The Wiseman Family and Allied Lines
Thomas Jefferson Barnes Papers
TSLA Mf #654, Reel #1 - England
James R. Blanks
Burial: Vernon, TX
Census: 1896, Moved to Texas
1850 Census
1850 Census - Warren County, TN
|h# |f# |name |age |s|occu |re |bi|sch|rd |d|pg |Date
|424|424|Martin Earls |48 |m|Farmer|300|SC| | |4|32b|September 25, 1850
| | |Nancy Earls |44 |f| | |NC| | | | |
| | |Alexander Earls|24 |m|Farmer| |TN| | | | |
| | |Mary Earls |22 |f| | |TN| |1/1| | |
| | |Richmond Earls |16 |m|Farmer| |TN|1/1| | | |
| | |William Earls |4 |m| | |TN| | | | |
| | |Catherine Earls|2 |f| | |TN| | | | |
| | |Martha J. Earls|11/12|f| | |TN| | | | |
1860 Census
1860 Census - Warren County, TN
|h# |f# |name |age |s|occu |re |pe |bi|m|s|PO |page|date
|994|994|Lucy Forrest|77 |f|HK |1000|6000|VA| | |McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
| | |Nancy Earls |53 |f|HK | | |NC| | | | |
| | |Starky |3 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
|995|995|Alex Earls |36 |m|Far |2000|200 |TN| |4|McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
| | |Mary |32 |f|HK | | |TN| | | | |
| | |William |13 |m| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Catherine |11 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Martha |10 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Saml |8 |m| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Francis |5 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Tellitha |3 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Charles |4/12|m| | | |TN| | | | |
|996|996|Robt Argo |27 |m|L | |50 |TN| |1|McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
| | |Mary |24 |f|HK | | |TN| | | | |
| | |William |6 |m| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Taylor |5 |m| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Martha |1 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
|997|997|James McGee |21 |m|L | |150 |TN| | |McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
| | |Ann |18 |f|HK | | |TN| | | | |
|998|998|Reuben Drake|38 |m|Far |4000|2500|TN|1|3|McMinnville|474a|August 13, 1860
| | |Martha |49 |f|HK | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Archibald |18 |m|L | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Wm |17 |m|Student| | |TN| | | | |
| | |Martha |14 |f|Student| | |TN| | | | |
| | |Elijah |13 |m| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Sarah |11 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |Phebe |8 |f| | | |TN| | | | |
| | |James |6 |m| | | |TN| | | | |
1830 Census
1830 Census - Warren Co., TN
|name |m0-4|m5-9|m10-14|m15-19|m20-29|m40-49|f0-4|f5-9|f10-14|f20-29|f30-39
|Clendenon McGee| |1 | | |1 | |1 | | |1 |
|Martin Erls |2 |1 | | |1 | |1 | | |1 |
|Saml McGee |1 | |1 | |4 | | | | |1 |
|Wm McGee | | |1 |1 | |1 | |2 |2 | |1
1840 Census
1840 Census - County, State - Date
|name |m0-4|m5-9|m10-14|m15-19|m20-29|m30-39|f0-4|f5-9|f10-14|f15-19|f20-29|f30-39|f50-59|sm0-9|sm10-23|sm36-54|sf0-9|sf10-23|sf36-54|sf55-99|Total
|Martin Earls | | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | | 1 | | 2| 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 12
|Richard England | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 1 | 1 | | | || | | | | | 7
|Alexander England| | | | | 1 | | | | | | 1 | | 1 | 5 |2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 18
|John England | | | 2 | | | 1 | | 3 | | | | 1 | || | | | | | | 7