Item I give to ELIZABETH my wyfe eleaven pounds a yeare duringe her lyffe in manner followinge to be
payd by my sonnes RICHARD and EDMOND out of my lande to them gyven.
Item I will that she shall have her dwellinge in the parlour of the house wherein I
nowe dwell and the middle orchard and the use of the chamber and the hall duringe her naturalle lyffe.
Item I give her the use of all the bedding goodes chattells furniture in the sayd
parlour except two chests whereof I keepe the keyes duringe her sayd naturall lyffe.
Savinge that my Executor he to have the use of parte of the lynnen at needful tymes.
And she to have all the benefytt and fruite of the sayd middle orchard duringe her sayd lyfe.
Item I give her a greate brasse pott and fower henns and a cocke and a capan And I will that my sonne
RICHARD shall gyve her the poopinges of soe many fowles duringe her lyfe if she desire it.
Item. I give to EDMUND NEAME my sonne all my farme houses and lands with the appurtenances in Woodnesborrowe aforesaid which I bought of Mr. Boteler And allsoe houses and lande with appurtenances in the sayd parrishe which I bought of my brother RICHARD NEAME to him the sayd EDMUND and his heeres forever.
Provided always and my meaning is that the sayd EDMUND and his heires shall paye to JARVICE
NEAME my sonne yearelye duringe his lyffe out of the sayd lands fower pounds towards his mayntenance.
Alsoe to the sayd ELIZABETH my wyffe fyve pounds by yeare duringe her lyffe att the fower usual feasts in the yeare towards her mayntenance.
And to DANIEL NEAME my sonne the sume of fyfty pounds vizt in everye yeare after my decease tenn pounds till it be all payd.
And to JANE my daughter nowe wyffe of EDWARD HILDE sixe pounds.
And to her fower children fower pounds vizt. To everye one of them twentye shillings.
But if the sayd EDMUND my sonne or his heires shall refuse to paye the sayd annuities and sumes then I will that myne Executor and Overseere or the survivors of them shall take the rente and proffitts of the landes gyven to the sayd EDMUND my sonne And lett the sayd lands untill the rents and proffitts est? thereof have payd the sayd annuities and duties of money appoynted to be payd by him as aforesaid.
Item I give to RICHARD NEAME my sonne my house and farme wherein I now dwell and all the lands thereunto nowe belonginge wich are nowe in my owne occupation contayninge by estimation 14 acres more or lesse situate lyinge and beinge in the Parrishe of Woodnesborrowe aforesayd To him and his heires forever
provyded alwayes and my mynde and will and meaninge is that the sayd RICHARD my sonne and his heires
shall paye to JARVICE NEAME my sonne duringe his lyfe yearelye out of the sayd lande sixe pounds towards his maytenance.
And alsoe shall paye out of the sayd lande to the sayd ELIZABETH my wyfe yearelye the sume of six pounds
duringe her naturall at the fower usuall feasts in the yeare by even porcons
and alsoe that the sayd RICHARD shall paye and deliver to the said ELIZABETH before Mychelmas next twelve bushells of good beanes barley
taris wheate and yearely after two quarters of like wheat vizt one quarter at Our Ladye Day and the other quarter
thereof at Our Michaelmas yearelye duringe her naturall lyfe.
And also the said RICHARD and his heires shall paye out of the sayd lands to ROBERTE RICHARD and
WILLIAM NEAME sonnes of SYLVESTER NEAME my sonne deceased the sume of 120 pounds vizt to every
of them 40 pounds at the age of each of them of one and twentye yeares.
And if any or either of them shall dye before the sayd age then to pay the parte and porcon of him or them soe dyeinge to the survivor and survivors of
them by even porcons.
And alsoe shall paye to the three daughters of the sayd SYLVESTER 30 pounds vizt to each of them 10 pounds as each of them that accomptes the age of eightene yeares.
And if either or any of them dye before the sayd ages then to paye the parte and porcon of them soe dyeinge to the survivor or survivors of them by even partes.
And alsoe the sayd RICHARD and his heires shall pay to JOHN APPLETON and THOMAS APPLETON
sonnes of THOMAS APPLETON the sume of 30 pounds vizt to each of them 15 pounds at their sayd ages of one and twentye yeares.
And to DENNICE and ELIZABETH APPLETON daughters of the sayd THOMAS APPLETON 20 pounds vizt to each of them 10 pounds at the age of eightene yeares.
And if either or any of the sayd sonnes or daughters shall dye before his her or theire porcons of her him or them soe dyinge to be payd to the survivor or survivors of
them by even porcons.
But if my sayd sonne RICHARD shall refuse so to paye all or anye of the sayd annuityes or sumes of money or paye rente aforesayd before menconede by him to be payd then I will that my sayd sonne EDMUND and my Overseers the survivor or survivors of them shall receive the rente and profitts of the sayd land and tenements before gyven to the sayd RICHARD and lett the same untill the rente and profitts thereof will paye the same.
And I will that the sayd RICHARD and EDMUND my sonnes or one of them shall have the educacon and care of my sayd sonne JARVICE duringe his lyfe. And my meaning is that while the sayd JARVICE shall contynew yonge and in good strength and shall remayne in the keepinge of the said RICHARD the sayd EDMUND and his heires shall paye onelye fortye shillings yearelye towards his maytenance and not the sayd fower pounds yearelye.
And lykewyse if the sayd JARVICE shall remayne in the keepinge of the sayd EDMUND that the sayd RICHARD and his heires shall paye yearelye duringe the tyme that the sayd JARVICE shall contynew yonge and of good strength onelye the sume of fower pounds yearelye towards the keepinge of the sayd JARVICE and not the sayd six pounds yearelye. But when the sayd JARVICE shall growe old lame or decreped then I will that the sayd RICHARD shall paye the six pounds yearelye and the sayd EDMUND aforesayd and fower pounds yearelye in manner aforesayd.
And I make the said RICHARD NEAME my sonne Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament to whome I gyve my croppes and stocke and all my other goodes and chattells whatsoever not before gyven.
And I doe make my brother RICHARD NEAME and Mr. EDMUND PARKES Overseers of the same my will desireinge them to be aideinge them and assistinge to my wyfe and children in all thinges concerninge this my Will.
I give and bequeathe to DANYELL NEAME my sonne all my houses lande and tenements whatsoever in the Towne of Sandwich to him and his heires forever.
And my meaneinge is that the fiftye pounds before lymitted to be payd to the sayd children of THOMAS APPLETON shall and in full satisfacon of soe which money by and promised to the sayd children forwich I thincke I gave there father a Bill or a note in wrightinge which is to be dischardged and delivered upp to my Executor in regarde of the fiftye pounds to them gyven in this my will.
And I will that my sayd sonne EDMUND shall paye to RICHARD my sonne twelve pounds which will be due about Whitsundae next for rente of my landes in his occupacon.
In Witness whereof 1 have hereunto putt my hand and seale the Daye and Yeare above written. Theise beinge witnesses
RICHARD NEAME the Elder by his marke
THOMAS NEAME by his marke
KATHERINE JNO by her marke
Will of Lawrence Neame