Item I will and bequeath unto my three Sonnes Edmund Neame, Henry Neame and Thomas Neame All my arrable Land lyeing in the
Feild together in manner following
To Edmund Neame I bequeath his part by measurem[en]t on the Southwest Downe towards the Kings highway
and To Henry Neame I bequeath his parte next to his brothers by measurement to the footway all along
and To Thomas Neame I give him his part next to grove land crosse the peice by measuremt soe that the foresaid Thomas Neame shall
have an acre lesse out of the Feild by reason that I bequeath to my sonne Thomas one acre of Land more lyeing in the beacon feild
that Churchway lyeth through the said Land
I will and bequeath to Richard Neame my sonne the two Pasture closes joyning to highway and the other arrable close joyning
to the pasture closes with all the timber and trees groweing thereon
Item I will that if any of my Fower Sonnes dye without heires Lawfully begotten o his body then the
liveing shall inherit the parts of the deceased by even portions
Alsoe I give & bequeath to Edmund and Henry Neame my two Sonnes the dwelling house wherein I live w[i]th the orchard joyning to it
and the hearb garden and halfe the barne and place with the two Ridgebonds? joyning to the same barne, to Edmund Neame his part of
the house and orchard along the high way And to Henry Neame my sonne the other part of the house and orchard straight downe to ye
whitethorne bushes neer the well
Alsoe I give to Henry my Sonne my ridgbond next the little lane with the trees and yard soe farr as the halfe of the barne doth
accounte to
I will and bequeath unto my sonne Edmund the little garden wth the gate next the out orchard
More I will and bequeath to Thomas and Richard Neame my two Sonnes all the house which I call the Kitchen with all which joyned to
the same and the Stables and Lodge with all the backside timber trees and younge Springs throughout to the little Lane
Alsoe to Thomas and Richard Neame the north parte of the barne and part of the yard behind the
barne straight to the little lane and the North West parte of the grate yard comeing into the barne
Alsoe I bequeathe to Thomas and Richard Neame the orchard on the East side of the high way to be
devided to them longest way from the white thorn right up to the Ashe shall be the outbounds,
betweene Henry and Thomas the well and pound and the comeing in betweene the two
houses shall be for wayes betweene the brothers Edmund Henry Thomas and Richard Neame to goe to theire partes
Alsoe I give and bequeath the way to their partes as it was in my lifes tyme that is along the Frith
hedge and soe downe along the foot path and then turning thereon Henry(s) parte as it hath been heretofore
I will and bequeath to Susanna my wife one Fowrth parte of the pr[e]misses as long as she lived keeping herselfe a widdow
and also my wife shall have the revenues of my two youngest Sonnes partes till they come of age
and if my wife dye before the two youngest Sonnes come to age of one and twenty yeares Edmund and Henry my Sonnes shall bring them
up with the revenues of their Lands And my will and pleasure is that they pay not for theire dyett & keepeing
I Will unto Susanna my wife her dwelling in the house as long as she lives
I give to Susanna my wife the bedsteddle and bed in the parlor all as it stands More I give to my wife the use of
all manner of vessells whatsoever
I will and bequeath to my two Daughters Fifty pounds apeece to Elizabeth Neame and Susanna Neame
Edmund and Henry and Thomas and Richard shall pay to Susanna [out of] their Lands five & twenty pounds a yeere at the age of one and
twenty years & shall pay unto Elizabeth out of their Lands Five and twenty pounds a peece at the age of one & twenty yeares
If either of my two Daughters dye without heires Lawfully begotten of theire bodies then the Liveing party shall be heire to the
others portion
Alsoe I will that Edmund and Henry Neame my two Sonnes bring up theire youngest Sister if her mother live not to See her brought
upp And my Will is that my Sonnes as you desire the blessing of the Lord upon you that she pay not for her keepeing and dyett
I Will and give to Susanna my wife the disposeing of all my Linnen
I bequeath to my Sonne Edmund the drawing table in the parlor and all the joyne Stooles belonging to it
I will unto my Sonne Henry the Table and forme in the Hall
Also to my Sonne Thomas my owne Chest; and my Sonne Richard the black bucking Chest; and to my daughter Elizabeth the carved
Chest in the parlor; and to my daughter Susanna I give the other great Chest in the wheate loft over the Hall
Al the rest of my moveables I give to all my Sonnes and Daughters to be equally divided by their mother
The Stock and cropp I bequeath to my Executors to pay my debts and to bury mee and as for the overplus whatsoever is left after my interm[en]t and payment of my debts I will that the same be equally shared and divided amongst all my Sonnes and Daughters
and for the executors of the same? my last will and Testament I doe appoint my Wife Susanna and my Sonne Edmund for executrix and executor
In Witns whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale this 25th of September Anno [dini] 1679.
Henry Neame
Sealed and delivered in the pr[e]sence of us whose names are hereunder written
Isaac Lovell; John Harrison
Probatum fuit: 28th October 1679
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 7th August 2021
Will of Henry Neame