I give and bequeath to the poore people of the p[ar]ish of Woodnesborough tenn Shillings
I give to the poore people of the parishe of Goodneston[e] tenn Shillings
Item I give and bequeath unto Suzan my Daughter one hundred pounds to be payd to my Cozen Richard Neame to the use of
her w[i]thin sixe monethes after my decease in money or by good Securitye to his reasonable Contentment, and by him to be put owt
to interest untell her daye of marriage and then to be payd to her
Item I give to Catherine my wyffe two unlche tyne to be delivered unto her presentlye after my decease shee to make her
choyse of one of the best
Item I give to the sayd Catherine my wyffe the best bedsted the featherbed bolster two pillowes two blanketts and the Covrlett and
all thinges thereto belonginge, the best presse and the worser presse and sufficient Corne and wood to keepe her house this year yf
she remayne and dwell at my house in Westborrowe
Item I give to Silvester my sonn one fetherbed, one fetherbolster Coverlet, a blackett, fower paire of sheets
Item I give to Suzan my Daughter fower paire of sheets, one tablecloth one dozen of napkyns, one Coverlet
Item I will that all the rest of my houshold stuffe shall wthin Convenient tyme after my decease be devyded into three equall p[ar]ts by myne executors and ovrseers, and I give the same to my sayd wyffe, my Sonn Thomas (and) my Sonn John by equall and every p[ar]te equallye to be devided betweene them except such goods and Chattells as are in my house at Goodneston(e), all w[hi]ch I give to Silvester my sayd Sonne
Item I will that all the rest of my good and Chattells shalbe paid forward? the payment of my debts and legacyes
I trust will and my meaninge ys that yf] my said Daughter Suzan shall dye before her parte and porcon shalbe payable, then I give
her sayd porcon to my two youngest sonnes that shalbe then lyveinge equallye to be devyded betweene them
Item I will that my sayd wyffe shall have the custodye and keepinge of the housholdestuffe before
gyven to my two sonnes John and Thomas untill theire seidall [said all] ages of twentye yeares
Item I will and give to the sayd Catherine my wyeff one hundred pounds to be payd to her in manner and forme followeinge, vizt,
Fyftye pounds thereof wthin twelve moneths next after my decease, and other Fyftye pounds wthin twelve moneths then next after
uppon condicon that my sayd wyffe shall release all her dower and widdowright in all my lands and tenem[en]ts; but
yf she refuse soe to doe, then I will that she shall not have the said hundred pounds nor any other guifte or legacye in this my
will before bequeathed to her, and she shall take (no?) use benefitt or proffytt by this my will and all guiftes and legacyes herein
to her gyven shalbe utterlye voyd
Item I will and ordeyne that my sayd wyffe shall have the educacon of my sonne John untill he shall or may accomplishe his full
age of twentye yeares and for his mayntenence shall have three pounds a yeare payd by my executor untill he shall or may accomplishe
his sayd age of twentye yeares
and then I give and bequeath the sayd house and lands of Weshborrowe wth the lands that I bought of Thomas Harrison to the
sayd John his heires and assigns forevr
But if the sayd John shall dye before his sayd age of twentye yeares, then I give the sayd house and
lands to my sonne Thomas his heires and assignes forevr when he shall or may accomplishe his full age of one and twentye yeares
Item I will that yf my sayd wyffe will dwell and remayne in my house at West Borrowe untill my sonne John shall or maye accomplishe his age of twentye yeares Then she shall hold and enjoye the sayd house and the lands thereto belonginge and the lands late Thomas Harrison’s duringe the sayd tyme, and she shall repaye amend and maynteyne and keepe all the houses and buildings to the sayd house belonginge well repayred
Item I will that my brother Richard Denn shall have and enjoye my house, farm and the rest of my lands thereunto belonginge
lyeing in the parrishe of Goodneston, at or nere a place called Rollinge, now in the occupacon of John Baker and fower acres
of land in the parrishe of Woodnesborrowe likewyse in the occupacon of the said John Baker lyeinge in the feild called Harris & Dane
duringe the space of fower yeares next after my decease, and shall receave and take the rents and proffytts thereof for and towards
the payment of my sayd daughters porcon and for and towards the payement of my debts and legacyes and the educacon of my said
sonne Silvester
And afterwards, I give to the sayd Silvester Neame my sonne the sayd house, farme and lands in Goodneston aforesayd to the sayd
Silvester his heires and assignes for evr
uppon Condicon that he shall pay to Thomas my sonne twenty pounds wthin three monthes next after he the sayd Thomas shall
accomplishe his full age fower and twentye yeares, at the churche porche of Woodnesborrowe and to John my sonne other twentye
pounds wthin three monthes next after he the sayd John shall accomplish his full age of fower and twentye yeares at the place
Item I give to the sayd Silvester Neame my sonn his heires and assignes at the tyme aforesayd the sayd fower acres of land lyeinge
in the parrishe of Woodnesborrowe aforesayd in a certayne feild there called Hamwoule Dane uppon Condicon that he shall wthin
Convenient tyme after his full age of one and twentye yeares release unto John Neame my sonn all his right and tytle that he then
shall have or afterwards may have in or to the sayd house and lands at Westborrowe aforesayd gyven to the sayd John as
aforesayd And shall in the meane tyme clayme one estate or interest therein
But if the sayd Silvester shall refuse so to doe the same then I give the sayd fower acres of land to the sayd John his heires and
assignes forevr
Item I will that my brother Richard Deen and his assignes shall have and enjoye my house, garden and orchard wth theire
appurten[an]cs lyeinge and beinge in the parrishe of Goodnestone aforesayd at or neere a certayne place there called Rollinge nowe
in the occupacon of
And when the sayd Thomas my sonne shall accomplishe his sayd age of twentye yeares then I give the sayd house, garden and orchard
in Goodneston aforesayd to the sayd Thomas my sonne and his heires and assignes for evr uppon Condicon that he the sayd Thomas shall
wthin Convenient tyme after his full age of one and twentye yeares release unto the sayd John and his heires all the right and tytle
that he the sayd Thomas my sonne then shall have or afterwards maye have in or to the sayd howse and lands at Westborrow aforesaid
and in the meane tyme shall clayme or take noe benefytt thereby
Item I will that my brother Richard Denn shall have the Care end Educacon of my sonn Silvester untill his age of fower and twentye
Item I will that my sayd sonnes and Daughter shalbe tut[or]ed and girded [guided] by my brother Richard Denn and the ovrseers of
this my will and shall not contracte any marryage or marriages wthowt the Consent or good likeinge of my brother Richard Denn
and ovrseers or the Survivors of them
And I doe make and ordeyne my said brother Richard Denn and his brother John Denn executors of this my laste will and
testament; And Mr. Edmund Parke and my Cozen Richard Neame Ovrseers of the same to give my sayd executors all the helpe?
and advice and assurance they cann in the p[er]formance and execucon of this my will
And my will and desire is that all the chardges, expences and paynes of my sayd executors and ovrseers in travellinge abowte
the execucon of the bussines of this my will shalbe come and payd owt of my goods and Chattells aforesayd
In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the daye and yeare (above written)
Probatum fuit: 1st May 1616
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 8th-9th August 2021
And alsoe all those my three messuages or tenements wth theire appurtencs scituate, lyeinge and beinge wthin the towne of Sandwich
wthin the parrishe of St. Peter untill my sonne Thomas Neame shall or may accomplishe his full age twentye yeares and shall receave
and take the rents and proffytts thereof for and towards the payement of my said daughters porcons and for and towards the payement
of my debts and legacyes and the educacon of the sayd Thomas
But yf the sayd Thomas refuse to doe the same or shall dye before his sayd age of one and twentye yeares, then I gyve the same to
John Neame my sonne his heires and assignes for evr
Item I will that my brother Richard Denn shall have the care, orderinge and educacon of the sayd Thomas my sonne unto his age
aforesayd and to take and receave the proffytts of all my lands and tenements in mannr aforesayd towards the mayntenance of my
sonnes and for the intente aforesayd And yf he shall cause more of the proffytts of my
houses and lands than will paye my sayd debts and legacyes then I give the ovr plus to my twoe sonnes John and Thomas
Item I give to Thomas and John my sonnes twentye pounds a peece to be payd to them at theire svrall ages of one and twentye yeares
And I doe hereby revoke and make voyd all former wills and testaments whatsoever heretofore by me made
The marke of the sayd Richard Neame
These beinge wittnesses thereto:
Edmund Parke; William Woder; Thomas Wilson
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Created by Maureen Rawson