The Diary of W. S. Myers, 1890

The Diary of Wilbert S. Myers

Miami, Saline, MO


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[Transcription Note: I did not find the original, hand-written diary for the Year 1890. In its place was a spiral-notebook, labeled �1890,� transcribed by my mother, Eva Aiken Myers. The entries seemed to be shorter. I do not know whether she edited them, or whether his 1890 Diary was a very small book (as were the 1891 and 1892 books.) She left no note as to what happened to the original diary.]


Jan. 1, 1890
I went to John and Fred Sibley�s party. Went out in a surrey with Miss Flora Mertens. We got back at 12:15 a.m., and I can say....I spent a very, very pleasant evening. Rings! Rings! O!.. My! You ought to see what a cute one I have now.
Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
In an old photo book belonging to W. S. Myers, the caption for this picture was "Summer, 1891." The girl seated, right, was identified as Flora Mertens, and the girl standing, left, was identified as Rosa Mertens. The other two girls were not identified.

Jan. 2.
Went to a �Masquerade Party� at Mrs. D. Vaughan�s and took Miss Belle Burns. I just had a fine time! Don�t speak of �mother-hubbards!� There were about 35 there, and masked. Everything went off fine. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!... No-telling! Turn your head, darling.......ask Belle the rest!!! Ahem!!!
Jan. 5.
I went to the Christian Church tonight and went home with Miss Belle Burns. I left her at 11:15. Oh, the good-old-times-we-do-have!!! Ahem!!!
Jan. 6.
I wrote to Peyton and some others.
Jan. 7.
It is 10:30 a.m., and I have just finished the S. S. envelopes. Lem went to Carrollton to attend his Lodge.
Jan. 8.
I went home with Miss Flora from Prayer Meeting. On the way back, I met �Miss Belle.� We went into the parlor and sat awhile. Don�t speak of �helping the old� when the weather is bad. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Jan. 9.
Will Haynie and I have just returned from a walk. We tried to find some oysters, but couldn�t....Boo-hoo!.. Boo-hoo!
Jan. 10.
This evening I went to the M. E. Prayer Meeting and had the pleasure and honor of seeing Miss Belle home. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Jan. 11.
It is 10 p.m., and Frank Taylor and I have just returned from �Caroline�s,� where we have had oysters. And, O!.. Gosh!.. Don�t you wish you were there.....
Jan. 12.
Sunday. I wrote....20-pages to Juanita Coltrane; 20-pages to Daisy Duggins; 12-pages to Peyton Jeter; and 10-pages to sister, Lina, which makes 62-pages that I wrote today. I didn�t go to Sunday School or Church. The weather was too bad. So I stayed inside all day.
Jan. 13.
I sent my watch off to have it engraved. Case #332772. Works#3740254.
Jan. 14.
�My intentions failed me....� so said Miss Burns! But what they were there is.....�No telling!�
Jan. 15.
I had the honor and pleasure of seeing Miss Belle home tonight from Prayer Meeting. I took my departure at 11:07 p.m. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ahem!
Jan. 16.
I have just finished reading 50-pages of �Mark Twain.� It is now 10 o�clock, so goodnight.
Jan. 17.
The River blocked here last night. I read 62-pages of Mark Twain tonight. Also 5 or 6 pages in Frank Leslie�s �Popular Monthly.�
Jan. 18.
We got the mail today for the first time in two-days. �Let her roll!� Three can play as well as one! Ahem... O! Gosh!!
Jan. 19.
Will Haynie and self had the pleasure and honor of calling on Misses Flora and Rosa Mertens tonight. I got Miss Flora�s ring tonight.
Jan. 20.
I have just finished reading Mark Twain. O! He is a daisy, I tell you! Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Jan. 21.
I have been reading for two-hours. So I must retire for I have a big day�s work tomorrow.
Jan. 22.
We had our biggest snow today (4 1/2�). And it was a honey, too! Ahem!
Jan. 23.
I went through my old letters and notes tonight. Some of them are �daisy�s� and �joe-dandies,� I tell you!
Jan. 24.
I have read for 1-hour and 50-minutes tonight, so to my bed I must go! Goodnight.
Jan. 25.
I received a letter from Peyton Jeter today. Will answer in the near future. Today as been a dull-one....also a cloudy-one.
Jan. 26.
I finished reading Mark Twain�s �Innocents Abroad,� and I commenced on �Roughing It.� I didn�t go to Sunday School, or Church, but read 303-pages. Ha!.. It is so funny!
Jan. 27.
Mr. Jeter and I commenced cleaning up the Store this a.m., and, don�t forget, she needs it!!
Jan. 28.
I washed the windows and all the showcases today. Also made a display in the front window tonight. Ha..! Ha!.. Ha!
Jan. 29.
Five o�clock, and I have just finished cleaning up the Store, and, don�t you forget, I am tired, tired, and sleepy. O!.. Me!
Jan. 30
We got in our new goods this evening and we worked until 10:25 p.m. Don�t say that I am not tired.....No telling!!
Jan. 31.
I had the honor of seeing Miss Flora Mertens home from the Baptist Meeting. Words fail to express how �highly� I was entertained!!!


Feb. 1.
I answered John Robertson�s note today. This has been a dull, dull, day! Also a cloudy one.
Feb. 2.
I went to Sunday School, preaching, and Missionary Meeting. I had the honor of taking Miss Flora to Church tonight. I left her at 10:15... Ahem!
Feb. 3.
I have been out collecting all day. Bill Haynie and I took a walk over to Mertens� corner and back.
Feb. 4.
I sent Lina the samples that she asked for a week ago. Also answered her letter.
Feb. 6.
I made a display of shoes in the window this a.m. Hubert Wood, Elbert Dunlap, and I took a walk to Mertens� corner and back. Miss Bettie Isbell died this a.m., at 6:30, in Arrow Rock, Mo. She will be brought here tomorrow, a.m.
Feb. 7.
Miss Bettie was brought over from Marshall today at 12 o�clock. The funeral was preached in the M. E. Church by Rev. W. M. Bell. Then taken to the Baptist graveyard.
Feb. 8.
The boss is at home sick. Will Haynie left for Nelson this eve. Peyton Jeter came down from Malta Bend tonight.
Feb. 9.
Sunday. Wib Burns and I took a walk out to the Christian graveyard this eve. Tonight we went down to the Christian Church, to preaching.
Feb. 10.
I made a display of �dress-goods� in the window this eve. I got me a new pair of scissors today. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Feb. 11.
Harry Burns came in from California today, at noon.
Feb. 12.
I have just returned from the M. E. Prayer Meeting. I sent Lina a �Miami Weekly� this a.m.
Feb. 13.
I received a nice 8-page letter from W. B. Haynie today. Will answer soon. The boss is still at home, sick in bed. I finished reading, �Roughing It,� by Mark Twain, today. He is what you would call �a daisy!!�
Feb. 15.
G. T. Taylor came down this a.m., for the first time for three-days. He has been sick with �La Grippe.� Who�s next????
Feb. 16.
I took Miss Flora to Church tonight, and the house was crowded. Elbert and I went over to see Harry Burns this morning.
Feb. 17.
I wrote an 18-page letter to Will Haynie, and 16-pages to Peyton Jeter. It is 10:45, so to my bed I must flee. Goodnight.
Feb. 18.
I made out the report and will send to Mrs. McClure tomorrow. I received a letter from Lina this a.m.
Feb. 19.
I went to the Christian Church Prayer Meeting and I had the pleasure of seeing Miss Flora home.
Feb. 20.
I helped Hubert on his Sunday School book tonight. I got a letter from Daisy this a.m.
Feb. 21.
I made a shoe display in the window this eve. Wrote a 14-page letter to Juanita Coltrane.
Feb. 22.
It snowed last night.
Feb. 23.
Sunday. Hubert Wood and I intended to go to Malta Bend today, with the Misses Mertens, but didn�t, on account of the weather. I didn�t go to Sunday School, or Church, today. The weather was so bad, I spent the day reading and writing. Wib Burns and I took a walk this eve. Cold, cloudy, and wet.
Feb. 24.
Mr. Mertens was taken home from the Store this a.m., sick. They say, �it is heart-disease.�
Feb. 25.
Miss �Stevie� Sibley and Mr. Price Rogers were united in the �bonds of matrimony� tonight. Who�s next???
Feb. 26.
I received a letter from W. B. Haynie. I went to the M. E. Prayer Meeting tonight. There were only twelve there.....snowing!!!
Feb. 27.
Today has been one of the rough ones. It has been snowing and blowing all day long. It is 6-degrees above zero, at 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 28.
The River blocked again this a.m. It was 3-degrees below zero this morning. We did not get any mail today.


Mar. 1.
I was highly pleased by having the pleasure of taking a bundle to Mrs. Mertens, this morning. Three-years-ago today, I stopped school to go to work for G. T. Taylor.
Mar. 2.
Sunday. I went to Sunday School, and Church, this a.m. Also I went to the Christian Missionary Meeting this eve, and walked home with Miss Flora. Then tonight I went by and got Wib Burns, and we went to Church again. I got my �bangle� from Belle tonight, in Church.
Mar. 3.
Got my watch back this a.m. It has been gone 7-weeks. I had a monogram put on in front, and name in back.
Mar. 4.
I commenced going through the hats upstairs, but got busy downstairs, so I didn�t get to finish. Will finish tomorrow, if nothing happens.
Mar. 5.
I finished the hats today and went through the �zephyr� dept. I received a letter from Peyton Jeter.
Mar. 6.
Today it is snowing. J. D. Snelling and G. T. T. (boss) went out to �sit-up� with Judge Ish tonight. He is very low.
Mar. 7.
The Christian Church had a �Pink Tea� tonight. Circumstances were such that I couldn�t attend. But, don�t you forget, I got a cute pink-rose from somebody. From a cute �somebody� too! Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Mar. 8.
As I have just finished writing, sewing, and reading....I shall retire. Ta!.. Ta!
Mar. 9.
Sunday. Irby Grady, Will Taylor, Hubert Wood, and self �sat-up� with Judge Ish tonight. He died this a.m. at 11:30. He was nearly 83-years-old.
Mar. 10.
My height is 5-feet, 6-inches, and I weigh 118 lbs. I finished reading �Thorns and Orange Blossoms� last night. O! It was fine, I tell you! But I am so sleepy. Ahem....
Mar. 11.
I received from a young-lady onion and two pieces of light bread with a slice of ham between. O! How good it tasted! Come again! The River broke up today.
Mar. 12.
I went down to the Prayer Meeting at the Campbelliter�s Church tonight, and went home with Misses Flora and Rosa Mertens. Left at 10 p.m. sharp.
Mar. 13.
I cleaned the upstairs and washed the windows (downstairs) at the Store today.
Mar. 14.
I received a paper from my sister, Lina, this morning.
Mar. 15.
I got me a new knife from Will Taylor tonight. I received a 22-page letter from W. Haynie.
Mar. 16.
I wrote a 12-page letter to Peyton Jeter, and 14-pages to Juanita Coltrane. I was highly pleased with Miss Flora�s company to Church tonight.
Mar. 17.
I was pleased to have the privilege of taking some goods over to Mrs. Mertens this eve, that I sold her. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Mar. 18.
The boss went East this a.m. Will be back Saturday a.m., if nothing happens.
Mar. 19.
Edgar Calhoun and I took a walk over as far as you can go tonight. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. No Telling!!!
Mar. 20.
I went down to the M. E. Church tonight to hear Bishop Tuttle. After Church I was highly honored to go home with Miss Flora. Ahem! Edgar Calhoun, Hubert Wood, Mr. Shay, and self had a game of �7-Up� tonight. Hubert and I were one ahead. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Mar. 23.
Sunday. H. E. Wood and I accompanied by Misses Rosa and Flora Mertens started to Malta Bend this a.m., but we met Peyton and the Gill girls on the way, so we came back. We went to Church and I had the pleasure of Miss Tonie�s company. The boys went back over in the eve, but I stayed at the Store and wrote to Bill Haynie. I called to see Flora tonight. Lem went to St. Louis.
Mar. 24.
I went to Greenabaum�s tonight, to see about the Supper for the 28th. I walked home with Miss Belle Burns.
Mar. 25.
I posted bills this a.m. all over town. And tonight, I printed the tickets for the M. E. Supper. Miss Ida Haynie helped me...isn�t she good?
Mar. 26.
It is 10:20 p.m. I have just finished working on the new goods that came in today. Don�t you forget I am tired. Mrs. Garnett died last night.
Mar. 27.
Mrs. Garnett was buried today out on her farm. Today has been cold and damp. I worked until 9:45 tonight.
Mar. 28.
The M. E. Church had a Supper at the Saufley Storeroom. I had the pleasure of Miss Flora�s company to it. And O!.. Gosh! What a sweet time I had!... Ahem!
Mar 29.
Rettie went out to Judge Smith�s this eve to stay until Tuesday (Apr. 1st).
Mar. 30.
Sunday. I haven�t been inside of a Church today! I stayed at the Store and read all day. Hurrah for �Looking Backwards.�
Mar. 31.
Our old cat, �Jerry,� took his departure from this world today. He was 12 or 13-yrs.-old.


Apr. 1.
It is now 10:30 p.m. I have just finished making a display of table linens and towels in the window. I have been out collecting all day.
Apr. 2.
Mr. Jeter went home sick this eve, but came back at supper. I put our new Spring ties on the rack tonight. Raining and cloudy all day.
Apr. 4.
Tonight Hubert Wood and I took a walk up to Bell�s and back. And, on our way back , at Guthrey�s, who should we meet, but Clara Greenabaum and Pearl Cooper. We were highly pleased by having their company for a walk, and then home at 11 p.m. I got a letter from E. E. today. O! She is a cute one, I tell you.
Apr. 6.
Sunday. The Campbellites had Easter Service tonight. So after it was over, I went home with Miss Flora, the cutest-girl-in-town! ...Ahem!
Apr. 7.
Newt and family came over from Marshall yesterday eve, and went back this eve.
Apr. 8.
ELECTION DAY....Mr. N. K. Sidkenstricker beat Gus Leftwich for Mayor....57 votes to 53. The Band practiced tonight to serenade him, but the wind was too bad! I put curtains up at Dr. Wheeler�s, and sold two Wheeler�s and Holton�s.
Apr. 9.
Harry Burns died last night at 12:15. Hubert Wood and self sat up until 1:00 a.m., and Pat O�Brien and Ed Thorp until morning.
Apr. 10.
Harry Burns was buried today at 3 p.m. Funeral service at M. E. Church. It is now 10:20 p.m., and I have just come in from the Store where I have finished a display of shirts in the window.
Apr. 11.
The boss went fishing today. O! Gosh! How the wind did blow today. Let-her-roll!!
Apr. 12.
The Campbellite preacher�s daughter came this eve. Also one boy. It is 12:10, so to my bed I must flee. Ta!.. Ta!
Apr. 13.
Don�t ask what time I got up this a.m.........8:45! I took a walk down to the graveyard this eve. I was highly pleased by taking the cutest girl in town to Church tonight. (Miss F....)
Apr. 14.
It is now 10:00 p.m. Frank Taylor and I have just returned from a walk over to Mertens� corner and back, and what do you think???? All the lights out! First time in a lifetime that soon!!
Apr. 15.
As luck would have it, I had the pleasure of walking home with Miss Flora, from school, as I went to put up Dr. Wheeler�s curtains this eve. I also put up one for Jud Hamner�s. I met Miss Holden today.
Apr. 16.
Never forget these two Prayer Meetings!!! I shall always remember them with pleasure! Bananas and oranges....Ida.......
Apr. 17.
I walked up to Bell�s, over to Mertens�, and back up to M. P. house. On my way back from Mertens�, Misses �R,� �F,� and �E� passed me, but I walked with Miss Flora to Mrs. Woodford�s, where we parted. Oh! Me!
Apr. 18.
It is now 9:00 p.m., and I have just stopped work. Don�t you forget I am tired! The boss went fishing, so Mr. Jeter and I had to �hold-her.� We didn�t get any dinner on account of being busy.
Apr. 20.
Sunday. This a.m. I took a walk down to the Boats, and then returned up home for dinner. This eve I was allowed the pleasure of calling on Miss Flora....3:30 to 6:15.
Apr. 21.
Tonight Will Taylor and I took a walk up the road. We met Miss Burns and Miss Holton. We went in and sat awhile, and then I walked home with Miss Burns.
Apr. 22.
I wrote a letter tonight to E. E. (Esther Ervin).
Apr. 23.
I went to the Campbellite Church tonight, and was highly pleased by going home with Miss Rosa Mertens (poor Hubert!).
Program of Closing School Exercises, Miami, MO, 1890 Apr. 24.
I went up to the �Graduation Exercises� at Mertens� Hall tonight. And I was more than pleased by having Miss Flora�s company home. Ahem!!
Apr. 25.
Tonight I was highly honored by Miss Flora Mertens� company to the school �Entertainment,� at Mertens� Hall. It was the Boy�s Oratorical Exercise.
Apr. 26.
Tonight I went up to the Girl�s Oratorical Exercises. Bouquets! Bouquets!! I went home with Miss Flora in surrey. Hurrah for Miss Flora! Ahem!
Apr. 27.
I took a walk down to the graveyard this eve. Then I took Miss Flora to Church tonight.
Apr. 28.
I commenced changing things upstairs at Store arrange things better. I put up four-curtains for Mrs. Nettie Lewis.
Apr. 29.
The boss went fishing again. I moved and fixed up the wallpaper rack upstairs, today. O! How tired!
Apr. 30.
I put up two-curtains in Mrs. John Burns� parlor this a.m. Today has been a busy one. Everybody came in to hear the candidates speak. Hurrah for �Harvey,� and �McDaniel.�


May 1.
I commenced boarding at Mrs. John Burns� tonight, while Rettie has gone to Boonville. I stopped work tonight at 10 p.m. Have been out collecting today.
May 2.
Elbert Dunlap and I took a walk over far as you can go tonight. O! What a lovely night it is. Ha!... Ha!... Ha!
May 4.
Sunday. I went to S. S., first time for a long, long while. Elbert, Frank and I took a walk down to the Gov�t. Boats this a.m. (Hubert went over the road tonight!) This eve Elbert, Hubert and self went to the Christian Missionary Meeting. I also went to the graveyard, but Hubert went elsewhere. Ahem!
May 5.
It is now 10:00 p.m. and I have just stopped work. Maybe you think I am not tired! Lem went to Brownsville.
May 6.
I have been working upstairs all day, until 10 p.m. I think I can finish shelving by tomorrow night.
May 7.
It is now 10:30 p.m. I have just finished my shelving, upstairs.
May 8.
I have just stopped work, at 10:45 p.m., and I can say I never felt so tired in all my life! Goodnight.
May 9.
Mr. Jeter went to Malta Bend today. I finished pin-tacking clothing today. Also got my new curtain put up at 9:45. Goodnight.
May 11.
Sunday. I got up this a.m. at 10 o�clock! Didn�t get to bed last night until 12:45. I was once more allowed the pleasure of Miss Flora�s company to Church tonight. Elbert and I went to the graveyard this eve, and, while there, met Miss Flora and Miss Fannie Holton. We walked up to Miss Holton�s house and swung awhile, then went in and listened to some beautiful music.....the melodious voice of Miss Flora.
May 12.
Made and put up my new curtain-holder upstairs today. If weather is all OK, we are going fishing in the morning, above Malta Bend.
May 13.
�Fishing Club� at McNeal Lake. Hubert and Will caught 97, Frank and Elbert, 140, Edgar and self, 170. We caught 407 fish!!!!! We left at 4:45 and returned at 9:45. Fun, FUN....O! My!
May 14.
Frank Taylor and I went to the Campbellite Prayer Meeting. Frank was pleased by Miss Holton�s company home and I was more than pleased by having the honor of Miss Flora�s company home. Left at 10:15 p.m.
May 15.
This is Thursday night and it is now 10 o�clock. I have just stopped work. I want to finish tomorrow, but no telling if I will or not. Ta!.. Ta!
May 16.
It is now 11:00 p.m. I have just come in from the other room where I have been cleaning up. Tired!
May 18.
Sunday. I wrote 16-pages to Bill Haynie today. I was highly honored by having Miss Fannie Holton�s company to Church tonight. Elizabeth Sarah Frances Hazel Lydelle Holton.
May 19.
I had the pleasure of taking a bundle up to Mr. Holton�s tonight for Miss Fannie. Don�t ask how many boys were there?? Ahem!
May 20.
The boss left for Ky. this a.m. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. No telling!! I got me a new harp today.
May 21.
I made a cross for Miss Mary Sweeney this a.m.
May 22.
I went to the Campbellite�s Concert tonight. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Don�t you forget I took the prettiest and cutest girl in town home tonight.........Miss Flora M.
May 23.
The Concert tonight was postponed until tomorrow, on account of the weather. The boss and Lem got back from St. Louis.
May 24.
I went to the Concert tonight, but I am as mad as I can be!!!! I missed hearing the best part....Miss Flora�s speech. But I was pleased by having her company home. Ta!.. Ta!.. Ta!
May 25.
I went to Church this morning. Wib Burns and I took a walk down to the boats, the new brickyard, and the graveyard. I went to Church tonight with Miss Flora. Had the best time I have had for a long time.
May 26.
Elbert and I took a walk over to the corner tonight. Heard somebody on the front porch. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! There was music in the air......
May 27.
I went up home this a.m. and didn�t come back to the Store until 2 p.m. I have been sick all day, and don�t you forget it!
May 28.
The older crowd of girls and boys went fishing today.
May 29.
Elbert Dunlap and self took a walk over to Mertens� corner and back. On our way we met Miss Rosa and Miss Flora. Ha!.. Ha! .. Ha! Good luck (sometimes). Ta!.. Ta!


(No date.
I went to Marshall today and we had a fine day, also a hot one! After dinner I went around to see Mrs. Barnhill and then up to Mrs. Guthrey�s. At 4 o�clock I went around to call on Miss Ida Haynie. O! Don�t speak of the time I did have!!! Goodnight.
June 3.
Will Taylor and I went down to Carpenter�s tonight. Gertie Ragan tonight. The first and last time. Fond recollections of the past brought back by meeting some old friends at this reunion. Be a good boy the next 19-years. (This is my birthday)
June 4.
Elbert Dunlap, Frank Taylor and self went over to Mertens� corner tonight and serenaded them. Then we went up to Miss Holton�s and did likewise. Ahem!
June 5.
It is now 9:30 p.m. I have just returned from a walk with Elbert. Today I received an invitation to the closing exercises of Juanita Coltrane's school (The Greensboro Female College, Greensboro, North Carolina).
June 6.
Frank Taylor and I started to Marshall this eve. On our way, who did we meet?? Why it was the cutest girl that ever was in Marshall, by the name of Miss Flora Mertens. I was allowed the pleasure of her company to the �County Contest� at the Opera House. We got home at 1:20 a.m. Mrs. C. C. Ross died at Richmond, Va, this a.m.
June 8.
I went to the graveyard with Wib Burns. Then I took a walk down to the brickyard with Will Lemons. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! I was permitted once more to have that �honor� of calling to see Miss Flora tonight....from 8 to 10:30.
June 9.
The Miami Cornet Band met tonight to commence practice again....first time for eight months. I started cleaning the Store today. O! My!
June 10.
It is 9:30 p.m. I have just returned from the Band Room, where we have been practicing. O!.. My!... Life is too short!
June 11.
I picked and sent a bunch of cherries to Flora this a.m. Mrs. C. C. Ross was buried today at Bethel graveyard by a large number of sorrowing friends. Belle went to Sweet Springs for a visit.
June 12.
I took a walk tonight with Hubert, over to the corner. Ahem! Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! We met Miss Flora going over. I wrote to Lina, Bill Haynie, and Peyton Jeter tonight.
June 13.
It is now 10:00 p.m. I have just returned from Band practice.
June 14.
This a.m. when I went to the post office, I found a box for me which contained a bouquet. O!.. My!.. From Marshall, too. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Also got a note from.....well, ahem!
June 15.
I went over to see Miss Flora this a.m. (11 to 12). Then I went to Marshall this eve. I called on Miss Ida Haynie and we took a walk until train time. I took a train tonight for Nelson, where I stayed all night with Will Haynie. Ahem.
June 16.
I took breakfast with Will Haynie and saw Miss Bettie and Miss Annie Haynie also. Then, at 9:45 a.m., I took a train for Boonville to see my sister, Lina. I was pleased to meet a Miss Moore tonight, and took a walk home with her.
June 17.
Mr. Hudson (Lina's husband) and I went out to the Reform School this eve, and we drove around the city. I was also shown through the Kemper School Building yesterday, by Miss Bertha Johnson. My sister, Lina, and I went to the Presbyterian Church tonight.
June 18.
I left Boonville at 10:13 a.m. for Marshall. I called on the Misses Holton and Conway this eve. I went to the Circus tonight with Ben Strikerd, and others. I came home tonight with Wib Burns. We left Marshall at 11:15 p.m. and arrived home at 1 o�clock.
June 19.
I have had the sick headache all day, and am sleepy as a dog. Elbert Dunlap, Hubert Wood, and self took a walk over to the corner, and spent the eve listening to some beautiful music, from the Misses Mertens. Ahem!
June 20.
What do you think? I took a walk over on the hill tonight with Hubert, and we met Misses Rosa and Flora Mertens. And the next best was....O! My!...That beautiful singing would charm anybody.
June 21.
This has been the dullest day for a Saturday that I have ever seen. All the farmers are cutting wheat. Let the good work go on.....
June 22.
Today has been a hot one.....102-degrees in the shade! I have been sick as a dog all day. I took a walk this eve up to Bell�s, and over to the corner.
June 23.
Woods, Elbert and I took a walk over to the corner and back tonight. We listened to some pretty music by the Misses Mertens, at Dr. Wheeler�s. O! Me! How I hated to leave. Ahem!
June 24.
When Woods and I took a walk over to the corner tonight, we saw a crowd of girls. O! Gosh! How they flew when they saw us!! I hope we don�t feel bad! Ahem!
June 25.
I was permitted once more to have the pleasure of walking home with Miss Flora Mertens, from Prayer Meeting. O! Me! How I enjoyed this eve. Ta!.. Ta!
June 26.
As I took a walk tonight, over to the corner, I had the pleasure of taking some bundles to Mrs. Mertens. Nothing like it!
June 27.
I took Miss Flora to the Christian Sociable Supper tonight. Don�t you forget I just had a fine time! Having had her ring for 5-mo., and 8-days, I returned it tonight. This night will always be remembered by me as the pleasantest ever spent!!
June 29.
Sunday. Elbert Dunlap and I took a walk around the square this a.m., to the River. A crowd of us boys had lemonade at the Store this eve. McAllister, Burns, Dunlap, and self took a walk to the Gov�t Boats this eve. We shall always remember our skiff ride, with pleasure! Elbert and I had ice cream at the Hotel. Owen Smith and I took a walk to the schoolhouse and back. I haven�t been inside of a Church today.
June 30.
Hubert Wood and I took a walk over to the corner and back. We saw somebody sitting in the gateway. Ha! Ha!


July 1.
Was out collecting all eve. �H.E.W.�, �E.D.,� and self took a walk over to the corner tonight and listened to some of the prettiest music I have ever heard. O! How I hated to leave.
July 2.
Hubert, Frank and I went down to the Christian Prayer Meeting tonight. Afterwards I took a walk with John Robertson.
July 3.
I took a walk to Bell�s and back. Met Frank and we went over to Mertens� corner, where we met Miss Rosa and Miss Fannie with Hubert and Elbert. O!.. My! Goodnight.
July 4.
I took Miss Willis of Kansas City, and Miss Belle, of Miami, up to a gathering at Holton�s tonight. The evening was fine, and was enjoyed by all.
July 6.
Sunday. The first steam-boat arrived here today, at 1:30 p.m. The A. S. Mason, with Capt. A. K. Ruxton in charge. It stopped here 2-hours, and 15-minutes.......the first boat for the last two years!! It was met by a large crowd. Tonight, Owen Smith and self had the pleasure of calling on the Misses Rosa and Flora Mertens, and accompanied them to Church. I got the sweetest bouquet that was ever made tonight!
July 7.
I have been taking an inventory of stock today, and will be for a week. It is 106-degrees in the shade. How is that for hot weather???
July 8.
Hubert, Frank, and I took a walk over to the corner and back tonight. We heard some fine singing too. It rained some tonight, first time for a month.
July 9.
I went to Prayer Meeting and had the privilege of taking Flora home. We came uptown to get some peaches, but we couldn�t find any, so we took �candy and yucatan.�
July 10.
Elbert, Hubert, and I walked over to the corner and who should we meet, but Rosa and Flora M., also the Misses �E. S.,� �F. H.,� and �L. H. (Holton�s),� who honored us by singing some of their choice selections, which were enjoyed by all.
July 11.
The A. L. Mason returned from Kansas City today. I was pleased to call on Miss Flora tonight. Poor John and Pickett!!!! Ahem!
July 13.
Sunday. I wrote a letter to W. B. Haynie this a.m., and one to Juanita Coltrane this eve. Today is the hottest of the HOT! Owen Smith and I had the pleasure of calling on Misses Eva and Louise Miller tonight....8:20 to 10:15.
July 14.
It is now 10 p.m. I have just come in and am tired and sleepy. Have been taking inventory all day. Will finish tomorrow.
July 15.
We finished inventory this a.m. Hubert and I took a walk tonight over to the corner and sat until 10:10. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
July 16. I took a walk tonight, over on the hill. On my way back I met �somebody� coming from Prayer Meeting. Ahem! [Transcriber�s Note: As far as I can tell, this is the first mention of the �somebody� who would eventually become my grandmother (Emma Wheeler). However, back on March 7th, when he mentioned getting a pink-rose from �somebody,� he may have been referring to her. On the above date she would have been but 14-yrs. of age, and he was 19.]
July 17.
I took a walk tonight and had a little chat with the �somebody� over the road. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Poor Johnnie!
July 18.
Belle Burns came back from Sweet Springs today. I got my photos today. Hubert, Frank, Elbert and self took a walk over the road tonight. We were pleased by listening to Miss Flora and Fannie sing.
July 20.
Sunday. It has been raining all day today (and Friday and Saturday). I wrote a letter to Lina, also sent her a photo of me. I stayed in the house all day. The Mason got here tonight. Mr. Jeter and Mrs. Judge Smith went to Kansas City on her, for a pleasure trip. I went to Church tonight with Flora.
July 21.
I cleaned three showcases at the Store this morning. I commenced making a remnant table tonight. I got �a bangle� from Miss Flora and returned �her ring.� I took a walk over on the hill tonight, with the boys. Heard �music,� too!
July 22.
Hubert, Elbert, and self took a walk over on the hill again tonight.
July 23.
Peyton Jeter came today at noon. I worked on clothing until 10 p.m. Then I took a walk tonight over to the corner and back. Hubert and Elbert went over the road tonight.
July 24.
The boss left for St. Louis this a.m., so I am left by myself. Good-bye. Wood and I took a walk over the hill and back, and Peyton Jeter went back tonight.
July 25.
Woods and I took a walk up to Bell�s corner. On our way back we met Misses Rosa and Flora Mertens, and Miss Fannie Holton. Then we came back and got Elbert and took a walk over on the hill. �They� passed us, accompanied by Misses Katy and Edith. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! When shall we meet again?? I got a box of cake.....brought to me by a �cute somebody� too. Ahem!
July 26.
Mr. Jeter got home this a.m. I returned thanks for the box of contents, received yesterday. �Come again!�
July 27.
Sunday. Will Haynie came up from Nelson today. Elbert and Will, and self, went down to the Christian Church this a.m. Elbert and Will went over to Mertens� this eve. I went around to call on Miss Ida Haynie. I had the pleasure of taking Miss Louise Miller to Church tonight. After Church we went walking. Hummph! The good time we did have!
July 28.
Fond-recollections of �the past� brought back tonight, by being with Miss �Belle.� I was once more allowed that pleasure of calling to see her and enjoying an evening walk. Ahem!
July 29.
Will, Elbert and I took a walk over to the corner and back. On our way we met Misses Rosa and Flora. We sat down on the corner, over there, and when they came back, we had quite a little chat. Ha!.. Ha! .. Ha! When shall we meet again??? I got a pretty bouquet tonight from �somebody.�
July 30.
I had six teeth filled this eve. Will have 14 to fill tomorrow....also two to piece. I went down to the Christian Church tonight and went home with Miss Flora. I will never forget this eve as we sat under the pear tree. Ha! .. Ha!.. Ha!
July 31.
I was pleased tonight to walk home with Miss Burns from the Store, and received a nice bouquet. The beautiful flowers will blossom again! Ahem! It took three-hours on my front tooth this morning.


Aug. 1.
Had three fillings put in front teeth this a.m. Don�t speak of it hurting...please ! I took a walk over on the hill and back. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Ahem!
Aug. 3.
Sunday. I went down to the River this eve to see the �Mason.� I went to Church tonight with Miss Flora. We went to the M. E. Church, and I am very sorry that Miss Flora was cheated out of seeing the one she wanted to see!
Aug. 4.
I went over and talked to Pete (Elbert) tonight. Then I returned to my room, where I shall now retire from a hard day�s work. O!.. Me!
Aug. 5.
Lem, Frank, Hubert, and self ate two cantaloupes tonight and they were good. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ahem!
Aug. 6.
This is Mrs. Shelton�s birthday (43 yrs). Elbert, Cook and I went to the M. E. Church for a walk, and then down to the Campbellite Church. We saw �somebody� too!!!
Aug. 7.
This is old Mr. Goode�s birthday (95 yrs). Mrs. Shelton leaves this a.m. for a visit to her daughter. Woods, Elbert and self went down to see them burn brick. As we returned, on our way we listened to some nice singing, which was fine!
Aug. 8.
Will Andrews, M. McAllister, Mr. Fahey, Lem Myers, Hubert Wood, Frank Taylor, Morrie Hughes, Elbert Dunlap, Pickett and John Holton, Mike Sandage, Wib Burns, and self, all went down to the brickyard (13 of us).
Aug. 9.
It is reported that the crowd of 13, who went to the brickyard last night, was said to have been drunk and half-crazy, and will be arrested today, or Monday, for disturbing the peace.
Aug. 10.
Sunday. Mr. McAllister and I went to Marshall this a.m., returning tonight at 1:30 a.m. Taylor, Wood, Fahey, Dunlap and Burns came over also, at 3 p.m., but left before we did. Ahem!
Aug. 11.
We haven�t been arrested yet, but if we are not, we will investigate the report, which has been circulated, and find the starter.
Aug. 12.
We have not been arrested yet, and the report is getting worse. So we decided, tonight, that we would go to the Mayor and demand of him the one who brought the complaint.
Aug. 13.
We had a rain of 3- 96/100-inches last night. We went to the Mayor this a.m., and he said that there had not been any complaint made. So I guess that settles it! The boss left this eve for St. Louis, Ky., and Chicago.
Aug. 14.
Woods, Elbert and self took a walk to the corner tonight....first time for a week. We heard such sweet music. Saw �somebody� pass, too. Ahem!
Aug. 15.
Frank, Wood, Elbert and self took a walk over to the corner and back. On our way back we looked for �the dipper, evening-star, and seven-sisters.�
Aug. 17.
Sunday. This a.m., after breakfast, I wrote letters to Hallie, and brother, Bob. I intended going down to hear Rev. R. L. Prunty preach his first sermon, but I didn�t get through my writing in time. After dinner, about 3 p.m., Mr. G. F. McAllister, Wib Burns, Elbert Dunlap, and self, took a spyglass and went over to the schoolhouse and went up in the belfry. Then we returned, going down to the graveyard, and stayed awhile. Tonight I went to Church with the handsomest lady in the city. Ahem!
Aug. 18.
Dr. Switzer came this a.m., and I went down and had a tooth pulled. If he had cut my head off, he couldn�t have hurt me worse! He made three-long-hard-pulls, and, at last, she came with a jerk, and My!.. Don�t ask how it hurt!!!
Aug. 19.
Elbert and I had the pleasure of taking a trip over to the Misses Mertens� this eve, to arrange things for the �Shoe-box Party� for tomorrow night. Which all came out OK, so, if nothing happens, we will go.
Aug 20.
Hubert and I took Misses Rosa and Flora out to the �Shoe-box Party,� at Mrs. Sam Rogers� tonight. We had a fine time and got home at half-past 12:00 a.m. Elbert didn�t get to go as Miss Louise was sick. I gOt such a pretty bouquet from �somebody.� Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Aug. 21.
Lina Hudson and the children came up from Boonville this eve.
Aug. 22.
I took a walk tonight over on the hill and there, I heard some sweet music. I sat down and listened for some time. It was the sweetest music I have listened to for �lo, these many years!�
Aug 23.
The boss got back from Ky., and St. Louis, this a.m.
Aug. 24.
Sunday. This has been a mean, ugly, day. I haven�t been inside a Church today. Have been spending the day reading and up home, both. Newt and his daughter, Floy, came over this eve to stay until Tuesday or Wednesday. Peyton Jeter came down this eve, and we went over the road tonight. O!.. Me! Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Aug. 25.
The Band was reorganized again tonight, for the purpose of playing at Sharon, for the picnic on Sat., the 30th.
Aug. 26.
We got in some new goods tonight. Newt and Lina went to Uncle John (Miller�s) to spend the day. Tonight, after Band practice, Mr. Fahey, Hubert Wood, and self, took a walk over to the corner and back. It was such a pretty night.

Aug. 27.
Mr. Fahey, Wib Burns, and self, took a walk over to the corner, after Band practice. Coming back, we met �them� coming from practice at C. H.

The photo, at left, is dated March 15, 1891, but since the diary mentions these young men at the current time I thought it would be a good place for the photo. Sitting, left, is Mike Fahey; right is Hubert Wood. Standing, left, is Wib Myers; right is Wib Burns.

Aug. 28.
I have just returned from Band practice, and am as tired as I can be.
Aug. 29.
Elbert and I took a walk over to the corner. I put up six-curtains at Mrs. Hamner�s this a.m. Some new goods came today. Lina came back from the country this eve.
Aug. 30.
I went down to Bethel with the Band today. And we had a fine time, I tell you! I was highly entertained by having the pleasure of talking to Miss Rosa and Flora Mertens�, and Miss Louise Miller. O! When shall this day be again??
Aug. 31.
I went down to the Missionary Meeting this eve, with Elbert and Hubert, at the Christian Church. We then took a walk over to the schoolhouse with Misses Flora and Rosa Mertens, and Miss Louise Miller. I got �a ring� from Flora. When shall we meet again? Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! No telling!!!


Sept. 1.
The Miami Public School commenced this a.m. Lina and the children went home to Boonville this morning. Lem went to St. Louis this eve. Syd Taylor and his sister came yesterday. I walked over the road this eve with Miss Mamie Wood. As I was going over to Miss Anna Garnett�s this eve, I had the pleasure of walking over with Miss Mamie Wood. Also met �somebody� on the way. Ha!.. Ha!... No Telling!
Sept. 2.
Elbert and I took a walk over to the corner and went in, with Jesse Wheeler, to look for the steamship State of Kansas, but we didn�t see her coming, so we took our departure. Goodnight.
Sept. 4.
I went down to hear Mr. Hill preach tonight. Then I was pleased by going home with Miss Flora, where we had quite a little chat on the porch!! Ha! .. Ha! No telling!
Sept. 5.
I have just come in from a walk, by myself, over to the corner, where I have been listening to some choice singing from the melodious voice of Miss Flora... Ahem!
Sept. 7.
Today has been a rainy one. This a.m. I went to the M.E. Church with Rettie. Lem got back from St. Louis this a.m. Tonight it is very dark and rainy, so I took my lantern and went to Church to hear Bob Prunty. Then I was pleased by showing my light across the road. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Sept. 8.
It is 10:15 p.m., and I have just come in from work, and will you believe it???? I am so tired I can hardly walk.
Sept. 9.
It is now 10:00 p.m., and I have just finished my job that I commenced yesterday. O! How glad! Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! So tired!
Sept. 10.
Tonight I went up to the Misses Snelling�s, and put their names on their trunks. After returning, I took a walk over to the corner, and, while there, I saw �somebody� pass, coming from Prayer Meeting.
Sept. 11.
Woods, Burns, Dunlap, Johnson, and self, took a walk over on the hill and returned, having had a pleasant walk. I put three new curtains up at the Misses Snelling�s this eve. Ahem!
Sept. 12.
Today has been very dark, gloomy, and cold. Miss S. B. Burns was in the Store today and gave me a bouquet. Ha!.. Ha!
Sept. 14.
Sunday. The State of Kansas came today at noon. Hubert, Elbert and I went down to see her. I went to Church tonight with Miss Louise Miller. Also enjoyed a walk to the corner and back. Ha!.. Ha! Ahem!
[Written by someone else....�Remember this night...the electric light and the fine dinner you had today with �Pet Somebody.� Also remember the hot Sunday you sat in Church and cousin �W� and I ate plums, and you envied us! Hope you will meet and walk with �somebody� frequently, because I know you enjoy it hugely. Five months....I�ll come to stay. Good-day. L. M.]
Sept. 16.
It is now 9:00 p.m., and I have just stopped work. I took a walk over to the corner, and up to Bure�s Shop. Goodnight
Sept. 17.
I had the pleasure of talking to Miss Flora after Prayer Meeting tonight...from 8:45 to 10:15. �The beautiful flowers will blossom again!!!�
Sept. 18.
It is now 8:20 p.m. I put two curtains up at Mr. John Hawkins� this morning. Also put four curtains up at Mrs. Carpenter�s.
Sept. 19.
I have done the biggest day�s work today that I have ever done, since I have been in the Store. I am tired, sure enough, this time. Me!.. Me!
Sept. 21.
Sunday. This a.m., Wib Burns and I took a ride down in the country. We also stopped at Mrs. Tom Davis�, and had some good �wine and watermelon.� This evening, at 4:40, I was allowed the privilege of calling to see Miss Louise Miller, who will leave for St. Louis in the morning to attend school. (Bird-cage) Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Happy once more and in my glee because I have the pleasure of Miss Flora�s company to Church tonight. I gave her �ring� back tonight.
Sept. 22.
Miss Louise left this a.m. for St. Louis. I took a walk tonight over to the corner and back.
Sept. 23.
It is now 9:00 p.m., and I just finished papering nine-shoeboxes. �Somebody� came along, too, while I was at work this eve. O!.. How nice!!
Sept. 24.
Now it is 9:30 p.m. I fixed 19 shoeboxes today and have just gotten thru. It is no easy job either! Ha!.. Ha!.. Ahem!
Sept. 25.
I have been out posting bills this eve, and, don�t you forget, I am tired. I papered five more shoeboxes this a.m., which makes 33 in all.
Sept. 26.
N. Y. Store today. 9:38. Hubert E. Wood, and self, took a walk up to Bell�s, then over to Mertens� corner. The walk was fine, the night was elegant.
Sept. 28.
Sunday. This a.m., Mr. Fahey, Wib Burns, and self, took a walk up by the River, and cut our names on the rocks. This morning has been a fine one. Prof. Barnett, Mr. Fahey, Hubert Wood, Elbert Dunlap, and self, took a walk down to the Dikes, then struck Mr. O. B. Kemper�s watermelon patch, then Thomas� orchard. I went to Church tonight.
Sept. 29.
It is 10 o�clock, and I have just come in from a walk over on the hill. This is such a lovely night. Mr. Jeter left for Kansas this eve.
Sept. 30.
The State of Kansas passed down River this eve, and the A. L. Mason passed up. Miss Hallie Smith, Edna Saufley, and Rettie went up to Kansas City, this eve, on the A. L. Mason, for a pleasure trip. I commenced boarding at Mrs. John Burns� this eve, for supper.


Oct. 1.
The boss went hunting, and to John Lewis� sale. Edgar Calhoun, Elbert Dunlap, and I, walked over to the corner. Had the pleasure of seeing �somebody� too.
Oct. 2.
It is 10 p.m., and I have just returned from a walk over on the hill. �Somebody� looked awful cute this eve. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Oct. 3.
Edgar, Hubert, and I, took a walk tonight. It is dark and cloudy. Looks as tho it might rain!
Oct. 5.
Sunday. Mr. Fahey, Hubert Wood, Frank Taylor, Elbert Dunlap, and self, went to Slater this a.m. Hubert, Frank, and I took the train (which was 8-hours-late) to Mt. Leonard and stayed all night with Will Taylor. We found Peyton there, who was going to Kansas City with us.
Oct. 6.
Monday. We three slept in one bed, so you know we didn�t sleep much! We got up at 3 o�clock (a.m.) and took the train for Kansas City. We got in at 7:10. Next we took the cable-car for the �Midland.� We then had breakfast and started out over the city. We went to the �Barnham Circus� this eve, and to �Coates Opera� tonight.
Oct. 7.
We went to Westport this a.m., and to the top of the New York Life Insurance building at noon. It is 14-sories high. We went out on Independence Ave., and back on the �cable� this eve. Then we went out on the �cable� and took the �dummy-line� to Chelsea Park, passing through my first tunnel. We left for home tonight at 7:16, and got home at 1:20 a.m.
Oct. 8.
Tonight I had the pleasure of going home with Miss Flora. This night shall be remembered by me, always, as being one of the happiest I ever spent. Got her �chain� and �ring� until Sunday.
Oct. 9.
I had a talk with the boss tonight. I have been thinking of going to work in Marshall. He made me an offer and said, �he didn�t want me to leave.� But I don�t know yet. I may go, I may not! No telling!
Oct. 10.
The boss came to me tonight and said that he didn�t see where he could get anyone to fill my place, and he made me another offer. It was the same as I was offered at Marshall, so I told him I would let him know tomorrow.
Oct. 11.
It is now 9:10 p.m. Today has been our �Cloak Day,� and, don�t you forget, we have been busy! We have sold, in the two-days-and-a-half, 60 cloaks, and orders for 6. I told the boss I would work for him another year, at the last offer he made. So, if nothing happens, I am here for a year longer.
Oct. 12.
Today has been one of the gloomy ones. Rev. W. B. Cobb preached his first sermon at the Baptist Church tonight. Smith and I went over the road tonight. It is raining like thunder.
Oct. 13.
I have been packing cloaks all day, and, don�t you forget, I am tired. Hubert and I went down to the Campbellite�s Church tonight to hear their new preacher.
Oct. 14.
Hubert Wood and I went down to Church tonight. I took a walk over to Mrs. John Burns� and paid her my board bill. Also, I had the company of Miss Belle Burns back as far as the Church.
Oct. 15.
It has been raining all eve. So as I have just come in from the Store, after a hard day�s work, I thought I wouldn�t go to Church.
Oct. 16.
I have been cleaning house all day. Maybe you think I am not tired. I carried a bundle over to Mrs. Mertens this eve, for which I enjoyed the walk.
Oct. 17.
I went down to the Christian Church tonight. After preaching, I went home with Miss Flora, and, just before I left her, I was presented with something �cute.� A ock-lay of air-hay! (A lock of hair).
Oct. 19.
Sunday. This morning I went to Sunday School, first time for a long time. After Sunday School, Wib Burns and I took a walk. After dinner, I went to the Missionary Meeting, and I was elected �recording secretary.� I didn�t want, I didn�t! Hubert, Peyton, Burns, and I, took a walk down to the �Gov�t Boats.� We met �somebody� going riding. I went to hear Mr. Cobb for the first time tonight....with Rettie, at the M. E. Church.
Oct. 20.
I sent goods to �L. D.� and �C. C.� this a.m., by express. I wrote a 10-page letter to brother, Bob, at Salt Lake City. Today has been a busy one. It was 2 o�clock when I ate dinner.
Oct. 21.
I commenced reading, �The History of the United States.�
Oct 22.
I went to the M. E. Prayer Meeting tonight, and walked home with Miss Belle Burns. Such a lovely night. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Oct. 23.
It is now 9:40 p.m., and I have just returned from Church and a walk to both ends of the walk. Mr. S. B. Jeter, and wife, went to Malta Bend this eve. I fixed the brick walk in front of Store today.
Oct. 24.
I went down to Church tonight. There were two baptized....Miss E. M. being one of the two. Also five joined. I had the pleasure of sitting on the �ladies side.�
Oct. 26.
Sunday. I went to Sunday School this morning. I worked on the Missionary book from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. Then I read from 3 to 5:30. Tonight I went to Church with Miss Flora.
[Not written by W. S. Myers......How do you like sitting on the floor? I wonder where you will be a year from tonight??? F.M.]
Oct. 27.
Tonight I was more than pleased by walking home with Miss Flora, and also had the pleasure of receiving a letter that I was permitted to read. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Don�t you is a honey....a daisy!!!
Oct. 28.
Owen Smith, Hubert Wood, Harrison Wheeler, and Wib Myers went to the Christian Church tonight.
Oct 29.
Today Mr. Jeter and I commenced on the �review,� and don�t you say now that we won�t have a good time!!!!! As it was raining tonight, I didn�t go to Church. I sent a draft for $7.75 to the �L. D. & C. Company� this morning.
Oct. 30.
I have had such a cold all day that I can�t see straight!
Oct. 31.
I have been sick-as-a-dog all day. I sent a note, and a box of persimmons, over to Miss Flora. I had the pleasure of talking to Belle a few minutes this eve.


Nov. 1.
It is 10:35 p.m., and I have just come in from the Store, and I am tired and sick. I sold my highest amount today. Ate dinner at 2 p.m. [Note: See related article, on this date, at end of 1890 Diary]
Nov. 2.
Today I have been feeling awful. I didn�t rise until 11 a.m. I ate no breakfast, little dinner, and no supper. I didn�t get to Sunday School, or Church. Cold day.
Nov. 3.
This a.m. I was feeling bad. But when Hubert brought me over a box, and note, from �over the road,�....O! My! I was cured!! And if you had seen what the box contained, you would have been well, too!
Nov. 4.
ELECTION DAY. Have been run-to-death very near! I took dinner and supper with the Baptist ladies today. They had a good one, too. I returned thanks for �the box,� and read.
Nov. 5.
Tonight I had the pleasure of calling on Miss Flora. O! What a good old time I did have! This night shall be remembered by both, forever. �Poetry and letters.� Ahem!
Nov. 6.
Woods, Harrison, and self, went serenading tonight. We got cards at every place, but one. That was Mrs. Carpenter�s. The places we got cards were...from Wheeler�s, Wood�s, Greenabaum�s, and Mertens�. We just had a fine time! Not much music, tho!!!
Nov. 7.
Harrison and I put up a �call-bell� tonight at the Store. It works fine and is something that has been needed for a long, long time. It is raining tonight.
Nov. 9.
Sunday. This a.m. I took a cow to pasture, as Papa was sick. Then I returned and got ready for Sunday School. After S. S., I wrote an 18-page letter to Elbert. I took a walk with Hubert this eve and met Miss Dolan and Mr. Shreves, who were on their way to be married at the preacher�s house, Mr. Holton's. I took Flora to Church tonight. Ha!.. Ha!
Nov. 10.
It is 8:00 p.m., and I have just come in from the Store. As I am not feeling very well, I think I shall retire. �Prince Albert� and �Stiff Hat� last night. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Nov. 11.
Today has been a dull one. Also cold and cloudy. �Blues...blues....blues!� Today has been the bluest day ever spent.
Nov. 12.
I went to the M. E. Prayer Meeting tonight, and went home with Rettie. Received goods from �L. D. & C. Co.� today.
Nov. 13.
Harrison and I put up the poles at the Store today. I commenced on a display tonight. Woods and I took a walk tonight, over to the corner.
Nov. 14.
It has been raining all day. I finished the display today. We got in 60 live turkeys this a.m. �R. L. S. & Co.� man was here today.....also �J. W. B. & Co.� man.
Nov. 15.
It has been raining all day. Nobody in town. This has been the dullest Saturday I have ever seen.
Nov. 16.
Sunday. Rain! Rain! Raining! Today has been one of the days! Saw �somebody� come from the Post Office today, on her way home from Church. (Wonder if she heard from him, or not?). Haven�t been inside of a Church today.
Nov. 17.
I went down to the M. E. Church tonight and went home with Rettie. Pickett Holton and I took a walk over to the corner and back. Yes....the lower-lights were burning, and bright.
Nov. 18.
I cut 400 price-tickets tonight. Then I took a walk over to the corner. I saw the light burning bright in the study-room tonight. Ha!.. Ha!
Nov. 19.
I went down to Prayer Meeting. Got Miss Flora and went to the M. E. Church, then returned home. �Hush� ought to see the piece of poetry I received tonight.
Nov. 20.
After Church, Hubert and I took a walk over to the schoolhouse, then we had oysters, after returning. �J. H.� took Miss Flora over to the Miami Station Church tonight. O!.. Me!
Nov. 21.
Frank and I went down to the M. E. Church. There was a large crowd. I had the pleasure of sitting behind �somebody.�
Nov. 23.
Sunday. Today has been a beautiful day. Mr. Jacob Greenabaum�s little baby died last night. I went to Sunday School this a.m. Hubert and I took a ride around the square this eve. I wonder if Frank caught the buggy? Tonight I had the pleasure of calling to see Miss Flora. Ha!.. Ha!
Nov. 24.
I fixed the tie rack tonight and also made a display in the tie-case. After closing, I took a walk over the hill. I met �Hubie� and �Johnny�.
Nov. 25.
It is midnight. I have just finished my tie-rack that I have been working on. Tired and sleepy.
Nov. 26.
It is 8:15 p.m., and I have just come in from the Store, where I have been working on new goods.
Nov. 27.
THANKSGIVING DAY. We closed from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Will Lemon and I went hunting this morning. I shot my first shotgun today. I made arrangements for Smith, for tonight.
Nov. 28.
I took a walk tonight and met, who do you think? Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! Why it was Miss Rosa and Hubert, and Miss Flora and Pickett, going home from Church. I got a key-chain and a new pair of scissors today.
Nov. 30.
Sunday. This a.m., Wib Burns and I went to Sunday School. This eve I wrote a letter to Elbert and took a walk with Hubert. Tonight, Hubert, Wib B., Lem, and self, went to the M. E. Church. There was a large crowd and a good meeting.


Dec. 1.
I have been out collecting all day. I had the pleasure of seeing �somebody� this a.m. Hubert and I went to Church tonight.
Dec. 2.
Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ahem! I had the honor of walking over home with Miss Flora this eve. When shall this happy time be again??? I went to Church tonight.
Dec. 3.
I worked until 10 p.m. on a silk hdkf. and muffler case. The M. E. Meeting closed tonight, with 23 additions.
Dec. 4.
The Band boys met tonight and commenced practicing again for Christmas. We met with nine members. How is that for high??
Dec. 5.
It is 8:45 p.m., and I have just returned from Band practice. The boss went hunting today. I had the pleasure of talking to Miss Belle at the Store this eve.
Dec. 7.
Sunday. I went to S. S. this mornng. I wrote a 12-page letter to Lyt this eve. Lem went to St. Louis tonight. I had the pleasure of calling to see Miss Flora from 7 to 10:30 p.m. I received such a sweet bouquet. As I came home tonight, I met a crowd who was trying to catch a robber at Noonan�s Store, but he got away. They found that which he tried, and had half-way taken.
Dec. 8.
I intended to go to Band practice tonight, but we got busy, so I couldn�t go.
Dec. 9.
It is 11 p.m., and I have just returned from the Store, where I have been working, cleaning up, and getting ready for the holiday goods.
Dec. 10.
A. N. Bell and I left this a.m., at 10:00, to go to Marshall, to attend Miss Amelia�s wedding. We returned at 7 p.m. I walked home with Miss Flora from Prayer Meeting tonight Miss Fannie Adams died tonight.
Dec. 11.
Rettie and Miss Edna Saufley sat up with the corpse tonight. I slept at Mrs. Saufley�s while Miss Edna was away.
Dec. 12.
Hubert and I called on Miss Lula Craddock and her cousin tonight, over at Mr. Isbell�s. Pickett, Harrison, and self tolled-the-bells for Miss Fannie Adams� funeral this a.m.
Dec. 13.
It is now 11 p.m., and I have just gotten thru my day�s work. We have had a big trade today, so, of course, I had lots to do.
Dec. 14.
I didn�t get to Sunday School, as it was late when I got breakfast. I went to Church tonight. Saw the �little girl,� and Johnny. Ah!.. Me!
Dec. 15.
I worked until after 9 p.m., putting out Xmas goods. We have been busy, too, all day. Harrison is at home sick.
Dec. 16.
Papa, and a half-dozen other men, went to Marshall this eve to attend a Railroad Meeting.
Dec. 17.
Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! What a nice time I did have tonight. I had the pleasure of calling to see Miss Flora. .. Ahem!
Dec. 18.
I have just stopped work and it is 10:25 p.m. I have been working on Christmas goods, and am tired and sleepy. O!.. Me!
Dec. 19.
We received a letter from (brother) Bob today, and he said that he expected to make a trip home in Jan.
Dec. 20.
Sunday. I went to S. S., and after that, I fixed my Missionary Book, and wrote to Elbert. I went to Missionary Meeting this eve, and then took a walk with Frank. I took Miss Flora to Church tonight.
Dec. 22.
We have been very busy today, and I am tired and weary. I received such a cute note from Flora. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!
Dec. 23.
I went up to the school �entertainment� tonight, and it was just splendid. �When dad is a millionaire, I�ll turn Tailor�s clerk off.� Ha! .. Ha!
Dec. 24.
We have been so busy today that I didn�t get to go to my dinner. It snowed this eve for the first time this winter. I fixed up a box, tonight, to be sent somewhere tomorrow. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha!.. Ha! J. D. Snelling and Miss Alice Calhoun were married tonight, at home.
Dec. 25.
Christmas Gift.....I had the honor and pleasure of receiving a gold-pen this a.m., through the mail, from a cute �somebody.� Words cannot express my appreciation of this present.
Dec. 26.
I took Miss Flora to the Oyster Supper and to the party at Judge Smith�s tonight. I just had a fine time, and got back at 1 a.m. I met the Misses Ervine, Davis, and Tucker. .. Ahem!
Dec. 27.
Today has been a very dull one. The Masons had an Oyster Supper tonight. I was invited up to Mr. Harry Wheeler�s tonight, but didn�t get to go.
Dec. 28.
Sunday. I didn�t go to Sunday School this a.m., or Church. Peyton Jeter and Will Taylor came down today, and will remain until after the party tomorrow night.
Dec. 29.
I received my new diary from Elbert this a.m. I had the pleasure of taking Miss Lillian Conway to the Party at Mrs. Kile�s tonight. I had a splendid time, and don�t you forget it. .. Ahem!
Dec. 30.
I have been working on a remnant-counter today and yesterday. Will finish it tomorrow. Big bargains!!
Dec. 31.
I went to the Cantata tonight, and then took Miss Flora home. .. Ahem!.. Mr. Lund, Minor Lewis, Harrison Wheeler, and self, rang the old year out, and the new year in, tonight. At 1 a.m., I wrote a note to Miss Flora, and will send it in the a.m., with a bottle of glycerine. I took it for her tonight, but forgot to give it to her. Ha!.. Ha! .. Ha! I was invited up to Mr. Bell�s tonight, but didn�t go.

End 1890


Note: The following items were written in the back of the 1890 Diary.


Juanita Coltrane
Greensboro Female College, Greensboro, North Carolina

L. E. Myers
1732 Santee Street
Los Angeles, Calif.
Place of business: 110 No. Los Angeles Street.

Elbert Dunlap
2025 Olive Street
St. Louis, Mo.


Some expenses:
Candy .15
stamps (4) .10
c. cards (4) .05
tolu fruit (8) .05
fix shoes .30
Dr. Dunlap 4.00
shave & haircut .35
oranges .15
oysters .50
shave .10
fix pants 1.15
scissors .55
fishing trip 1.00
Marshall trip .95
Boonville � 3.40
pictures 3.00
E. & Grady 1.75
C. S. Supper 1.00
mug & brush 1.75
sharing buggy .25
K. C. trip 10.00
B. dinner .25
French harp .25
envelopes .10
shave and blacking .20
sch�l entertainment .35
Marshall hack .30
Oyster supper .50


List of townspeople for.........................? (This could be for a donation to a cause, or it could be money-owed. I would guess the former...MLD)

L. J. Hamner $ 3.
G. N. Jackson 3.
Taylor 3.
Isaac Myers 2.
Robert Ruxton 1.
W. O. Burgess 1.
H. Mertens 2.
A. A. Wheeler 1.
George Casebolt 2.
Gus Leftwich 1.
John H. Casebolt .50
J. H. Webster 1.
M. S. Kile 1.
S. P. Peterman 1.
H. D. Carpenter 1.
J. H. Noonan 1.
P. M. Zea 1.
Thos. Utley 1.
H. K. Sidenstricker 1.
G. N. Hill .50
James Tharp .50
J. A. Hawkins 1.
M. Peterman 1.
G. B. Hudson 1.
C. C. Ross 1.
J. M Null 1.
B. F. Lemons 1.
Stephen Bishop 1.
R. S. Ireland 1.
A. R. Edmonds 2.
David Vaughan 2.
W. B. Dick 1.
John Robertson 1.
L. W. Haynie 1.
Peter Casebolt 1.
W. H. Wheeler 1.
A. J. Casebolt 1.
H. Reynolds 1.
R. C. Hanna 1.
Ed S. Casebolt 1.
J. C. Reynolds .50
J. C. Haynie 1.
J. W. Phillips 1.
H. W. Mertens 1.
H. N. Ruckel 1.
W. M. Bell 3.
Geo. Williams 1.
D. N. Burruss 1.
TOTAL: $60.00


Nov. 1, 1890

From the Miami News..... In looking over old files, we find that in a contest @ Miami, Nov. 1. 1890, in which G. T. Taylor offered premiums, that J. A. Weaver was given 1st prize for the best 10-ears of white corn, which weighed 15 1/2 lbs. Steve Bishop received 2nd, with 10-ears that weighed 14-lbs., and Mark Whitaker, 3rd, with 10 that weighed 15 lbs. There were 21 contestants. The judges were A. C. Garnett, G. W. Kite, J. A. Hawkins, Geo. M. Kieffer, and J. E. McAmis. It is a coincidence that J. A. Weaver received first premium in the corn contest, which closed here last week, and that Mark Whitaker, Jr., received 3rd premium. These farmers have used the same kind of seed, carefully selected, for many years. Mark Whitaker, Sr., took corn premiums here for a long time and was finally beaten, the story goes, by a neighbor who slipped into his field and beat him with his own corn!


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