Winnie McGee Bible - Births (2 of 2)

Winnie McGee Bible - Births (2 of 2)

John William McGee Ralph Cecil McGee Ellis Eddington McGee Elmer Archie McGee Harry Clarence McGee Frances Mae McGee


John William McGee was born November 2, 1912
Ralph Cecil McGee was born August 16, 1914
Ellis Eddington McGe was born June 12, 1916
Elmer Archie McGee was born May 6, 1918
Harry Clarence McGee was born May 8, 1920 (Birth Certificate says May 8)
Francis Mae McGee was born November 17, 1922

Note: Harry always celebrated his birthday as May 7 (this is the date Winnie originally put in the Bible), but after he met Audra it was discovered that the birth certificate said May 8. Harry changed the date from 7 to 8 and wrote a note in the margin during a visit to Caldwell in March, 1976.


Collection: David McGee's Collection - Winnie McGee Bible


Created: 2/18/01 4:39:26 PM