL.

Spouse: Eliza Amanda KEY. Matthew H BOYD and Eliza Amanda KEY were married on 24 Apr 1832.3,483,840 Reference Number:454659 Children were: Mildred Ann BOYD, Rebecca Jane BOYD, John James BOYD, Joel Marion BOYD, Marshall BOYD, Mary BOYD, James Thomas BOYD, Susan Virginia BOYD, Emily Elizabeth BOYD, Louisa M. BOYD.

Spouse: Susan Maria SILLMAN. Matthew H BOYD and Susan Maria SILLMAN were married on 5 Oct 1858 in Sumter, Alabama.3,840 Reference Number:454666 Children were: Absolom Farrar BOYD, Chellie Rosanna BOYD.

Matthew H BOYD3,840 was born in 1850 in Sumter, Alabama.3,840 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 22840.
Parents: John Montgomery BOYD and Louisa Jane MOORE.

Spouse: MARTHA. Matthew H BOYD and MARTHA were married. Reference Number:456286 Children were: Louisa BOYD, William BOYD.

Matthew H. BOYD2,3 died on 14 Aug in West Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He was buried on 23 Aug in Atglen Cemetery, Chester Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He was born in West Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co., Pennsylvania.2,3 He is reference number 44739.

! (1) Gilbert Cope Collection, Family Data, Boyd. FHL film 517,008. Obituary of Matthew H. B oyd.

! Birth: (1) Oldest s/o the late George BOYD/Sallie ROGERS. In the 50th year of his age at d eath.
Marriage to __ PHILIPS: (1) His widow was the youngest d/o John M. PHILIPS of Sadsbury.
Death: (1) The morning of Tuesday, 14 Aug. [NOTE: August 14th fell on a Tuesday in 1894, 19 00, 1906, 1917, 1923.] After a tedious illness. Of West Sadsbury Twp. In the ancestral home.
Burial: (1) Atglen Cemetery, Thurs, 23 Aug.

(1) He lived on the same farm in Chester Valley, about a mile east of Atglen, that his ance stors had lived for generations. A farmer all his life.
(1) Had no children. Parents: George Montgomery BOYD and Sarah ROGERS.

Spouse: PHILIPS. Matthew H. BOYD and PHILIPS were married. Reference Number:791911

Matthew H. BOYD3,1336 was born about 1822.3 He died after 1880.3 He is reference number 51524. Parents: Ebenezer BOYD and Mary SPARKMAN.

Matthew Hillis BOYD3,1038 was born on 14 Mar 1842 in Armstrong County, PA.3,1038 He served in the military in 1862 in Civil War.3,1087 He was buried in 1890 in United Presbyterian Cemetery, Slate Lick, PA.3,1087 He died on 10 Jul 1890 in Armstrong County, PA.3,1038 He was also known as M. Hillis Boyd.3,281 He was also known as Mitchell Hillis Boyd.3,474,1087,1251 He is reference number 83536. He was in Farmer.3,1038 He was in Presbyterian.3,1038

Family Record, Descendants of John and Mary-Fulton-Boyd, Mo nograph, prepared by M. Hillis Boyd, Freeport, PA. Parents: Abraham BOYD and Mary BOYD.

Spouse: Elizabeth F. DUNAWAY. Matthew Hillis BOYD and Elizabeth F. DUNAWAY were married on 4 Sep 1866 in Fayette County, PA.3,1038 Reference Number:764484 Children were: Lilla B. BOYD, Clara Agnes BOYD, Thomas F. BOYD, Herbert D. BOYD, James Howell BOYD, Joseph Hillis BOYD.

[NEED TO DEFINE SENTENCE: Alt. Birth]3,281,475 He was born on 2 Aug 1836.3,474 He was also known as Matthew M Boyd.3,475 He died Unknown in Of Indiana.3,281 He is reference number 47592.
Family Record, Descendants of John and Mary-Fulton-Boyd, Mo nograph, prepared by M. Hillis Boyd, Freeport, PA. Parents: Abraham BOYD and Jane MOOREHEAD.

Spouse: Mary A. MILLER. They were married on 25 Aug 1864.3,474 Reference Number:843355

Matthew Park BOYD3,315 was born on 23 Aug 1893.3,315 He died on 9 Jul 1978.3,315 He is reference number 72644. Parents: Jr. William John BOYD and Margaret ROSS.

Matthews BOYD3,178,218 died Unknown.3 He is reference number 107586. Parents: Matthews BOYD and Pattie THOMPSON.

Spouse: Mary Lou YELDELL. Matthews BOYD and Mary Lou YELDELL were married. Reference Number:1684102

Matthews BOYD3,178,218 was born on 16 Dec 1835 in Chester County, South Carolina.3,178,218 He died Unknown.3 He is reference number 107365. Parents: Charles Leroy BOYD and Mary Elizabeth MATTHEWS.

Spouse: Pattie THOMPSON. Matthews BOYD and Pattie THOMPSON were married. Reference Number:1680765 Children were: Matthews BOYD, Charles BOYD, Billie BOYD, Pattie BOYD, Carridale BOYD.

Mattie BOYD3,38 was born Between 1857-1858 in Benton, Saline, Arkansas.3 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 24340. Parents: Green W BOYD and Louiza VESTEL.

Mattie BOYD3,9 was also known as Maude. She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 87177. Parents: John W. BOYD and Sarah Louise DODSON.

Spouse: ROWAN. ROWAN and Mattie BOYD were married. Reference Number:1401710

Mattie BOYD3,1367 was born about 1870 in Unknown.3,1367 She died Unknown in Unknown.3,1367 She is reference number 27303. Parents: James Edward BOYD and Sarah Elizabeth PONDER.

Mattie BOYD3,565 was born on 8 Feb 1874 in Graves County, Kentucky.3,565 She died on 24 Feb 1931.3,565 She is reference number 33987. Parents: William Alexander BOYD and Mary HOLIFIELD.

Spouse: W.W. PHILLIPS. W.W. PHILLIPS and Mattie BOYD were married. Reference Number:638993

Mattie BOYD3,38 was born in 1881 in , , Texas.3,38 She died on 28 Dec 1922.3,38 She is reference number 21647. Parents: Joseph Calvin BOYD and Amy Ellen COLLIER.

Mattie BOYD3,1270 was born in 1884.3,1270 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 5543. Parents: William Swazie BOYD and Margaret MURPHY.

Mattie Alice BOYD3,9 was born in Jun 1884 in Missouri.3,9 She died Unknown.3 She is reference number 91582. Parents: Jordan Levi BOYD and Sarah Dialtha Melvina MORROW.

Spouse: Anson GREEN. Anson GREEN and Mattie Alice BOYD were married on 29 Dec 1904 in Corry, Missouri.3,9 Reference Number:1417759 Children were: Living GREEN, Living GREEN, Living GREEN, Living GREEN, Living GREEN, Ina GREEN.

Mattie Caroline BOYD3,38 was born on 15 Aug 1835 in <, Johnston, , South Carolina>.3,38 She died on 21 Mar 1898 in , Saluda, , South Carolina.3,38 She was also known as Martha C.. She is reference number 23848. Parents: Rev. Mark Moore BOYD and Elizabeth EPTING.

Mattie Cleo BOYD3,415 was born on 8 Apr 1900.3,415 He died on 15 Jul 1900.3,415 He is reference number 82808. Parents: Elijah Louis BOYD and Rhoda Lee CARPENTER.

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