John E. McGee Obituary

John E. McGee Obituary

Eden, Jerome Co., Idaho
September 9, 2003


Pioneer Farmer Laid to Rest

John E. McGee, 61, passed away in his sleep Thursday night, and was discovered by his wife, Mrs. Mae McGee when she arose Friday morning.

The deceased was pioneer farmer of Jerome and Gooding counties until he moved to Jerome last November and took over the operation of a combined service station and store on West Main street.

The deceased was born at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1881 and has been a resident of Idaho for approximately 29 years.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Wiley FUneral Home with Rev. Earl J. Kaurin of the Baptist church officiating.

A male quartet composed of Ralph Hafer, C. O. Minor, Urban and Harvey Fort sang, "We're Going Down the Valley Where We Never Grow Old," and "We Shall Meet Some Day." Mrs. Urban Fort accompanied at the piano.

Mrs. C.O. Minor and Mrs. Ralph Hafer were in charge of the floral offerings and the casket bearers were Vernon Lance, C. P. Smith, W. B. Summers, Darrell Rigney, Carl McClean and Burton Newbry.

Interment was in the Jerome cemetery.

Besides his widow, he is survived by: five sons, Eulice, with the U. S. Army in the Panama canal zone; Ellis with the U. S. Navy in Iceland; Harry, California, John McGee, Oregon and Cecil, Hill City, Utah; and four daughters, Miss May McGee and Mrs. Ora Blackstone, Oregon; Mrs. Ruly Jones, Twin Falls, and Mrs. Edna Chandler, California

North Side News, Thursday, March 19, 1942, Front page article.


Collection: Idaho Trip - Jerome County Historical Society Archive


Created: 11/28/2003 2:32:28 PM