[11620] [S716] 1910 Saline County, KS Census (Salina)
[20088] Ancestry.com
aged 32, born in MI, parents born in NY
[17857] [S716] 1910 Saline County, KS Census (Salina)
[20088] Ancestry.com
married 5 years
[N443] Found a marriage record for Eugene DeVergnies and Alice C. "McGuire". Was Aunt Alice married before? Obviously her in the record, she was born in Canonsburg, PA.
[5002] [S842] U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925
[5003] [S842] U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925
[5009] [S143] 1930 Camden County, NJ Census (Gloucester City, 1st Ward)
[19326] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
[5004] [S415] Naturalization Records, 1851-1930
[19693] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
[5005] [S144] 1920 Camden County, NJ Census (Camden City)
[19327] HeritageQuest
aged 60, name spelled "Eugean"
[5006] [S143] 1930 Camden County, NJ Census (Gloucester City, 1st Ward)
[19326] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
aged 69, born in Belgium (Brussels), father born in Belgium, mother in France
[5007] [S842] U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925
[5008] [S866] Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950
[20282] https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VF39-ZNX : accessed 30 Sep 2014
Provided full date of birth and location.
[5010] [S143] 1930 Camden County, NJ Census (Gloucester City, 1st Ward)
[19326] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
looked like 1857 or 67, but he wasn't born until 1861
[5011] [S1013] Newspapers.com - The Daily Notes - Wed, Oct 14, 1936 - Page 3
[5012] [S415] Naturalization Records, 1851-1930
[19693] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
on same day that oath of intention was filed
[18079] [S143] 1930 Camden County, NJ Census (Gloucester City, 1st Ward)
[19326] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
said he was 42 and she was 31 at time of first marriage, 17 years earlier which would have been 1913. Interesting note, I found a record for a previous marriage for Eugene DeVergnies in Clark County, IN, from 1887, so his first marriage should have been at age 26.
[18080] [S813] Photograph caption
Label on back said "Camden New Jersey, Aunt Alice and Uncle Eugene DeVernie's (Grandma Fife's oldest sister)"
Copy in my possession
Label on back said "Camden New Jersey, Aunt Alice and Uncle Eugene DeVernie's (Grandma Fife's oldest sister)", no dates
[18081] [S866] Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1885-1950
[20282] https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/VF39-ZNX : accessed 30 Sep 2014
Married performed by Rev George Gaul in West Chester, PA, on November 1, 1904.
[18082] [S821] Marriage Records 1880-1890 Jan 1891 V. 3 Books L-O, Clark County Indiana
[20237] Original Data: Works Project Adminstration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana WPA, 1938-1940
_James FIFE _________+ | (1764 - 1841) _James FIFE _________| | (1793 - 1871) | | |_Mary MCGOWAN _______ | (1767 - 1832) | |--Richard FIFE | (1820 - 1891) | _Richard HULTZ ______ | | (1760 - 1840) m 1785 |_Priscilla HULTZ ____| (1792 - 1866) | |_Abigail ??? ________ m 1785
[4022] [S209] Descendants of John and William Fife
Photocopy in my posession, originally written for a family reunion in 1890
[4017] [S102] 1850 Washington County, PA Census (Peters Twp)
[19270] Allen County Public Library, Ft Wayne, IN
[4018] [S310] 1870 Washington County, PA Census (North StrabaneTwp)
[19554] National Archives, Washington DC
aged 51
[4019] [S121] 1880 Washington County, PA Census (North Strabane Twp)
[19295] Allen County Public Library, Ft Wayne, IN
aged 60
[4020] [S125] Samuel McMillan Manuscript
Transribed into electronic format by Jean Suplick Matuson, 1997/1998, material believed to be collected from living relatives of the people listed
Online at http://www.chartiers.com/sammcmillan/sam-index.html
said 75 ears old
[4021] [S16] Gravestone at Oak Spring Cemetery, Canonsburg, PA
some photographed again, July 2005
transcribed and/or photographed by C. A. Clark, August 1999
[4023] [S125] Samuel McMillan Manuscript
Transribed into electronic format by Jean Suplick Matuson, 1997/1998, material believed to be collected from living relatives of the people listed
Online at http://www.chartiers.com/sammcmillan/sam-index.html
[4024] [S16] Gravestone at Oak Spring Cemetery, Canonsburg, PA
some photographed again, July 2005
transcribed and/or photographed by C. A. Clark, August 1999
died 1890
_____________________________ | _Hilbert Leon FOGG __| | (1871 - ....) m 1898| | |_____________________________ | | |--? FOGG | (1901 - ....) | _Mahlon Albert KELLY ________ | | (1846 - 1912) m 1869 |_Faye Elma KELLY ____| (1877 - ....) m 1898| |_Susannah Virginia ATKINSON _+ (1842 - 1897) m 1869
[3164] [S21] Eight Generations of the Virginia Branch of the Faris Family in the United States of America
via Jeanne Lee Cunningham ([email protected])
Photocopy in my possession
[5944] [S736] History of Adams County, Illinois
[20117] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
[5945] [S736] History of Adams County, Illinois
[20117] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
__ | _Butler HUGGINS _____| | | | |__ | | |--Holmes HUGGINS | (1848 - ....) | __ | | |_Sarah ??? __________| | |__
[15276] [S641] Wise, Jack ([email protected])
from his files
gave name as Holmes Higgins
[15277] [S642] O'Laughlin, Kristin Cummins ([email protected])
from: Huggins Families of Western PA and Northern WVa published in 1987 by Charles E. Huggins
[15278] [S642] O'Laughlin, Kristin Cummins ([email protected])
from: Huggins Families of Western PA and Northern WVa published in 1987 by Charles E. Huggins
provided year and county
[18894] [S642] O'Laughlin, Kristin Cummins ([email protected])
from: Huggins Families of Western PA and Northern WVa published in 1987 by Charles E. Huggins
provided full date
_Fred KIMMINS _______+ | (1887 - 1939) m 1909 _John R KIMMINS _______| | (1919 - ....) m 1943 | | |_Annie Mae BARNETT __ | (1889 - 1985) m 1909 | |--John Rick KIMMINS | | _____________________ | | |_Margaret Ann COFFMAN _| (1920 - ....) m 1943 | |_____________________
_Joseph MCCABE ______+ | (1790 - 1870) _Thompson F MCCABE ____| | (1823 - ....) | | |_Margaret FIFE ______+ | (1790 - 1831) | |--Margaret M MCCABE | | _James RICHARDSON ___ | | (.... - 1851) |_Mary Jane RICHARDSON _| (1833 - 1872) | |_Nancy ??? __________ (.... - 1851)
_John PARKINSON _____ | (1813 - 1893) _John Wiley PARKINSON ___| | (1856 - 1885) m 1879 | | |_Clarissa WOLFE _____+ | (1816 - 1896) | |--Harley PARKINSON | (1884 - 1889) | _Isaac N CONNETT ____ | | (1826 - ....) m 1847 |_Sadie Cordelia CONNETT _| (1857 - 1918) m 1879 | |_Lucinda LINDLEY ____ m 1847
[9748] [S514] Gravestone at Upper Ten Mile/Prosperity Cemetery, Prosperity, PA
[19824] photographed and/or transcribed by C. A. Clark, July 2005
[9749] [S514] Gravestone at Upper Ten Mile/Prosperity Cemetery, Prosperity, PA
[19824] photographed and/or transcribed by C. A. Clark, July 2005
year only
[9750] [S514] Gravestone at Upper Ten Mile/Prosperity Cemetery, Prosperity, PA
[19824] photographed and/or transcribed by C. A. Clark, July 2005
year only
__ | _Golden WOOD ________| | | | |__ | | |--James Lundy WOODS | | __ | | |_Holda SMITH ________| | |__