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Welcome to my site!Ewanida is a name I created in about 1998 when I started a Rootsweb genealogy mailing list for the Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho area. Primarily this is the area where I have read the most cemeteries. I plan to go outside this area as I am able to in the future. I have always had so many interests. Then came Genealogy and Cemeteries,
with the emphasis on Cemeteries.
I first worked at learning how to document a cemetery back in 1998,
then on to learning how to format and edit pages, and finally how to
create my own very simple website in 2001. I dreamed of all my genealogy
being on it, but the cemeteries won out. It started out the smaller
width size, but in 2007 I revamped it to be able to fit any screen width.
I do not have anything elaborate here. Since 2013 I have not worked on the site. All that I publish here is my own work and I pay for all costs. No income from anyone to do it. I have slowed down walking cemeteries since I had a stroke but work on them almost every day, updating etc. The photos on the right used to show the seasonal changes as I remember to update them. I enjoy all the seasons. We seem to have good weather much of the time no matter what the season. So I am leaving the photos as they are right now.
You are visitor since May 27, 2001 |
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