1902, John Brenden built a small store on the east side, which also had
a meat market. This building was located to the south of Hartz store.
Mr. Brenden later sold to Martin Peterson. The small one-room school
was built at the site of the present Clinton Rishovd residence. When
they decided to build a new school, they moved the one-room school
north of Brenden's Store.
In 1926 or 1927, local farmers joined
forces and brought teams and wagons to haul gravel for the street. Now
there was a well-graveled street, clean and free of mud, and mud it
was, expecially in the spring. A word of appreciation and thanks was
little for the time and work involved. The businessmen also worked with
shovels to help level and spread the gravel. The ladies in town
prepared dinner and lunches and served them to the men in the Implement
building. In 1959, the street was redone again when the road north out
of town was graded and tarred to Hwy. 113 and also a mile south to the
Becker County line.
April or March was always the time set for
Farmer's Market Day. The stores had specials that day and also
furnished a free sack lunch for everybody. The lunch was donated by the
businessmen of Flom. The public auction was held on the southeast
corner of town across from the Feed Mill. Anyone could bring articles
to sell-livestock, machinery, household items, furniture and other
assorted items. The free sack lunch was the highlight of the day,
especially for the kids. It was also the day for the first ice cream
cones of the season. Ice cream was considered only a summer treat in
those days. When the first ice packed canvas bags came in the
restaurant, Fred Hanson treated the kids to a free ice cream cone.
Vanilla was the only flavor they had at that time. The village of Flom
is one of the busiest inland towns. A tremendous amount of activity has
taken place here. At one time Flom was referred to as "Little Chicago".
Flom School was organized July 28, 1885. At first it was a one-room
schoolhouse which later was moved uptown and used as a meat market.
The new schoolhouse soon became a two-room school as the enrollment
became too large. At one time there were 76 pupils enrolled. When the
school districts were first organized, the school term consisted of
five months. There were 2 1/2 months in the Spring Term. The subjects
taught were reading, writing, arithmetic, and spelling. Later,
geography, history, grammar, and physiology were added to the
At first the schools were named by a family name as they donated the land on which the school was built.
The earliest records avaiable show that Ole Thorson was clerk and
Andrew Rogen was chairman of the school board in 1914. Mr. Lochrem was
the first teacher.
Other teachers who have taught at the Flom school as far as records
show were the following: Ella Finley, Ida Larson, Lisa Flom, Nora
Qualley, Alice Anderson, Hans Flom, Emma Midthune, Borghild Larson,
Clara Stenseth, Elenora Tomtengen, Olga Flom, Martha Qualley, Hannah
Moe, Agnes Holden, Dr. Meighen, Kaija Carlson, Sarah Downs, Ida Knoff,
Ida Clemenson, Florence Dwyer, Eleanora Erickson, Ingeborg Bottolfson,
Merle Sherman, Mrs. Francis Fossen, Eldora Stende, Mrs. Emil Meyer,
Bernice Dalhaug, Maude Juelson, Alma Dahlen, Marilyn Stende, Emma
Erion, Imogene Buchholz, Winnifred Daniels, Signe Sakrismo, Mrs.
Orville Engebretson, Valborg Holte, Betty Lovejoy and Ramona Kraft.
Later in years it was voted to consolidate with the Twin Valley school.
The Twin Valley school did not have the room at the time to accommodate
all the students. The junior high school students went to Twin Valley,
and the first through sixth graders were transported to Flom. The
exchange of pupils took place by the Wild Rice church.
In 1954 the Flom school was closed. The building was sold to Clinton Rishovd and is now their home.
Some pictures of school students over the years, thanks to Gerald and Donna Lien. "Schoolkids"
February 5, 1885, the Aspelund Lutheran Congregation was organized at
the home of Halvor Aas. Several meetings and much planning preceeded
the organizational meeting. Rev. Hans Johnsen, who was then serving the
Wild Rice Congregation was present to conduct the meeting. The reason
for organizing a new congregation was the distance which many
parishioners had to travel to attend services at Wild Rice. Some lived
8 or 9 miles east and south of Flom. They thought it was too far to
drive to Wild Rice a distance of 15 miles or more with horses,
especially in the winter.
At the time Aspelund was organized, a
gentlemens agreement was made between Aspelund and Wild Rice that the
road one mile north of Flom (now hiway 113) would be the dividing line.
All those who lived north of this line would stay at Wild Rice and
those south of this line would go to Aspelund. This agreement was later
Knut Jacobson offered a one acre tract of land to the
congregation for the site of the church building and cemetery. This
offer was accepted, the location being about twenty-five rods due east
of the southwest corner of Section 34 of Flom Township. On the lot was
a grove of Aspen trees, from which the congregation got its' name;
"Aspe"-meaning popple tree, and "lund"-meaning grove or a beautiful
place. The site was cleared of brush and timber and the first church
was erected. We have no record of the size of the church building but
it was of the opinion of Hans E. Skansgaard that it was about 20x28
feet. The original plans had called for a somewhat larger structure but
financial problems prevailed.
Some of the earlier history mentioned
here is taken from the 65th anniversary history. The original records
of the early congregation unfortunately are not available.
Charter Memebers were as follows: Tobias Tollefson, Gunnar O. Lund,
Knut Jacobson, Andrias Dorseth, Anton Johnson, Knut Brenden, Peder O.
Rue, Lewis Johnson, Ole Melaas, Halvor Aas, Jon Stende, Chrstian
Torgerson, Henry Johnson.
Rev. Hans Johnsen served as pastor until 1892 and Gunnar O. Lund was the congregation's first organist.
1892, Rev. K.K. Bjorgo, who was then the District President, suggested
and recommended that the Aspelund congregation send a letter of call to
Rev. Hans Nodshilder, who was then serving the Lake Park congregation,
to be our pastor. Rev. Nodshilder accepted the call and worked very
energetically and with much enthusiasm. He had preached only a few
sermons when attendance grew so the church was proving too small.
Nodshilder passed away at a Pastoral Conference held at Albert Lea,
Minnesota in the fall of 1894, having served Aspelund Congregation less
than two years. It was not until after his passing that his plans for a
larger church building were disclosed.
Rev. Bothne who was then
serving the Hitterdal congregation was called to serve as interim
pastor until Rev. B.J. Larson of Lake Park accepted the call and became
Aspelund's pastor for almost twenty-five years. He served this
congregation from 1894 until the fall of 1919. In 1897, a special
meeting of the congregation was called and it was decided to build a
new church on a new location. A tract of land was purchased from L.
Sande, located about a half mile south of Flom in Section 33 of Flom
Township. Knut Jacobson and Andrew Dorseth were elected to the building
committee. John Haugen was given the contract to build the church of
the following dimensions: main auditorium 30x40 feet, with addition
entrance 12x12 feet and chancel and sacristy 18x24 feet. Hans
Skansgaard was given the task of blasting all the rock used in the
foundation, as he had some knowledge of explosives. There was no
basement under the church at this time.
The bell for the church was
purchased with ladies aid funds. Extra strong footings were made to
support the bell tower. Special pulleys were made and with the aide of
several men and teams of horses the bell was raised to its' place of
prominence. There is an inscription on the bell that states that it was
given to the church by the ladies aid.
The church was completed
during the summer and the cornerstone ceremony was held November 21,
1897 with Rev. E.J. Ovrie of Pelican Rapids the guest speaker.
According also to the records the church was dedicated on July 6, 1902
with Rev. K.K. Bjorgo giving the dedicatory sermon.
After the church
was finished a group of young people got together and started a choir,
under the direction of Axel Berg, the Parochial School teacher. G.O.
Lund was the organist. The choir was short lived as Mr. Berg soon moved
away. Mr. Lund continued as organist for three more years. Then his
daughter, Nettie, assumed his duties until the family moved to Twin
Valley in 1907. The old organ was very unique in that it had pipes
protruding from the back, to make it resemble a pipe organ. Later, in
memory of Knut Brenden, the congregation was given a new organ. It had
a handle on the side that could be pumped back and forth for power.
Julius Westby had the job of pumping the organ, for as long as the
church owned the organ.
of the townships of Flom, Home Lake, Wild Rice and Fossum, Norman
County Minnesota assembled at the schoolhouse in School District No. 36
of said county, on the 17th day of May, 1886, for the purpose of
organizing a Farmers Insurance Company, to insure against loss and
damage by fire and lightning.
Nils Nilson was chosen Chairman and
G.O. Lund as Secretary. All present were in favor of organizing and to
insure only against loss and damage by fire and lightning. Four men
were appointed to make up Articles of Incorporation and By-laws, namely
John Narum, P.S. Olson, G.O. Lund and Albert Peterson. They met again
two times before they had enough persons for the signing of the
Articles and By-laws. The name chosen for the company was Flom Mutual
Fire Insurance Company with the business office to be located in the
town of Flom. The following men were the original signers:R. Grutle,
Henry Benson, John Homelvig, Nils Nilson, E.L. Tomtengen, O.T. Rogen,
P. Helle , C. Olson, P.O. Valer, N.O. Mithun, Ole Kallerud, M.L. Akre,
Martin Johnson, C.J. Dalhaug, Elling Flom, Erick Hembre, A.B. Peterson,
P.H. Aamoth, K. Jacobson, K.O. Brenden, J.O. Valer, Jens Urdahl, Hans
E. Flom and G.O. Lund.
Names of the first Board of Directors were
Skansgaard was the first mail carrier, as the mail was carried from
Lake Park, Minnesota. It was first distributed from farm homes with the
address being Wild Rice Post Office. Postmasters at these homes were
Ole Roge, N.E. Nelson, John Skofstad and John Nysetvold. About
1892-1894, the address was changed to Flom and the mail was distributed
from the store.
Postmasters who served since then were Peter Kleven,
Henry Vehle, Edwin Gunderson, Hauer, Andrew Rogen in 1900, Thorvald
Thorson, Earnest Narum, H.A. Gravely and Martha Skansgaard (who retired
in 1974).
The post office has moved several times throughout the
years. It was located in Rogen's Store, Narum's Store, Viking Cafe and
the Flom Co-op. If was finally moved to a building by itself, the
vacated bank building. This was destroyed by fire in 1973. A temporary
post office was located in John Haraldson's Insurance Office. When the
mall was completed in October 1973, the post office was moved to its
present location.
For many years Flom had a Star Route from Syre,
which was discontinued in 1973. Some of the drivers were Thorvald
Thorson, Fred Hanson, Benhart Gunderson, Adolph Dorseth, Edwin Stende,
Johnnie Erickson, Alvin Erickson, Andrew Anker and Martin Lunde, who
last served as driver before the Star Route was discontinued.
mail was then brought to Flom via a Star Route truck out of Detroit
Lakes. This was discontinued in March of 1976. Since that time, Ed
Houglum, rural route carrier out of Twin Valley, has been delivering
the mail.
first business firm of Kleven and Vehle, which was also the first store
in Flom, was sold to Gunderson and Hauer, and later to Andrew Rogen in
1900. This was a dry goods, shoe and grocery store. In 1919, Rogen sold
to Dolph and Draeger and moved to Twin Valley where he operated the
Corner Store for many years. This is now the Twin Valley Post Office.
Other proprietors in the store were Gust Laviene, Harold Krause,
Johnson and Gravely, then Art Thorstenson, who operated it for 25 years
before moving to a new home in Detroit Lakes. The store was then closed
Later, Mrs. Bernice Herold of the Twin Valley-Ulen
Telephone Co. purchased the old store building and lot. The store was
taken down, lumber salvaged and taken to a camp for teenage girls and
boys on Oak Island, a mile from the Canadian border, in the
northernmost part of the state. Father Merkens discovered this
abandoned camp which had once been a fishery. Mrs. Herold, Father
Merkens and a student priest organized the teen camp and salvaged the
old fishery building and some contents, together with our old store, to
rebuild the camp for kids.
A saw mill was built by Andrew Rogen and supplied lumber for the community in 1908. Oak logs were brought by the Indians and the squaws brought maple sugar to sell. Furs were often given in trade for logs. The saw mill was later used as a feed mill. It was also owned and used by Olaf Lund as a repair shop for watches, clocks and radios. Olaf had the first radio in the community. The mill was torn down when the Co-op was built.
old hardware store building just west of the new post office was built
in 1903 by two local young men. Albert Kirkeby and John A. Dorseth. An
apartment in the rear of the store housed the families. In 1905, they
dissolved their partnership. Mr. Dorseth continued with the business
until his retirement. He also sold caskets and served the community as
an undertaker for many years. One of the front windows still shows the
sign "undertaker" on it. In the casket department the women also
worked, as in those days the caskets came unlined from the factory. The
padding and lining was done by Mrs. Dorseth and a neighbor lady, Mrs.
Andrew Rogen. When one was needed, these ladies had to get them ready
before they were delivered to the home of the deceased. The family
service was usually held in the house of the deceased. Embalming was
not done in those days, so time was limited. All preparations of the
deceased were made in the home. The flowers were waxed and artificial
wreaths or sprays were used. Very few fresh flowers were ever used.
Often a bouquet or wreath made from a neighbor's garden or house plants
were brought to the home. Some were made from the blossoms of the
Oleander, a common house plant, and also from geraniums. Mr. Dorseth
also furnished black arm bands for the pallbearers, and a black rosette
drape which was hung on the front door of the home. Following the
family service it was removed and brought to the church for the funeral
service. Black rosettes also marked the pews for the mourners and
pallbearers. The altar ring also was draped in black and white. House
plants were also used at church. A neighbor would offer his services by
furnishing a team and wagon in summer or a sleigh in the winter to
bring the casket to the church. A few years later, hearses came into
use, the first ones being drawn by a team, then later came the mobile
John Dorseth operated this store for 50 years. The later
years he had discontinued the undertaking department and had only the
hardware line. He also brought in the Marlin Gas. A pump was installed
near the front of the building and this, along with the hardware, he
continued until his retirement.
He spent his later years at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Andrew (Hilda) Anker, where he passed away at the
age of 90 years. His son Anton continued to live in the store apartment
until two years ago when he bought a trailer house and moved it to the
lot beside the store.
was a two story building on the east side of the street built by
Severin Rishovd in 1913. He was also a car dealer and mechanic.
upstairs was one room and served as a city hall. The "Farmers Club" met
there and also other organizations. They held school programs, basket
socials, dances, shows and silent movies. Mr. Chile from Lake Park,
Minnesota was a photographer and used the room for movies. Other
traveling shows gave their entertainment here.
William Ostenvik
organized a band of local young men and practiced there. They sometimes
gave concerts in the street to entertain the people. Downstairs, there
was the repair shop for cars, motorcycles and bicycles. Mr. Rishovd was
the first mechanic. After him there were Alfred Skansgaard, George Ash
of Ulen, Minnesota, Albert Thorson, Olaf Lund, Albert Nerdahl and Bill
In 1935, Melvin Johnson purchased the business and building
and was a mechanic from 1935 until his retirement in 1974. Mr. Johnson
installed a Standard Oil Gas pump and sold gasoline. At the time of his
retirement, he sold the business to Douglas Klemetson and Roger
Kurpius. The building at present is empty.
A livery barn was built by Andrew Rogen on the lot just south of the Hartz Store. Olai Dyrdahl was the stablemaster for many years. Soon cars came into use and the livery horses and barn ceased to be of use. A few years later, Bert Albertson bought the barn and moved it to his farm. He remodeled it and it is still in use today as a dairy barn.
Hartz grocery store and meat locker plant is the only store left in
Flom today. It is owned and operated by Boyd and Dorothy Johnson and
Don and Kay Johnson.
The store was built in 1914 by Nels Narum of
Waubun, Minnesota. Nels, together with his two sons, Ned and Ernest,
operated the store which was then known as Flom Mercantile for several
years. Ernest continued with the grocery and dry goods line. He
answered the call of World War I, entered the service on October 14,
1919, and got out on December 14, 1919. He came back to Flom and
continued to manage the Mercantile store. New lines of merchandise were
added such as the Gamble line and the Farmers Union Gas and Oil. A pump
was installed near the front of the store for gas. At that time, gas
cost $1.00 for 5 gallons. In 1936, he added a meat locker and
processing plant.
Narum sold the store to A.E. Hanson of Twin Valley
and Mr. John Nelson became the manager for a time. Narum again became
owner and operator of the store until he sold to H.B. Olson of Fosston.
Ernest went into business in Gary, Minnesota and moved there with his
family. Other owners were Sylve Stende and the Johnson's. At one time a
small apartment was added on the south of this store. It was these
rooms that the Johnson's so generously offered for a cafe following the
fire in 1973. When the mall was finished the cafe was moved over there.
The employees at the store today are Dorothy Johnson, Don Johnson, Kay
Johnson and Jeanne Boreen.
the inspiration of Andrew Rogen, Fred Hanson, a restaurant operator in
Twin Valley, Minnesota, came to Flom. He established a restaurant
business in the building south of Rogen's store. Mr. Hanson also hauled
the mail on the Flom Star Route. Years later, he built an addition on
the west side of his cafe for a pool room and recreation. He continued
here 'til his death in 1928. It then operated for a short time under an
estate and was then sold to Oscar and Alvina Morck, who had the
business until his death in 1959.
The Morck's were in this business
for 30 years and before their marriage in 1922, Oscar had worked for
Mr. Hanson. Now it was closed for a time and then the business was sold
to Wendy Roering of Waubun, Minnesota who remodeled the interior and
operated under the business name of Long Branch. In 1962, he sold the
business to Henry Dorseth. Henry operated the business for eight years.
He passed away in 1970. The business was sold to Vernon and LaVonne
Dorseth, who operated the Long Branch Bar until 1973, when it was
destroyed by fire.
In 1917, Ole Winger set up a repair shop for shoes, harnesses, machine belts and canvasses. The small building located just north of John Haraldson's insurance office was not only Ole's shop, but also his home for himself and his gaunt wolfhound Rex. Ole also liked to hunt. It was fun to peek in the door at Ole on our way home from school. There he sat, pounding nails, with Rex at his feet. Sometimes Rex would be curled up by the old wood stove. Some years later Ole retired from shoe repairing and moved to North Dakota. The shop was moved to Syre, Minnesota where it is the office for the Fertilizer plant.
photo studio was in operation and owned by John S. Christensen. He used
the north rooms of his dwelling, which was owned by his parents, Anna
and Jens Christensen, who farmed for many years in the Flom vicinity
before retiring and moving to town.
John also worked as a painter
and decorator for many years in the Flom community and also in Ulen and
Twin Valley, Minnesota. After his death, Viola Dorseth became the owner
and in 1965 it was sold to Nels Jacobson. In 1976, Harold Askegaard
purchased the house.
Olaf Grefsrud and Knutson purchased the old one-room school in town located just north of Johnson's Store. They made it first into a meat market and later built an addition on the north for a cafe with living quarters upstairs. It was now much larger and was both a cafe and meat market. After operating for some years, the business was sold to Selmer Urdahl and Dell Erickson. Later, Thorvald Thorson operated the cafe for some time. The meat market department was discontinued. Other operators of the cafe were Alfred Rue, later Henry Haraldson and John Skansgaard. Then, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jacobson purchased the business with a beer parlor and cafe. The Jacobsons operated the cafe here for many years and later sold to Dell Klansruder. They were the last operators of the cafe. Donald and Boyd Johnson bought the building and at present are having it torn down.
first barber in Flom was Rudolph Rasmussen, who opened a shop in the
vacated rooms over Rogen's Store. He barbered here for many years.
Weum then became the barber in the same apartment. Later, Mr. Weum
moved his business to the small store building he bought and remodeled
for a shop and residence. After a few years, he moved his family to a
home in the eastern part of town. This house is now occupied by Bill
and Nulda Ommodt.
Mr. Weum continued in the barber trade and also
sold men's clothing as a side line. He did this until they moved.
Helmer Larson was now the barber in Flom and then Frank Winters of Park
Rapids, Minnesota and still later Henry Eidimo became barber. For some
years, Flom was without a barber.
When the new mall was completed
following the fire of 1973, a place was provided for a barber shop and
a beauty salon. Max Voss of Waubun, Minnesota comes one day a week on
Mondays and is our present barber.
in the 1920's, Eric O. Hagen, father of Carl Hagen and Mrs. O.M.
Westlin, set up his little shoe shop in a corner of Dorseth's store.
Here he repaired shoes for a few years.
Later in 1932, Lewis Ask of
Fargo used the same part of the store for shoe repair and also binder
canvasses, belts and harnesses. He had a room at the Edgar Skansgaard
farm out of town. From here he walked to work, sometimes getting a ride
with cream haulers. In 1940, Ames Christensen of Staples, Minnesota had
the shoe shop in the store for a year. Since the closing of the shop
there has been no cobbler in Flom.
Dr. Horn and Dr. Burrel of Ulen came to Flom one or two days a week throughout the summer months. They had their office in the room above the garage and later in the Viking Cafe as that building was vacant for awhile. Dr. Burrel joined the Army Dental Service and Dr. Horn continued to come to Flom for a season. It cost 25� to 50� to have a tooth extracted at that time. they used a folding portable dental chair.
Flom 4-H Club was organized in the Woodland Nook school in 1928. Thelma
Torkelson was the teacher there and she helped organize the club. She
and Carl Sandal were the first leaders. Other active adult leaders were
Mrs. Nora Flaten, Roy Bergeson, B.J. Bergeson, Orville Engebretson and
Kenneth Brogren.
The club had a 4-H band with William Ostenvik as
instructor. This band won honors at the county fair and also went to
the state fair where they won a high place with a trumpet cornet duet,
"Moonlight and Roses", by Evelyn Ostenvik and Paul Engebretson.
4-H met in homes, toured farms, and was in general very active in
showing at the county fair, state fair and also at the Crookston Farm
Crop shows with livestock, home economics, music and talent plays. The
club used much of their money in the community by buying large stage
curtains and also chairs for the Community Hall. The cost of the
curtains was $100 and the chairs $50. It was at a 4-H meeting the
discussion to build a community hall came about.
County agent
Landsverk was very active in getting people interested in this project.
Mr. Landsverk also organized the Flom Homemaker's Club. Nora Flaten
served the club for 35 years. Much credit and thanks are due Nora for
her years of work, time and patience with the children.
The Flom 4-H Club continued for a few years after Mrs. Flaten retired, but dissolved due to lack of interest.
and Lowell Cary operated the livestock shipping business for several
years known as the Cary Brothers Shipping Association.They hauled with
two trucks from farms around the area to Fargo and once in awhile to
the Cities. They operated the business for 39 years, then sold to Ervin
Smith of Ulen, who continues to haul the livestock for this area.
this, the cattle were shipped from Syre or Waubun. Knute Thompson was a
buyer and later Peter Sakrismo bought and shipped cattle. At that time,
cattle were driven to the point of shipping. Calves, hogs and other
small livestock were hauled by a team and wagon.
the Old Red Mill in the south part of town was torn down, an oil and
gas station was built by Johnson and Gravley known as the "Big 5". A
few years later, it was changed to Flom Co-op Oil and in 1975 to Cenex
Oil Co.
Lyle Klemetson, who was employed here by Johnson and
Gravley, took the job in 1942 as an employee. At the time, the US Navy
and WW II were foremost in his mind, but Hilbert Gravley had other
plans since capable help was scarce. Through the draft board
authorities, it was arranged for a one-year deferment for Lyle. Lyle
stayed on for one year and then he went into the service. When two
years in the service were up, Lyle came back to Flom. At that time he
was interested in farming. The job offered him by Gravley was tempting.
twenty-eight years later, Lyle was still the manager, a position he had
held since 1948 with 33 years of service. In 1956, Flom Co-op Oil
Association was incorporated and became affilated with the Central
Exchange. Sales in 1955 totaled $89,980. Each year since then, with the
exception of one, has seen a growth in sales. In the 22 years since
Lyle was manager, more that $344,000.00 have been returned to the
patrons. The Co-op has the largest work force in Flom, including Lyle,
his wife Norma, bookkeeper, Duane Johnson, manager at this time, Jerome
Thompson, tire man, Charles Henderson, station attendant, J.H.
Hellicksen, part-time employee and Norma Lunde, assistant bookkeeper.
later years, the custom application of fertilizer and sprays have also
been important areas of growth for the Flom Co-op Oil. People in the
area appreciate the Co-op as it has always tried to move ahead and has
been essential in keeping Flom on the map.
In 1974, Cenex remodeled
the interior of the station. As of March 31, 1977, Lyle Klemetson
retired after serving as manager for 28 years, due to ill health. Duane
Johnson, an employee for the past 12 years, has replaced him as manager.
Community Club, with a membership of 200 local citizens was organized
in 1935 to promote interest for the welfare and progress of the town.
The Flom "Community Hall" was the first of their works. Officers were
A.H. Thorstenson, Lewis Kirkeby, John Haraldson, Martin Flaten,
Laurence Aasgaard and Emil Meyer.
1967, the Flom Township board approved the redecorating of the interior
of the hall. Paneling was put up, the ceiling was lowered and two new
furnaces were installed.
After many years of inactivity, the club
re-organized in 1969. Shortly after, they decided to build on bathrooms
and water was dug in. The cloak rooms have been paneled, the kitchen
remodeled, much painting has been done, and new linoleum and carpet
laid. Grand opening night was set for April 11, 1970.
There also
has to be a means of raising funds to defray the expenses of the
remodeling. Once again talent shows and dances helped, along with
bingo, food sales and pancake suppers.
In 1972, a group of men made
forms and mixed cement to make a new sidewalk in front of the hall up
to the old hardware store. Then, in 1974, when sidewalk was laid in
front of the new mall, they joined the two segments together and we now
have a complete walk-way from uptown to the hall.
Starting in 1971,
the club has been having an old fashioned 4th of July. This includes a
pot luck dinner at noon, games for the youngsters, horseshoe and
dunking tank. In the afternoon, a refreshment stand is open for pop,
candy and ice cream and a dance in the evening closes the day.
electric was in the air on August 15, 1939�a busy season for the
rural people. Peter Ingebretson of the Flom community arranged a
meeting for the 15th in the Flom Hall for the purpose of discussing
Rural Electrification for this area. Despite the busy season, the
people came. They drove from farms at Detroit Lakes, Lake Park, Hawley,
Ulen, Mahnomen, and Twin Valley. By the summer of 1939, or we might
start back when President Roosevelt signed executive order #7037 on May
11, 193S, establishing the Rural Electrification Administration, all
farm places could now have electric power and lights. It also included
a part of our town. which has electric power from R.E.A.
September 19, 1935, Peter Ingebretson was asked by his fellow board
members to assume the part of project superintendent. Mr. Ingebretson
accepted the responsibility. Nine incorporator directors were elected
to the board.
Men from the Flom vicinity who were elected were Peter Ingebretson,
Lewis Kirkeby, and Hugo Bromander. We of the Flom vicinity and town owe
much to Mr. Ingebretson, who was willing to take on the responsibility
of project superintendent to get us included in this.
visions are to come to reality. work must bc done. Someone was needed
to spend time and energy among prospective members, securing permission
to run the lines across their property, and no pay could be made for
it. Many were skeptic of the idea and reluctant to invest a S5 bill in
an anticipation for membership. It was necessary that enough consumers
indicate by application that they would use enough cnergy to repay the
loan with interest if a line was built uhich will energize somc of thc
business places in thc east part of town and also include a large
percentage of the rural area.
By the summer of 1939. people all
over the United States were excited by the possibility of the Rural
Electrification Administration after the creation of the agency.
The John Brenden building is one of the older buildings in Flom and it
is thought to have been built about the year 1900. Mr. Brenden operated
it as a store or confectionery.
In 1908, Mr. Brenden sold the store
to the Gunderson brothers, Edwin and Burton. They also operated it as a
store until 1911 when they sold out to Thorvald Thorson. Mr. Thorson
owned the store until 1915, when he sold it to Nels Narum and sons of
Waubun. Narums used the building as a warehouse after they built the
Narum Store. In 1920, Narum sold the building to Theodore Weum and Mr.
Weum moved the building to its present site. This was to the north of
the Viking Meat Market and Cafe.
Mr. Weum opened a barber shop and
added on to the building and installed pool tables. He discontinued the
pool business and built an addition on the north side. He also
remodeled to provide two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and utility
room. Mr. and Mrs. Weum resided there until 1941. when they moved to
International Falls.
He sold the building to John Haraldson in 1946.
He again remodeled in 1949 and made it into a pool hall and
confectionery. In 1959 he quit the pool business and used the building
for the office of Flom Mutual Fire Insurance. He was the secretary at
that time and continued to have the office until 1969 when he retired.
He is still living in the same building.
When Pastor A.H. Amundson served the Flom parish, he organized a Boy Scout Club. Pastor Amundson served as the leader for the club and also drahed fathers to help with some of the activities such as camping, recreation, and some manual training.
Twin Valley Post 3818 will long remember the day of installation of
their Post in the Veterans of Foreign Wars. During the ceremonies on
December 7, 1941, the sad news was announced that Pearl Harbor had been
bombed by Japan. After a few moments of silence, the Post continued
their election of officers. Roy Mickelson was elected the first
commander, Edward Stien was elected adjutant and Carl Evenson was
elected quartermaster.
The Post meets the first Thursday of each
month and for a number of years had their meetings in Twin Valley. With
most of the Post's membership in the Flom community, a building was
acquired in 1955, where the Post then met. This building was destroyed
by fire in 1973. The Post then decided to build a mall, which holds
five business places under one roof. The Post has the Flom Cafe and the
Bar under its control. There is also a Post Office. Barber Shop and
Beauty Shop in the mall.
Present commander is Jerome Thompson and quartermaster is Charles Spielman.
For some time Flom had no cafe. Since the Allis Chalmers business was
discontinued the implement building was vacated and then sold to the
V.F.W. Club. Someone made a suggestion that this could be a cafe. So
why not?
Marvin and Marylin Thompson rented the building and soon we
had a cafe going, known as the M & M Cafe. Now there was a place to
have a cup of coffee again. What a relief to all the Scandinavians in
Flom! At one time there were two cafes in Flom.
After operating the
cafe for a few years, the Thompsons sold the business to Dotis
Jacobson, who operated the cafe for six years. Then it was sold to
Sanford and Donna Albertson. Donna operated the cafe and Sanford
continued with the D.H.I.A. testing. Six years later, they sold the
business to LaDonna and Jerome Thompson, who still opetated the
business in 1973 when the cafe burned.
A temporary cafe was set up
in the apartment in Johnson's Store. Here the business continued
through the summer. On the first of October, 1973, the mall was
finished and the cafe moved to its new and present location. It was now
under new management�Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larson. They operated the
cafe for three years, then sold the business to the V.F.W. The club
continues to operate the Cafe and Bar. The present employees are Jennie
Johnson, Viola Dorseth, Minnie Thompson, Lillian Seykora, Jean West and
part-time employees Myrna and Darlene Boreen.
adult center was organized in March of 1972 at the Flom Hall. It was
decided at that time to meet once a month except in the winter months
and to name it adult center.
They are a very active group and spend
their time at quilting, crocheting, macrame, knitting, and also making
lovely decorations and useful items for their fall bazaar.
At their
bazaar they serve coffee and cookies and bars. At their annual meeting
they dispense some of their money to worthy causes.
The center has
bought the flag for the Hall, given to the Fergus Falls youth center,
the Community Club, and to the Santa Claus Day in Flom.
In 1974,
they visited the Lake Park Nursing Home, bringing lunch and favors to
all. Every year, they have the privilege of using the Tri-Valley Bus
and going on sight-seeing trips to Winnipeg, Canada; South Dakota;
Itasca Park; and Bemidji. They also have regular trips to Detroit Lakes
and Fargo, and attend many hobby shows.
At their first meeting in
1977, they made plans to have a float in the Centennial parade and also
a booth where they can sell souvenirs and their own crafts. There is a
membership of 13 women and they welcome anyone to join. Mrs. Ernest
Larson, Mrs. Harold Skansgaard, Mrs. Lillian Seykora and Mrs. Oliver
Gunderson have served as officers.
3818 was organized in 1974 at a meeting in the Flom Cafe. They meet
once a month for a regular business meeting to discuss and plan
projects for the year.
Easter baskets have been packed with goodies
for wives or mothers or Foreign War Soldiers. They sell poppies for
Memorial Day. They also make lap robes, scuffs, tote bags, and bibs for
Veteran Hospitals. There is a birthday bank brought to each meeting to
collect pennies from those who have their birthday at that time.
the April meeting of 1976 it was decided the Flom unit of the auxiliary
take over the major duties and business that the Twin Valley post had
been doing in the past. Our unit is still new, and we are
inexperienced, but the Twin Valley ladies have been very helpful
getting us started on the right track. We are glad to have them attend
the meetings with us. We now have a membership of 68 ladies.
For the past two years, during May and June, the front of the old Dorseth store blooms bright with fresh flowers and plants for gardens, yards, and cemeteries from the Francis Greenhouse. This is the last business to operate in the old store.
Palm Sunday, April 17, 1973, a fire of undetermined origin destroyed
three major business places. The M & M Cafe, where the fire began,
spread to two adjoining places� the Post Office and the Long Branch.
They were all entirely destroyed, together with much of their contents.
departments responded to our call quickly and efficiently, but with a
shortage of water the fire was uncontrollable. Fire departments from
Twin Valley, Mahnomen, Ulen, Gary, and Waubun answered our call, and to
these we owe much gratitude and thanks. Water was hauled from a lake
south of town to help fight the fire. Temporary pipes that were laid
from the creamery to the fire helped some, but were too late to save
the buildings.
Now half the business district was destroyed. This
could have easily been the end of Flom. Instead a town meeting was
called by the community club and about 100 people attended. Many of
these were from farms of a 10-15 mile radius from town. They decided to
build again.
A mall seemed the best possible source. This would
provide space for five businesses in place of separate buildings, which
would have been a greater expense.
People donated money and labor to
put this building together. The V.F.W. Post took the responsibility of
getting a fund drive going. Within three weeks, $7,543.43 had been
collected in 113 separate contributions. Quartermaster Charles Spielman
of the V.F.W. Club serves as the landlord of the building.
routine fund raising projects were also used, including a white
elephant sale, raffle, and dances. Donations were still trickling in.
The donations covered most of the expense because virtually everyone in
the area�women and men�helped to paint, varnish, and clean. The
V.F.W. also took out a small loan for equipment and fixtures.
being a landmark of togetherness, the new V. F. W. building has another
milestone that represents a flush of pride for townspeople. It was the
first to be hooked up to a brand new city water system. Land was
donated by Harold Skansgaard. so with part of the Hanson estate. there
was enough land provided for the mall. With the help of the main
contractors of this area, mainly Aaron and Arvid Swenson, Ole Lunde,
Leonard Bakke, Johnnie Sakrismo, we got our building going.
always had plenty of volunteer help. Jerome Thompson and Clarence
Seykora were elected to get pledges for the project started. People
believe that had there been more water at the time of the fire,
buildings could have been saved. After the fire, Flom Township put in
water lines, using the well from the creamery. Fire hydrants were
installed on the main corners in town.
More Information About
Flom and Surrounding Area