Item I bequeith unto the high Aulter xijd
Item I bequeith to the rep[ar]aicons of Woodnesborough Churche a vjs viijd
Item I will heare fyve mass(es) at my buriall and fyve att my monthesmynde and v at my yerismynde
Item I bequith unto my two daughters Htlagar Neame and Alice Neame to either of them a xl £, And they shall have yt Delyvered unto
eithens of them att the daye of their marriage And I Will that if one of them Dep[ar]te after [before?] they be maried Then I will that her part
shall remayne unto Thomas Neame my sonne and his sister to be departed betwixt them
Item I will if it so fortune that they both departe before they be maried Then I will that Thomas Neame my Sonne shall have bothe their partes
Item I bequeith unto Thomas Neame my brother my lease of my house that I dwell in called the grasse; And I will he shal have yt at Michelmas
next comyng
Item I will that my wiff dwell wthin one yere after in the grasse of so be she marry not
And I will that my brother Thomas Neame shall keepe her iiij ? at his cost
Item bequeith to Thomas Neame my brother our bage horse and my best maare
Item I will that my brother John Neame shall have the profett of my lands at Freate? in Ashe (for) iiij yeares, keping my Sonne Johis
Neame iiij yeares at the skole [school]
Item I will that John Neame my brother shall have one Cowe and xxti [20] Ewes delyvred att
Mighelmas next comyng and I will he shall del[ive]r to my Son Thomas Neame when he comth unto the age of xv yeares one cowe and xx Ewes
Item I do bequeith unto Margery Neame my wif all my corne in my Barne or in my house and all my
corne in my feild and all my cattall that I have saving one sowe wch I will my Brother Thomas Neame shall have
Item I will that my wif shall have half my housholde; And my iiij children thother half and yt to be equally devyded amongst them And I will my
wif their naturall mother shall have the kepinge of their housholde untill they come to mariage
Item I will that my brother John Neame and my brother Thoms Neame and Edmonde Baker shall
have in custodie all my goods that is owing me And I will they shall pay all my Debtes bequeasts
and Legacies And I will they geve an accompte unto Thõs Neame my sonne, when he comith to the age of xvth yeares
Item I bequeith to John Thompson xvjd
Item I will that Tho's Neame my sonne shall have all my lands that is in Woodnesborough p[ar]ish or in Ashe pish
And I will for forsaide John Neame, Thomas Neame and Edmond Baker shall have the ovrsight of his lands untill he come unto thage of xv yeares
And I will that if so be Margery Neame my wif do meddle or clayme any part of my lands then I will
that she shall have nothinge that I have bequested her
Item I make Thomas Neame my ex'or? and Thoms Neame my brother my whole Executors of this my Last will and testament
Item I do make John Neame my Brother and Edmond Baker Supervisors of this my will and testament And I will that either of them shall have
xiijs iiijd for to sea this my will fulfilled
These being witnesse hereof
Henry Parmenter, Vicar; John Haukins; Denny Neame; William Smith, Clerke and Roger Snode
Probatum fuit: 3rd August 1547
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 25th September 2023
Will of Richard Neame