Eunice McVey

Eunice McVey

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Photo Archive

Debbie  McGee
J. C. McGee
Eunice  McVey
Arless  Rigsby
Edna Louise McGee
Mary Eula Eula Haley
Etta  McGregor
Nora  McGregor
Clarence  Church
Donna  Pendegraph
Alma  McGee
Fern  Crain
Thomas Howard Howard McGee Sr.
Charles Forrest Forrest Grove Jr.
Tom  Kell
Shirley Eulene McGee
Angela Eulene Douglass
Don  Yancy Sr.
Billy  Yancy
Charles  Yancy
Clata Ray Grove
Harry  Jones
Michele  Rigsby
Melissa  Rigsby
Anna Belle Grove
Debbie McGee Luncheon
James Andrew Allison
Jane  McGee
Edwin Eugene Allison
Billy  Bottoms
Clarence  Anderson
Lota  Bost
Johnny  Anderson
Donna  Pendegraph
Ada Mae Betchel
Clarence  Church
Tom  McCollouch
Raymond  Basham
Mickey  Basham
J. C. McGee
Eunice  McVey
Clayta June Taylor
Davy  Pendegraph
Gweneth Kay Kay Rogers
Fern  Crain
Angela Eulene Douglass
Tyson Lynn Brock
Shirley Eulene McGee
John  Douglass
Thomas Howard Howard McGee Sr.
Lucille Lucy Mitchell
Pam  Basham
Harry  Jones
Joann  Nelson
Michele  Rigsby
Larry  Rigsby
Tracy  McGee
Jessie Floyd McGee
Clata Ray Grove
Tom  Kell
Anna Belle Grove
Dana  Pendegraph
Dianne  unknown
Evelyn  Nelson
Lee Ann McGee
Daniel  Pendegraph
Jessica  McGee
Norman Thomas McGee
Calhoun  Collier
Bernice  unknown
Mary Eula Eula Haley
William Everett Everett Bottoms
Elizabeth  unknown
Etta  McGregor
Ella Mai McGee
Clarence Allen Allen McGee
Edna Louise McGee
Alma  McGee
Marie M. McGee
David  Pendegraph
Mathew Strickland Dock McGee
Arless  Rigsby
McGee Reunion - 1988
Clata Ray Grove
Eunice  McVey
James C. McGee
McGee Reunion

General Sources

  1. Shirley Douglass
    Personal interview on August 27, 2001 in McMinnville, TN.
  2. McGee Reunion Notebook
    Newspaper clipping: Miss Debbie McGee Honored at Luncheon, uknown date, probably from Southern Standard newspaper.

    Of Colton, SD

    of Colton, SD.


Generated on: 1/22/2006 11:17:41 AM