Neame Will 1623

Will of Richard Neame

of Woodnesborough, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC17/64/54
Submitted by Veronica Nops
In the Name of God Amen the 24th Day of January Anno Dmi 1623 in the one and twenteth yeare of the Raigne of Our Soveraigne Lord James by the Grace of God Kinge of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith. And of Scotland the seaven and fiftieth.
I RICHARD NEAME of Woodnesborowe in the Countye of Kent Yeoman beinge sicke in bodye but of good remembrance thankes be given to Allmighty God doe make this my last will First I bequeath my soule into the Hands of my Creator beleavinge to have remission of my sinnes by the meritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer.
Item I bequeath my bodye to the Earth.

Item I bequeath unto ELIZABETH my daughter one hundred pounds of currant money to be payd unto her at her age of eighteene yeares or at her Day of Marriage which shall first happen.

Also the Residue of my goods not given otherwise bequeathed I will and bequeath unto SUSAN my wife whom I make and appointe to be the sole Executrix of this my will if she shall survive me in consideracon of which legacye my mynd and will is that my wife shall at her chardge provyde for the education and bringing up of my said daughter untill the said one hundred pounds shall be due unto her.

And if my sayd wife (who is now also very sicke) shall departe this life before mee then I nominate and appointe my lovinge kinsman HENRY NEAME of Staple to be Executor of this my will.
And then I bequeath unto him all the residue of my goods payinge my daughter the said one hundred pounds as aforesaid.
And my Mynd and Will is that my Executrix or Executor shall pay and discharge all such debts and legacies as I owe or stand chardged with.

And as touchinge the disposinge of my Landes and Tenements I Will and Bequeath them all unto RICHARD my sonne at his age of one and twenty yeares and to his heires forever.
And if he shall departe this life before he shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares then I bequeath the same unto ELIZABETH my daughter and to her heires forever from and after the decease of my sayd wife.

Item I bequeath my Land and Tenements unto my sayd wife untill my sonne shall be one and twenty yeares of age.
And if my sonne shall depart this life before his age of one and twenty yeares then I bequeath my sayd Land and Tenements to my sayd wife during her naturall life to the end that she shall with the profitts thereof provyde for the educacon and bringing up of my sonne.
And if my sayd wife shall depart this life before my sonne shall be one and twenty yeares then my mynd and will is that SILVESTER NEAME my brother shall have the profitts of my sayd lands and tenements during his nonage and shall have with the profitts thereof provide for the educacon and bringing up of my sayd sonne during his nonage and of my sayd daughter untill the one hundred pounds shall bee due unto her.

Provided allways and my minde and will is that JARVICE NEAME my brother shall have payd an annuatye or yearely rent chardges of thirty shillings from and after the time of my decease duringe his naturall life quarterly to be payd unto him out of my sayd Lands and Tenements over and besyde that which was bequeathed unto him by my father. And that he shall or may levy and recon the sayd annuatye so often as the same shall be unpayd by distresse upon my sayd lands or tenements.

Item I will and bequeath unto my sister HILD twenty shillings and unto her two daughters tenne shillings apeece to be payd unto them by my Executrix or Executor before named.

In Witness wherof I have here unto sett my hand and Seale the Day and Yeare first above written. RlCHARD NEAME his Marke Read and then Signed Sealed Published and Declared in the presence of us.

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Will of Richard Neame
Created by Maureen Rawson