_George Clarion BURBICK _+ | (1868 - 1948) m 1895 _Leslie BURBICK _____| | (1914 - ....) | | |_Martha KEEN ____________ | (1872 - 1948) m 1895 | |--Joan C BURBICK | | _________________________ | | |_Velma CONKLE _______| | |_________________________
[4825] [S272] McCormick Families of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Document called McCormick families of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
copy in my possession
_William ESPY _______+ | (1811 - ....) _Samuel Alexander ESPY _| | (1839 - ....) | | |_Mary ALEXANDER _____+ | (1818 - ....) | |--George A ESPY | | _William WOODS ______+ | | |_Elizabeth WOODS _______| | |_Martha MEANS _______
_John FIFE __________+ | (.... - 1817) _William FIFE _______| | (1777 - 1862) m 1807| | |_Elizabeth FIFE _____+ | (.... - 1839) | |--Nancy FIFE | (1827 - ....) | _____________________ | | |_Jane ROBINSON ______| (1787 - 1867) m 1807| |_____________________
[8455] [S294] Davis, Rel ([email protected])
[19532] email
year only
[8456] [S251] 1870 Columbiana County, OH Census (Center Twp)
[19469] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
aged 43, born in OH
[8457] [S241] 1850 Columbiana County, OH Census (Madison Twp)
[19458] Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
aged 22, born in OH
[18811] [S296] Columbiana County, Ohio, Marriage Records
Vol 1-2: May 17, 1803- Aug 16, 1833
Vol 3: Aug 16, 1833- Dec 8, 1848
Vol 4: Dec 8, 1848- Dec 24, 1863
Vol 5-6: Dec 24, 1863- July 20, 1876
Vol 7-8: July 25, 1876- Oct 31-1887
Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT
_____________________ | _Willis B HAINES ____| | (.... - 1967) m 1937| | |_____________________ | | |--Stewart William HAINES | | _Stewart Adam DAGUE _+ | | (1869 - 1932) m 1892 |_Ruby Francis DAGUE _| (1901 - 1979) m 1937| |_Sallie Ann SPROWLS _+ (1873 - 1966) m 1892
[15125] [S390] Harris, Patty ([email protected])
[19658] from her Sprowls family files
_____________________ | _James HANEY ________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Carrie B HANEY | | _Andrew MCKINLEY ____+ | | (1811 - ....) m 1847 |_Clara M MCKINLEY ___| | |_Martha Jane FIFE ___+ (.... - 1863) m 1847
__________________________ | _Ross LAZEAR ________| | | | |__________________________ | | |--Helen LAZEAR | (1923 - ....) | _John Snodgrass ATKINSON _+ | | (1844 - 1920) m 1876 |_Elisabeth ATKINSON _| (1884 - ....) | |_Fannie A POGUE __________+ (1851 - 1934) m 1876
[12314] [S6] Our Atkinson Family History
Part of a letter to C. W. Atkinson, which lists the authors name as C. A. Atkinson, believe this was actually Charles Sumner Atkinson.
photocopy in my possession
_Leander MCCORMICK __+ | (1857 - ....) m 1882 _Elmer L MCCORMICK __| | (1885 - ....) | | |_Angeline CASEBER ___+ | (1862 - ....) m 1882 | |--Furman Lee MCCORMICK | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
Copied from: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GScid=1985846&GRid=10412577&pt=Furman%20Lee%20McCormick&
(Posted by Bettie Morrow)
Washington Observer, Washington PA, Wednesday 23 March 1949, page 10 - FURMAN LEE McCORMICK, 28, of Dunns Stations, R. D. 2, an overseas veteran of World War II, died suddenly Monday evening, March 21, 1949. He was a son of E. L. and BESSIE E. GLEASON McCORMICK, of Old Concord, and was born in West Finley Township, Feb. 1, 1921. He was employed as a logging engineer for the McCormick Lumber Company at Old Concord. He was a member of the Old Concord Presbyterian Church. Mr. McCormick entered the service Jan. 7, 1943 and served in the South Pacific and Philippines as a corporal with the 1011th Engineer Treadway Bridge Company. He was based for a time in Japan after V-J Day and was discharged April 17, 1946. He is survived by his wife MADOLYN HEADLEY McCORMICK, of Waynesburg, to whom he was married only last March 17; his parents, and the following brothers and sister: ELMER, JR., Nineveh, R. D. 1; ELSIE McCORMICK, Uniontown; ROY EDGAR, Dunns Station, R. D. 2; MARTHA LEMLEY DAY, West Finley, R. D. 1; CHARLES, Washington, R. D. 6; HAROLD, Old Concord; ETOLA PRATT, Dunns Station, R. D. 1; GROVER, at home. He also leaves his paternal grandmother, MRS. ANGELINE McCORMICK, Pittsburgh.
Allegheny County, PA Will Book #3
Page 444
FHL US/CAN Film #858898
Will #224
Last Will and Testament
John McCormick
In the name of God Amen. I John McCormick of St Clair township Allegheny County and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being weak of body but sound of mind memory and understanding blest be God for this ___(?) but considering the uncertainty of this transitory life I do make and publish this to be my last will and Testament in manner and form following to wit I give and bequeath to my son John one dollar. Also I give and bequeath to my son Samuel two hundred and fifty dollars, one hundred to be paid two years after my decease and one hundred and fifty four years after my decease. Also I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Fife one bed bedding and bedstead, the one half of her mother's clothing and twenty dollars the cash to be paid six years after my decease. I also give and bequeath to my daughter Grizzelda Gibson one bed bedding and bedstead one half of her mother's clothing and twenty dollars to be paid six years after my decease. I also give and bequeath to my granddaughter Elizabeth Moor twenty dollars six years after my decease. I also give and bequeath to my grandson John McCormick Moor twenty dollars six years after my decease. I also give and bequeath to my granddaughter Ellis Moor one bed bedding and bedstead my wife's saddle _____ (?) [NOTE: word looks like "burlam"] bake oven pot and cupboard furniture. I also give and bequeath to my son James after the above bequeathments is paid all my estate real and personal to him his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever and I do nominate Constitute and appoint my son James to be the executor of this my last will hereby revoking all other wills legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness wheretofor I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of Sept in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight.
John McCormick {seal}
Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed as witnesse.
James Mitchell
Sample Sweney
Allegheny County
On the 2d day of August A.D. 1830 personally appeared before John M. Martin register for the probate of wills is in and for said County James Mitchell and Sampleweeney the two subscribing witnesses to the forgoing will, who being severally sworn did say that they were present and saw and heard John McCormick the testator sign seal... (to be continued CC)
[6537] [S272] McCormick Families of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Document called McCormick families of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
copy in my possession
[6538] [S291] History of Pittsburgh and Environs
[19527] Historic Pittsburgh. Digital Research Library, University of Pittsburgh. (http://digital.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/pitttext-idx.pl?notisid=05aee9405m&type=header)
[6539] [S272] McCormick Families of Southwestern Pennsylvania
Document called McCormick families of Southwestern Pennsylvania.
copy in my possession
provided full date, John's will abstract is found in the Index to Alleghey Co. Wills:
McCormick, John, St. Clair Tp, WB 3, pp 444-445, No. 224 dated 12 Sept. 1828 Rec: 2 Aug 1830; Sons: John, Samuel, and James; Daus. Elizabeth Fife, Grizzel Gibson; Gr-son: John McCormick Moor; Ex: Son, James McCormick; Wit: James Mitchell, Sample Sweeney.
_John MCLONEY _______ | (1738 - 1823) _Luke MCLONEY _______| | (1786 - 1836) | | |_Nancy FIFE _________+ | | |--Nancy MCLONEY | (1826 - 1848) | _____________________ | | |_Elizabeth GAULT ____| (1792 - 1849) | |_____________________
[912] [S239] Gravestone at Brush Run Cemetery, McMurray, PA
some graves re-photographed with a digital camera in July 2005
transcribed and/or photographed by C. A. Clark, August 1999
[913] [S239] Gravestone at Brush Run Cemetery, McMurray, PA
some graves re-photographed with a digital camera in July 2005
transcribed and/or photographed by C. A. Clark, August 1999
said 1826
[914] [S239] Gravestone at Brush Run Cemetery, McMurray, PA
some graves re-photographed with a digital camera in July 2005
transcribed and/or photographed by C. A. Clark, August 1999
said 1848
[16689] [S435] Haynes, Delena ([email protected])
[19721] from her McMillian family files
provided year and location
[16690] [S435] Haynes, Delena ([email protected])
[19721] from her McMillian family files
provided full date and location
[19018] [S435] Haynes, Delena ([email protected])
[19721] from her McMillian family files
provided full date and location
_William SUPLER _____+ | (1816 - 1872) m 1850 _Martin V SUPLER ___________| | (1840 - 1906) m 1862 | | |_Lucinda CUMMINGS ___ | (1819 - ....) m 1850 | |--William Lindsey SUPLER | (1869 - ....) | _A J GOODWIN ________ | | |_Elisabeth Russell GOODWIN _| (1843 - 1919) m 1862 | |_Eliza SARGENT ______
[9551] [S594] 1870 Greene County, PA Census (Richhill Twp)
[19925] Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT
aged 1, born in PA