Cambridge, Nebraska | November 20, 1941 |
Alleged slayer caught in
Minnesota; made confession
To officers
The dead body of Robert House, 21, son of Jim House of Cambridge, was found in a ravine near Crawford, NE, on October 16th only partly clad. Since then officials have attempted to find some trace of the slayer, and traced a young man known to have been with House about that time, through a letter written while he, Alvin DeWolf 20, was at a Wyoming ranch, where he and House had formerly worked.
When arrested he and DeWolf acknowledged the killing of his partner, telling the story coolly, at the same time rolling a cigarette. Arrested on advices from Chad-ron, the Minneapolis police state DeWolf told this story. That he and House had a quarrel when the latter changed his mind about going to Minneapolis to set up fur trapping operations. During the quarrel, DeWolf stated, House attempted to draw a gun from be-neath his pillow, whereupon he struck him with an automobile crank, continuing until House stopped groaning. DeWolf then took his victim�s money and a part of his clothes, wrapped the body in bedding, concealed it in weeds, then took House�s car and lit out.
DeWolf is to be brought back to Dawes County where the crime occurred and first degree murder charges filed against him.
Jim House did not know where his son was, having lost track of him some time ago, but recog-nized the name and age of the boy when notice of the crime appeared in the daily press. He says there can hardly be a doubt but that the victim was his son.
Later reports, according to press dispatches, show House had been shot, and some doubt arises to DeWolf�s statements.
Take from Cambridge Clarion, Thurs-day, November 20, 1941, by Kathy J. Trosper on July 18, 1992.