Nethersole Will 1504/5

Extract of Will of John Nethersole

of Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB11/14
Submitted by Jeremy Stroud
Note: written in Latin: abstract by Jeremy Stroud

Written: duodecimo die mensis Septembris [the 12th day in the month of September] A.D.1504
I Johannes Nethersole ... to be buried in parish church of ?

… St Katherine chapel … altar of St Andrew in Hollborne [Holborn], London … … altars of Kyngeston and Berham [Kingston & Barham] … and the altar of St Paul Cant? … church gate … abbott … monastery … St Gregory Cantuar … monastery of St Sepulchre Cantuar … St Salvator of Feversham [St Saviour of Faversham?] … capelle clemosinarie

… my son John Nethersole deceased
… William Nethersole my brother …
… Ealie de Kyngeston predict ad reparacion? … [for repairs to the parish church of Kingston]
… Quatuor filys Willm Nethersole fratris mei X li [the 4 s/o William Nethersole my brother] … X li
/Thome Denne filio Mich’is Denne XXs/Willimo Denne fri suo XXs [Thos Denne s/o Michael Denne/Wm Denne]
/Willimo Lychefeld filio Rogeri Lychefeld XXs/ [William Lychefeld s/o Roger Lychfeld]
Willimo Woodeford filio Rob’ti Wodeford Xs [William Woodeford s/o Robert Woodeford]
Johann May XXs/

Willimo Hankesland [William Hankesland] quinqz maroas/ Vin ? Capellano idonco et difecto Missis et alia lumina sernicia celebracion post decessum meum iij ea?? parochiah de Kyngeston p’dict [the said parish church of Kingston] continne per Sp?ond quinqz Anno?p pro Annimabus patris et matris meom [the souls of my father & mother] at mei et ann fideli?? defundom?p quinqz? ?ijinca mareas Ad Reparacionem portam et Murom Cimitates Cant XX?/ [repairs to the gate & walls of the graveyard Canterbury]

Et panperibus intra Eandem quincaten? Habitoncibus XX? per disonenem manoris et ?odtatis illius cimitat ? et expen ?? P’dict assignandes et dundendis /ae distribuend /
Gregoris Lychefeld filiolo meo XXs/ [Gregory Lychefield my god/grandson]
Rogero Brent filiolo meo XXs [Roger Brent my godson/grandson] ad orandes pro anima mea et pro salute einsdem/ Willimo Lang[?Long] C?e/
Johann Conyngton LX?/.
Ricardo Mok’et X? me? ad exhibendes? Ipin? ????? ad …. Liberand per discre//tionein Executor p’dict …

Item Johann Kenett X?la/ Johanni Stanys venem veteram togan? Dompuo?
John Brenchley Monachs [monk?] pro confli?? Causa XLs [40s]/ Johanni Seth XXs/
Eahe? Parochiah de Nonyng/ton [parish church of Nonnington]
vi?dha’t ad Reparacionem Navus [repairs to the nave?] ??sdem ???? xlls ?Eahe parochi de Enynfeld videlo ad reparacion? [repairs for the parish church of ?Enynfield?] Navus [the nave] emsdem ?Eahe XXs/
Fatribus et sororibus Hospitalis Sancte Johis de Northgate ???? Cant XX? [to the brothers & sisters of the Hospital of St John of Northgate Canterbury]
Fratribus et sororibus Sancti Mich’l de Harbaldoun XXs? [to the brothers & sisters of St Michael of Harbledown]/.
Fratribus et sororibus de Mayner D ?spiell ? Cantuar XXd/.
Willimo Mete XXd/ ?Eahe parochiah Onn Gcomr Cantuar [the parish church of ????? Canterbury] viz ad ornamenta et Liber pro /eaha/illa emendes per discretionem parochianom emsdem? ?Eahe Xd/

Residiuum [the residue] vero bonom meom supius non legatom [unbequeathed] do et lego Johanni Fynenx Oapitah Juscianario Dm/ Rgis ad plica coram …’regis tenendes Johanin Rooper Willimo Nethersole fratris meo, Rogero Lychefeld et Johanni May … ???? [John Roper & William Nethersole, my brothers, Roger Lychfield & John May]
faciant et disponant prosaluti Anime mee pprout eis salutbuus videbicur ? expedice Quos quindem Johanni Fyneenx? Johani Roper Willm Nethersole Rogerini Lychefeld et Joahannes May ordnio facio et conf??//
Tuo Executr huius putes testamentmen et emsdem ?Ginpinsores conscituo Venerend? Patres Abbacenn
Monascecy sancti Anguscin et Priorem ?Eahe XXd Cant quid super se assinnere intine imploro

… Johann Fyne … Johanne Rychard Senr? Willimo ?Lang/Long Johannis Calyngton Johanne Robert et alia/

Probate 11 Feb 1504[/5] [Lambeth Palace or Canterbury] on the oath of John Roper one of the executors named in the will to whom administration was granted … John Den[ne] defunct [had died]

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Will of John Nethersole
Created by Maureen Rawson