_James BAIRD ________ | _James BAIRD ____________| | (1848 - ....) m 1868 | | |_Eliza ??? __________ | | |--Allie BAIRD | (1870 - ....) | _Thomas KIMMINS _____+ | | (1820 - 1848) m 1842 |_Elisabeth Anne KIMMINS _| (1848 - ....) m 1868 | |_Jane STEWART _______+ (1818 - ....) m 1842
[15611] [S155] 1900 Ohio County, WV Census (Triadelphia District)
[19342] Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT
aged 30, born Jan 1870
[17223] [S6] Our Atkinson Family History
Part of a letter to C. W. Atkinson, which lists the authors name as C. A. Atkinson, believe this was actually Charles Sumner Atkinson.
photocopy in my possession
_____________________ | _P R FLITCRAFT ______| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Ada V FLITCRAFT | | _Levi BRENNEMAN _____ | | |_Emma B BRENNEMAN ___| | |_Mary MCCABE ________+ (.... - 1904)
[10939] [S647] 1850 Adams County, IL Census (Honey Creek)
aged 24, born in OH
[18345] [S826] Marriages of Adams County, Illinois 1825-1860, Vol I
[20246] Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT
_____________________ | _Peter SNYDER _______| | m 1874 | | |_____________________ | | |--Guy Scott SNYDER | (1878 - ....) | _Burnham BANGS ______ | | (1817 - ....) |_Mary BANGS _________| (1853 - ....) m 1874| |_Virinda ??? ________ (1823 - ....)
[13875] [S184] One hundred years, 1815-1915, of Pike County, Ohio marriages
[19381] Toledo-Lucas County Library
[18776] [S184] One hundred years, 1815-1915, of Pike County, Ohio marriages
[19381] Toledo-Lucas County Library
_William SUPLER _____+ | (1816 - 1872) m 1850 _Martin V SUPLER ___________| | (1840 - 1906) m 1862 | | |_Lucinda CUMMINGS ___ | (1819 - ....) m 1850 | |--John Bentley SUPLER | (1873 - ....) | _A J GOODWIN ________ | | |_Elisabeth Russell GOODWIN _| (1843 - 1919) m 1862 | |_Eliza SARGENT ______
[13842] [S625] Civil War Pension File for Martin V. Supler #58679
[19971] National Archives, Washington DC
provided full date
[13843] [S636] 1930 Greene County, PA Census (Richhill Twp)
[19987] ancestry.com
aged 56, born in PA, called Bentley J.
[13844] [S420] 1880 Greene County, PA Census (Richhill Twp)
[19701] Family History Library, Salt Lake City UT
aged 6, born in PA
[13845] [S612] 1910 Greene County, PA Census (Richhill Twp)
[19951] National Archives, Washington DC
aged 36, born in PA
[18773] [S612] 1910 Greene County, PA Census (Richhill Twp)
[19951] National Archives, Washington DC
married 13 years
[18774] [S636] 1930 Greene County, PA Census (Richhill Twp)
[19987] ancestry.com
husband aged 23, wife 21, at time of marriage
_____________________ | _John B WILSON ______| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Robt. WILSON | | _David ATKINSON _____+ | | (1783 - 1855) m 1817 |_Mary ATKINSON ______| | |_Elizabeth CROW _____ (1785 - 1853) m 1817