Dora Jane Kirkpatrick Obituary

Dora Jane Kirkpatrick Obituary

McCook , Nebraska
November 1966




Dora Jane Trosper, daughter of Benjamn Franklin and Dicie Jane Runkle Trosper was born August 31, 1891 near Cambridge, NE and passed away September 27, 1966 at the Orthello Community Hospital, age 75 yr, 27 days.

She attended the rural school and graduated from Cambridge High School in 1914.

On October 6, 1915 she was united in marriage to Elton J. Kirkpatrick at McCook, NE.

They resided for a few months after their marriage in the Cam-bridge area and then in spring of 1916 moved to a farm near Hey-burn, Idaho. Then moved to the Paul, Idaho community and lived there from 1918 to 1926 except 18 months they returned to Nebr-aska, then back to a farm at Hazelton, Idaho. In the fall of 1927 they moved to the Dietrich, Idaho community where they lived for 30 years on the same farm. They sold this farm and moved November 23, 1957 to Othello, Washington.

To this union three children were born a son, Benjamin Edward of Othello, WA and two daughters Mrs. Helen Elaine Imgard of Westminister, CA and Mrs. Cleo Evelyn Thielf of Lub-bock, TX. Beside her husband and children she is survived by ten grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and also two sisters Mrs. Ethel Fattig of Cambridge, NE, Mrs. Grace Waters of Ephrata, WA and a brother Elmus E. Trosper of Kenewick, WA.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick attended the First Baptist Church of Othello, WA, was a member of Eastern Star No. 234, a member of The Hattie Rebekah Lodge and held office of lectuere in the Othello Grange. She was also a former member of the Pomona Grange of Lincoln County, Idaho.

Mr. And Mrs. Kirkpatrick celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary last October.

Her parents and four brothers and a sister preceded her in death.

She was a devoted wife, a kind and loving mother and will be greatly missed by her loved ones and friends.

The funeral services were held at 2 p.m. October 29th, 1966 at The First Baptist Church in Othello, WA with Reverend George Meadows officiating.

Interment in the Paul, Idaho at 2 p.m. October 30th with Rever-end Paul Penner of Paul, Idaho officiating and grave side services by the Paul and Ruppert Eastern Star Chapters.

The obituary was found in the Cambridge Clarion in November 1966.


Collection: Kathy Trosper's Collection - Obituary


Created: 6/9/02 11:36:23 PM