Tennessee Land Grant #11193

Tennessee Land Grant #11193

John Alexander McGee
White County, Tennessee
February 1, 1854



	The State of Tennessee No 11193

To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting:
Know Ye, that by virtue of Entry No 3763 made 
in the office of the Entry Taker of White County 
& Entered on the 29th day of September 1853 pursuant 
to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly 
by said State passed on the 9th day of January 1830 -

There is Granted by the State of Tennessee 
unto John A. McGee a certain tract or parcel 
of Land containing thirty nine acres by survey 
bearing date the First day of December 1853 
lying in Said County of White (It being all 
that could be gotten in said Entry) On the 
waters of Taylors Creek, Beginning at 
a Small post oak and dogwood on the 
East boundary of a One thousand acre sur-
vey in the name of Isaac Taylor and the 
north west corner of said McGee's. Running 
thence north on Taylors line fifty five 
poles to a black oak and post oak his 
North East Corner. East on William Irwins 
line of his one hundred and fifty acre 
survey. One hundred and fourteen poles 
to a post oak Westley Certains Corner 
South on his line fifty five poles to a hickory 
and dogwood on said McGee's north boundary 
line. West on said line one hundred and 
fourteen poles to the Beginning
	With the hereditaments and appurtenances 
to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of 
land with its appurtenances to the said John 
A McGee and his heirs forever.
	In witness whereof Andrew Johnson Governor 
of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set 
his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State 
to be affixed at Nashville on the First day 
of February in the Year of our Lord 1854 and 
of the Independence of the United States the 
77th Year

		By the Governor	



Collection: Land Records - Tennessee Mountain District, Book X, Page 242


Created: 7/22/00 4:42:18 PM