Joseph Stover

Joseph Stover

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Born: 1789
Luray, Page Co., Virginia

Died: 23 Jul 1874
daughter Sarah Ann Stover Groves' home, Fountain G
Buried: 1874
Handcock Co., IL



Daniel Stover
  +Elizabeth Stickley
        Samuel Stover
        Abraham Stover
        Jacob Stover
        Daniel Stover
        Rebecca Stover
        Elizabeth Stover
        Isaac Stover
Mary Stover
  +Abraham Brubaker
        John Brubaker
        Samuel Brubaker
        Abraham Brubaker
        Daniel Brubaker
        David Brubaker
        Catherine Brubaker
        Jacob Brubaker
        Rebecca Brubaker
Samuel Stover, Jr
  +Susannah Bromback
        Nancy Stover
        Catharine Stover
        Mary Stover
        John Stover
        Isaac Stover
        Joseph Stover
        Rebecca Stover
        Barbara Stover
        Samuel Stover III
John Stover
  +Elizabeth Strickler
        Mary Stover
        Rebecca Stover
        Harriet Stover
        Barbara Stover
        Susan Stover
        John Stover, Jr.
        Joel Stover
        Samuel Stover
        Elizabeth Stover
        Lucy Ann Ball
        Henry Ball
David Stover
  +Reginia Stickley
        Ann Stover
        Elizabeth Stover
        Catharine Stover
        Mary Stover
        Frances Stover
        Barbara Stover
Barbara Stover
  +Jacob Huddle



Nancy Ann Strickler
f: Daniel Strickler
   gf: Jacob Strickler
   gm: Magdalene Moomaw
m: Barbara Buswell
   gf: Jonathan Buswell
   gm: Anna Whaley

Married: 7 Dec 1813
Shenandoah Co., VA


William Stover
  +Cassia A. unknown
        Allen C. Stover
        Thomas Stover
        Joseph Stover
        W. H. Stover
Julia Ann Stover
  +Norman M. Drake
        William A. Drake
        Francis Drake
        Daniel Drake
        John C. Drake
        Robert S. Drake
        Benjamin Drake
        Lewis Drake
        George Drake
Sarah Ann Stover
  +Daniel Grove
        George Grove
        May J. Grove
        Francis Marion Grove
Benjamin Franklin Stover
  +Margaret A. Baker
        Elmus Stover
        Ida May Stover
lydia ann stover
Lydia Ann Stover
  +Eli Runkle
        Sarah Amanda Runkle
        Minerva Ann Runkle
        David Lewis Runkle
        John Joseph Runkle
        Baby girl Runkle
        James Monroe Runkle
        Elmus Elmer Runkle
        Mary Idella Runkle
        Albert Perry Runkle
        Dicie Jane Runkle
        Dora Bell Runkle

General Sources

  1. Petition of Sarah Ann Grove in the matter of the Estate of JosephStover deceased, for Letters of Administration. To the Hon. John B.Risse, Judge of the County Court of Hancock County.
         The petition of the undersigned Sarah A. Grove respectfullyrepresents that Joseph Stover late of Fountain Green deceased, died athis home in said township in Hancock County on or about the 23rd day ofJuly A.D. 1874 having property and effects in this county ... leaving nolast Will and Testament ... as far as known to and believed by thisPaetitioneer. That said deceased left personal estate of the value ofabout ... five hundred .... Dollars, and real estate of the value ofabout ... Dollars. The said deceased left him surviving ... as hiswidow, and William Stover, Sarah Ann Grove, Lydia Ann Runkle, hischildren, Ida Stover, Elmus Stover, his grandchildren, and William,Francis, Lewis and George Drake also his grandchildren.
         Your petitioner being next of kin living of said deceased, thereforeprays that Leters of Administration on the Estate of the said JosephStover ... deceased, may be granted to Daniel Grove.
         State of Illinois}
         Hancock County} Signed/ Sarah A. Grove /
              Sect. Sarah A. Grove being duly sworn, deposes and says thatthe facts averred in the petition and belief
              Sworn to and subscribed before me
              George J. Rogers Clerk of the County Court of Hancock County,this 6th day of October A.D. 1877
                   /signed/ Georg J. Rogers Clerk
                             Depty Clerk
  2. 1850 Census
    Champaign Co., Ohio
  3. 1870 Census
    Champaign Co., Ohio
  4. Obituary
    Death record from Bill Lionburger, Colusa, Illinois
  5. Probate Records
    Estate Settlement by Daniel Groves
  6. Probate Records
    Final Report, Estate of Joseph Stover, Daniel Grove, Administrator dated 19th Nov.,1877 J. B. Risse, County Judge, Hancock Co., IL.
  7. 1850 Census
    1850 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - September 9, 1850
    |h# |f# |name              |ag|s|occu  |re  |birth   |twp
    |224|224|Joseph Stover     |61|m|Farmer|2500|Virginia|Johnson
    |   |   |Nancy Stover      |51|f|      |    |Virginia|
    |   |   |Benjamin F. Stover|24|m|Farmer|    |Virginia|
  8. 1860 Census
    1860 Census - Champaign County, Ohio - June 15, 1860
    |h# |f# |name         |ag|s|occu        |re  |pe |birth   |s|twp
    |225|225|Joseph Stover|70|m|Hotel Keeper|2500|400|Virginia| |St Paris - city
    |   |   |Nancy Stover |63|f|            |    |   |Virginia| |
    |   |   |Julia Drake  |16|f|            |    |   |Ohio    |x|


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