Neame Will 1547

Will of Richard Neame

of Woodnesborough, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/25/168
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In the name of God Amen the iijde [3rd] daye of June in the yere of our Lorde God a thousande fyve hundrethe xlvijte [1547] And in the first yere of the reigne of our Sovraigne Lorde Edward the firste, kinge of Englande, Fraunce and Yrelande Defendor of the faith and in earth Supreame heade of the churche of England and yrelande next unto God
I Richard Neame of the parrich of Wodnesborough, being in p[er]fect mynde and good remembrance make this my will & testament,
First and above all things I bequeath my Soule to Almightie God my maker and redemer, And I will my body to be buried in the churcheyard of Woodnesborough next unto my mother

Item I bequeith unto the high Aulter xijd
Item I bequeith to the rep[ar]aicons of Woodnesborough Churche a vjs viijd
Item I will heare fyve mass(es) at my buriall and fyve att my monthesmynde and v at my yerismynde

Item I bequith unto my two daughters Htlagar Neame and Alice Neame to either of them a xl £, And they shall have yt Delyvered unto eithens of them att the daye of their marriage And I Will that if one of them Dep[ar]te after [before?] they be maried Then I will that her part shall remayne unto Thomas Neame my sonne and his sister to be departed betwixt them
Item I will if it so fortune that they both departe before they be maried Then I will that Thomas Neame my Sonne shall have bothe their partes

Item I bequeith unto Thomas Neame my brother my lease of my house that I dwell in called the grasse; And I will he shal have yt at Michelmas next comyng
Item I will that my wiff dwell wthin one yere after in the grasse of so be she marry not
And I will that my brother Thomas Neame shall keepe her iiij ? at his cost
Item bequeith to Thomas Neame my brother our bage horse and my best maare

Item I will that my brother John Neame shall have the profett of my lands at Freate? in Ashe (for) iiij yeares, keping my Sonne Johis Neame iiij yeares at the skole [school]
Item I will that John Neame my brother shall have one Cowe and xxti [20] Ewes delyvred att Mighelmas next comyng and I will he shall del[ive]r to my Son Thomas Neame when he comth unto the age of xv yeares one cowe and xx Ewes

Item I do bequeith unto Margery Neame my wif all my corne in my Barne or in my house and all my corne in my feild and all my cattall that I have saving one sowe wch I will my Brother Thomas Neame shall have
Item I will that my wif shall have half my housholde; And my iiij children thother half and yt to be equally devyded amongst them And I will my wif their naturall mother shall have the kepinge of their housholde untill they come to mariage

Item I will that my brother John Neame and my brother Thoms Neame and Edmonde Baker shall have in custodie all my goods that is owing me And I will they shall pay all my Debtes bequeasts and Legacies And I will they geve an accompte unto Thõs Neame my sonne, when he comith to the age of xvth yeares
Item I bequeith to John Thompson xvjd

Item I will that Tho's Neame my sonne shall have all my lands that is in Woodnesborough p[ar]ish or in Ashe pish
And I will for forsaide John Neame, Thomas Neame and Edmond Baker shall have the ovrsight of his lands untill he come unto thage of xv yeares
And I will that if so be Margery Neame my wif do meddle or clayme any part of my lands then I will that she shall have nothinge that I have bequested her

Item I make Thomas Neame my ex'or? and Thoms Neame my brother my whole Executors of this my Last will and testament
Item I do make John Neame my Brother and Edmond Baker Supervisors of this my will and testament And I will that either of them shall have xiijs iiijd for to sea this my will fulfilled

These being witnesse hereof
Henry Parmenter, Vicar; John Haukins; Denny Neame; William Smith, Clerke and Roger Snode

Probatum fuit: 3rd August 1547

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 25th September 2023

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Will of Richard Neame
Created by Maureen Rawson