Obituary: Heming Rites on Saturday
Funeral services for Chester Barnum (Dad) Heming, 84, of 934 AveuneB., Traverse City will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Asbury MethodistChurch under auspices of Traverse City Commandery 41, Knights Templar.
Rev. Dale Crawford will officiate with burial in Grand TraverseMemorial Gardens.
Mr. Heming died Wednesday night at hs home after a brief illness.
He was Born July 4, 1883 at Grand Rapids, lived in Detroit manyyears and later at Port Huron, and became a resident of Traverse City in1957. He retired from Chrysler Corp[., in 1952 as a departmentsupervisor and in Traverse City was associate manager of Parkway MobilService in the period 1957-65 and an associate of McGee & AssociatesInsurance Agency until his death.
Known to friends and associates as "Dad." Mr. Heming was a Masonfor 59 years, being "raised" in 1908 in Flint Lodge 23 F&AM. He alsowas active in other Flint and Port Huron Masonic lodges and transferredmembership to Traverse City Lodge 222, F&FM on May 25, 1959.
He was a line officer of Lodge 222 in 1964 and aslo had been voted alife member of the lodge. He was high priest of King Cyrus chapter in1925, the year the new Masonic Temple in Detroit was dedicated.
Mr Heming was an active member of the Order of Eastern Star andWhite Shrine of Jerusalem in Port Huron, transferring membership to QueenCity Shrine of Traverse City in 1958, and was an active "charter lifemember" of Cherryland High Twelve Club of Traverse City. He was a memberof Asbury Methodist Church.
Surviving are: the widow, Eva; four sons, Harvey of Cleveland,Ohio., Wilfred of Birmingham, Wallace of Port Huron, and Donald ofTraverse City; a daughter Ilene Muma of Miami Beach, Fla.' 14gandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
The body will repose at Reynolds funeral home in Traverse City untilbeing taken to Asbury Methodist Church at 3 p.m. Saturday to lie in stateuntil time of funeral services.