Monroe County Business Directory
BAINE, Archie, 250 N. St. Paul (with PHELAN & BOLTON), born Middlesex,
Ontario; settled 1870
CUTLER, William. M., 87 Water (firm of KELLER & GOODHUE), born Summit
County, Ohio ; settled 1871
GRAINGER, W. A., Res. 65 Milan (with J. K. GRAINGER), 26 Mumford, born
Ontario; settled 1872
born Cincinnati, Ohio; settled 1871
HART, Henry C., 51 W. Alexander, assistant bookkeeper (with C. W. WOODWARD,
born Erie, New York; settled 1858.
LYNCH, Henry P., 41 Oak (with George. W. TAYLOR), born Monroe County, New
York, 1855
LUCAS, George. H., 9 Eagle (with J. E. HAYDEN & Co.), born Monroe County,
New York, 1850
LOMB, Carl F., 59 S. Fitzhugh, born Bierstein, Germany; settled 1874
MCKELVEY, W. J., 67 Lake Avenue (with S. F. HESS), born Monroe County, New
York, 1844
MCMANUS, J. P., 89 Frank (with .J. H. & P. BYRNES), Secretary and Treasurer,
MCMANUS, Frank J., 89 Frank (with J. H. & P. BYRNES), assistant book-keeper,
born Monroe, New York, 1857
OCCUMPAUGH, Wallace, 264 N. St. Paul (with J. R. PENTECOST & Co.), born
Rensselaer County, New York; settled 1866
VICKERY, Charles A., 34 Sophia (ROCHESTER COTTON MILL), born Norfolk,
Massachusetts; settled 1854
WESTBURY, W. M., 133 Caledonia Avenue (with D. H. WESTBURY), born Monroe
County, New York, 1857.
WESLEY, William, H., 9 North Washington, born Wayne County, New York settled
YOUNG, T. G., Chatham (with E. R. ANDREWS), born Armagh, Ireland; settled
Agents (Insurance)
BANCKER, ,John, 103 East Main, and real estate, born Richmond, S. I.;
settled 1838
COOK, Frederick, East Avenue and Arnold's park. President ROCHESTER GERMAN
INSURANCE COMPANY (Vice-President Driving Park, A. A. G. and Chief of Staff
N. G. N. Y. S.), born Wildbad, Germany; settled 1848
DUEMPELMANN, L. C., Powers' block (fire), firm D. & FOENER, born
Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany; settled 1850
FORNER, Charles J., Powers' block (fire), firm C. FORNER & SON (C. FORNER,
deceased), born Monroe County, New York, 1849
FIRMAN, Warren S., Smith's arcade (fire and life), firm WELCH & F., born
Onondaga County, New York; settled 1848
JOHNSON, T. L., 27 Arcade (fire), firm MCLEAN & .J., born Grafton, Vermont;
settled 1833
KEELER, Mark, 18 West Main (life), born Erie County, New York; settled 1869
MCLEAN, Aaron M., 27 Arcade (fire), firm McL. & JOHNSON, born Washington
County, New York; settled 1812
MOORE, William. T., 52 Scio (general insurance), born Delaware County, New
York; settled 1845
MANNING, William., 39 York, born Rutland, Vermont; settled 1857
NIENTIMP, Ignatz, 70 St. Joseph general agent "UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE
Rochester, born Westphalia, Germany; settled 1854
ROBERTS, George, H., 6 Elwood block. (life, accident, and fire), born Cayuga
County, New York; settled 1829
SHELDEN, O. L., 27 Arcade (life), born Jefferson County, New York; settled
COMPANY, Toronto, and ALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Boston, born Tioga County,
Pennsylvania; settled 1874
TYLER, C. M., 40 Main (fire), born Suffolk, Massachusetts; settled 1856
Würzburg, Germany; settled 1857
WARD, Levi A., Exchange place (fire and life, and loan agency), born
Middlesex, Connecticutt; settled 1817
WEBB, Charles H., 9 Powers' block (life)
WINTERS, W. C., 110 Monroe Avenue (life), born Onondaga County, New York;
settled 1850;
Agents (Real Estate and Collection)
BOGLE, Wiilliam, corner Lowell and Martin (and grocer,), born Sligo,
Ireland; settled 1852
BALKAM, W. F., 28 and 30 Arcade (Supt. BRADSTREET’S MERCANTILE AGENCY), born
Suffolk, Massasschusetts; settled 1873
CANDEE, H. 0,, 56 Arcade (real estate, general intelligence and employment
agency), born Oswego, New York; settled 1874
HALL, William R., 21 Reynolds (real estate and builder), Patriarch I. O. O.
F., born Rutlandshire, England; settled 1857
HARRISON, Henry, 30 Jay, born Norfolk, England; settled 1834
HENRY, S. M., Arcade Street (collector and commercial broker), born Monroe
County, New York, 1848
KEELER, Mark, 18 West Main (real estate and life insurance), born Erie
County, New York; settled 1869
MANNING, William., 39 York, born Rutland, Vermont; settled 1857
ROCKFELLOW, S. L., 28 North Fitzhugh, born Livingston County, New York;
settled 1870
SCRANTON, Edwin, I Whitney Place, born Middlesex, Connecticut;
settled 1812
WILLCOX, Horton, North St. Paul, born Livingston County, New York; settled
Agents (Sewing Machines)
JONES, H. C., 43 State, manufacturer of sewing-machine
fixtures, general agent: SINGER, BUTTERICK’S patterns, firm J. & SUGEN, born
Saratoga County, New York; settled 1860
SUGEN, E. J., 17 South Clinton, general agent SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY
and BUTTERICK’S paper dress-patterns (JONES & S.), born London, England;
settled 1838
Bennington, Vermont.; settled 1866
BANCKER, John, 163 E. Main (Notary and Common Deeds), born Richmond, S. Id.;
settled 1838
MILLER, Christian, 18 Stilson, born Baden, Germany; settled 1849
Agricultural Implements, Etc.
HALL, Charles S., 11 South Water (manufacturer HALL’S patent clover-mill
and HALL’S patent bean and pea thrasher), born Wayne County, New York;
settled 1826
HEWITT, H. H., corner State and Platt Streets,
born Seneca County, New York; settled 1869
HOPPER, J. R., 22 Frank (patentee HOPPER potato digger, patented 1876), born
Paterson, N. J.; settled 1834
MCMAHON, M. J., 148 Mt. Hope Avenue, born Monroe County, New York, 1858
OLIVER, George, 8 W. Alexander (manufacturer grain separators, bran dusters,
smut machines), firm ERDLE & O., born Kent, England; settled 1840
OTTAWAY, E. R., corner Howell and St. Paul Streets (travel
agent ROCHESTER AGRICULTURAL WORKS), born Kent, England; settled 1834
ROCKFELLOW, S. L., 28 North Fitzhugh (manufacturer "Waters' tree pruner"),
born Livingston County, New York; settled 1870
FAY, J., 60 Charlotte, born St. Catharines, Ontario; settled 1861
GRAVES, William J., 95 Powers' block., born Springfield, Massachusetts;
settled 1869
KNEBEL, Oscar, 64 and 65 Reynolds' arcade, born Westphalia, Germany; settled
LOOMIS, Isaac, 22 Atkinson, born Berkshire, Massachusetts; settled 1820
POWERS, John J., 41 1/2 Romeyn with C. W. WOODWARD], born Erie, New York;
settled 1871
PUTNAM, Josiah H., 95 Powers' block, born Monroe County, New York, 1851
WARNER, A. J., 64 Powers' block; established 1854, born New Haven,
Connecticut; settled 1848
BALLENTINE, Miss Maggie A., 195
Powers' block, portrait and landscape painter, born Monroe County, New York,
BANNING, Albert R., 81 Meigs, frescoing, etc., born Monroe County, New York,
DAWSON, Mrs. E. V., Powers' block, born Coburg, Ontario; settled 1875
DUNCAN, William A., 182 and 184 Powers' block., born Wellsville, New York;
settled 1875
FRAUENBERGER, G., 59 and GO Reynolds' arcade, designer, engraver on wood,
etc., born Saxony, Germany; settled 1852
GIFFORD, Clifton C., 2 State, jewelers' engraver, born Windsor, Vermont;
settled 1838
GIFFORD, William E., 2 State, jewelers' engraver, born Monroe County, New
York, 1849
GILBERT, G. S., 99 Reynolds' arcade, portrait painter, born Oneida County,
New York; settled 1834
JESTER, C. J., 1031/2 East Main, portrait painter, born Chester,
Pennsylvania; settled 1875
KINSEY, E. F., 20 and 22 West Main, wood and seal engraver, born Tioga,
Pennsylvania; settled 1851
LOCKHARDT & LEADLY, 1 Main, designers and engravers on wood, organized 1876
MELVILLE, M. T., 41 1/2 Romeyn, engraver and wood carver (with C. W.
WOODWARD), born Monroe, New York, 1852
MIXER, B. S., 44 State, born Chatauque County, New York; settled 1869
MUNDY, Johnson M., 103 Reynolds' arcade, sculptor, born New Jersey; settled
OERTEL, Frank, 77 North avenue, crayon artist, born Detroit, Michigan;
settled 1862 PARLIAMAN, Florence A, 171 Powers' block, portrait painter;
settled 1875
RAHN, Anton C., 7 Market, manager artistic department, MENSING, RAHN &
STECHER, born Frankfort-on-Main, settled 1867
WAGNER, D. & M. L., 95 Arcade, artists
WILBUR, Isaac E., 106 Reynolds' arcade, landscape painter, born Otsego
County, New York; settled 1863
WOLSEY, Mrs C. E., 335 State, born Monroe County, New York, 1828
ACHILLES, C. P., South Washington Street (elected County Treasurer 1872), born Monroe County, New York, 1836
ALLEN, Charles M., 113 Powers' block, born Monroe County, New York, 1845
BAKER, Charles S., and Notary Public, Lake avenue, born Monroe County, New
York, 1839 (President Board of Education, '75-76)
BENEDICT, S. C., and Commissioner of Deeds, Powers' block, born Monroe
County, New York, 1852
BUDLONG, S. J., and Commissioner of Deeds, Powers' block, born Monroe
County, New York, 1853
BENEDICT, O. M., Osborne House, born Oneida County, New York ; settled 1854
BENNETT, Horace L., and Notary Public, Arcade, born Madison County, New
York; settled 1875
BENTON, George A., and Commissioner State Mississippi, 84 Arcade, born
Tolland, Conneticut; settled 1874
BARKER, Hiram L., 41 State, born Monroe County, New York, 1840
COOKE, M. W. (Trustee University Rochester), East Main street, born
Washington County, New York; settled 1853
CRAIG, Oscar, South Washington street, born Orleans County, New York;
settled 1859
CLARK, Paris G., Powers' block, born Cayuga County, New York; settled 1874
CHUMASERO, J. C. (County Judge, '60-68), Powers' block, born Albany County,
New York, settled 1830
CRITTENDEN, De L., Lake avenue, born Seneca County, New York; s 1853
CRANDALL, P. M. (Examiner National Banks and Col. Port Genesee '61-65), Lake
avenue, born Rensselaer County, New York; settled 1851
DAVISON, C. C. (District Attorney '66-68), Clinton place, born Lynn,
Connecticut; settled 1850
DICKINSON, P. P., and Notary Public, 84 Arcade, born Munroe County, New
York, 1851
EASTMAN, J. A. (City Attorney. and Cleric '42), 11 State, born Oneida
County, New York; settled 1834
EDMONDS, W. E., and Notary Public, with seal, 16 Smith block (School
Commissioner '67-73), born Monroe County, New York, 1832
ELY, A. (M. C. '58-61), 26 Power's block, born New London, Connecticut;
settled 1835
FANNING, J. R. (firm of F. & WILLIAMS), Powers' block, born Hastings,
Ontario; settled 1870
FISKE, E. B., Powers' block, born Rutherford, Tennessee; settled 1874
FOOTE, JR, Nathaniel, 19 Meiga, born Madison County, New York; settled 1873
FENNER, E. B. (Secretary Board Excise, Canal Collector '73), 98 Hope avenue,
born Monroe County, New York, 1839
GORHAM, Charles H., and Notary Public, East avenue, born Monroe County, New
York, 1847
GODDARD, Lewis J. (Justice '73-76), Selden street, born Bradford,
Pennsylvania; settled 1867
GRAEBE, William, and Notary Public, with seal, Pleasant street, born
Rodenberg, Germany; settled 1856
GARLOCK, James S., Chestnut street, born Monroe County, New York, 1836
HUSBANDS, J. D., (U. S. Standard Master and Examiner Chancery, Register in
Bankruptcy, U. S. Commissioner), N. Fitzhugh street, born Barbadoes, West
Indies; settled 1840
HUMPHREY, H. (County Judge '52-56), North Washington street, born
Litchfield, Connecticut; settled 1824
HUMPHREY, George H., Atkinson street, born Monroe County, New York, 1830
HITCHCOCK, F. A., S. Ford street, born Orleans County, New York; settled
HILLS, I. (Mayor '43, Recorder '34-41), Plymouth avenue, born Berkshire,
Massachusetts; settled 1821
HOVEY, L. H., Greig street, born Monroe County, New York, 1818
HAUKS, B. M., Pearl street, born Monroe County, New York, 1826
JEFFERS, J. H., and Notary Public, corner Arnold & Park avenues, born
Wyoming County, New York; settled 1853
JACKSON, George F., Prospect street, born Ontario County, New York ; settled
JONES, W. M. (Private Secretary Governor Morgan; chief clerk Consular
Bureau, Lincoln and Johnson's administration; U. S. Conselor Clifton, Can.,
'66-71), South Union street, born Onondaga County, New York; settled 1861
JORDAN, James A., and Notary Public, Powers' block, born Monroe County, New
York, 1851
MARTINDALE, J. H. (Brigadeer General Army Potomac, '61-62; Mil. Governor
Washington November '62 – May '64; Attorney General New York '66-6S), West
avenue, born Washington County, New York; settled 1851
MCDOWELL, C. I., Ambrose street, born Monroe county, New York, 1848
MACOMBER, F. A., Prince street, born Genesee County, New York ; a. 1855.
MCKINNEY, M. G. Commisioner State Mississippi, and Notary Public, Powers'
block, born Monroe County, New York, 1850.
MCPHERSON, William J., Plymouth avenue, born Inverness, Scotland; settled
MCNAUGHTON, D., (S. & T. R. & S. L. R. CO.), 21 Arcade, born Monroe County,
New York, 1830.
MORGAN, L. H., 95 Fitzhugh, born Cayuga, New York; settled 1841.
NASH, Chauncey, Hamilton place, born Onondaga County, New York; settled
OLIVER, William S., West avenue, born Yates County, New York; settled 1865.
OSGOODBY, William. W., (Representative Superior Court 7th Judicial District
New York State) 18 N. Fitzhugh, born Monroe County, New York, 1834.
POWERS, C. J. (Colonel & Battalion Major-General U. S. V.; County Clerk
'68-70). Spring street, born Northampton, Canada; settled 1845.
RAINES, G., (District Attorney '71 & 74; Judge Advocate 7th Division N. G.
S. N. Y.), East avenue, born Wayne County, New York; settled 1855.
REDFIELD, H. S., (Supervisor 4th Ward), Plymouth avenue, born Ontario
County, New York settled 1848.
RAU, J. (General Agent, with seal, Commissioner Deeds), 10 Smith's arcade,
born Baden, Germany; settled 1848.
SHERIDAN, W. J., (ex-Supervisor 9th Ward), Baker's block, born Monroe
County, New York 1842,
SELDEN, H. R. ( Lieutenant-Govenor '57-58; Judge. Court Appeals '62-65),
Main street, born New London, Connecticut; settled 1825.
STULL, Joseph A,. (District Attorney '60-63), S. Fitzhugh street, born
Monroe County, New York, 1828.
SARGENTt, H. (Deputy & U. S. Colonel Port Genesee County '53-56), Chestnut
street; born Jefferson County., New Yor ;. 1845.
STEBBINS, J. W. (member Legislature '55-56; Postmaster '66--70; G. M, Grand
Lodge 1.0.0. F. N. Y.), Chestnut street, born Herkimer County, New York;
settled 1849.
STEVENS, O. H., University avenue, born Ontario County, New York; settled
SCHOOLEY, Richard. H, Pwers' block, born Monroe County, New York, 1844.
STAPLES, W. S. & J. P., 30 Pear], born Monroe County., New York, 1839.
THOMAS, George W., Tremont street, born Monroe County, New York, 1850.
TRUESDALE, George, and U S. Loan Commissioner, Powers' block, born Monroe
County, New York, 1833.
TERRY, Seth H., Tremont street, born Hartford, Connecticut; settled 1854.
TUCKER, H. D., (District Attorney Orleans County '57--60), 17 Smith block,
born Herkimer County, New York; settled 1872.
VAN VOORHIS, John, corner Goodman & East avenues, born Otsego County, New
York; settled 1843.
VARNUM, Jonas P., Plymouth avenue, born Middlesex, Massachusetts; settled
WENTWORTH, D. (J. P. '48-69; Justice of Session ’64-65), William street,
born Otsego County, New York; settled 1818.
WILLIAMS, C. M. [A.B.], firm of FANNING & WILLIAMS, Franklin Square, born
Monroe County, New York, 1851.
WILE, I. A. [A.B.], Notary Public, Commissioner Deeds, Powers' block, born
Wayne County, New York; settled 1854.
WILE, S. [A.B.], Notary Public, with seal, Powers' block, born Monroe
County, New York, 1853.
WHITE, T. E., Greig street, born Cambridgeshire, England; settled 1870.
WEBSTER, E. (Prin. Free Academy '57-64), Jay street, born Ontario County,
New York; settled 1854.
WHITE, Richard. E., and Notary Public, Arcade, born Bristol, Massachusetts;
settled 1855.
WOOD, D., (City Justice 2 terms; G. M. I. O. O. F. N. Y. '70-71), Reynolds'
Born Wayne County, New York; settled 1828.
WEBB, W. W., and Notary Public, with seal, 9 Power’s block, born Monroe
County, New York, 1850.
WILKIN, A. J., 90 W. Main, born Orange County, New York; settled 1852.
WOODWARD, H. H., Baker block, W. Main street, born Franklin, Vermont;
settled 1836.
WILLIAMS, C., Power’s block, born Sussex, New Jersey; settled 1874.
CAULKINS, W. R., 12 Arnold park, born Livingston County, New York; settled
LOWREY & BRADNER, 21, 23 N. Water (wool commercial merchants), wool
pullers. WICKENS, Philip, 1 Lyell, and 2 Smith, born Sussex, England;
settled 1851.
WHIPPLE, J. D., 197 E. Main (produce commercial), established 1857, born
Schenectady, New York; settled 1854.