Nethersole Will 1588

Extract of Will of Sylvester Nethersole

of Barham, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC/17/47/126
Submitted by Jeremy Stroud
Written the 27th day of January in the year 1586 in the 29th year of the reign of Ladie Elizabeth Queen
I Silvester Nethersole of Barham, Kent, wyddowe
To be buried at the discretion of myne executor
Item I give to the poor of the parish of Barham 10s

Unto John, Alexander & Vincent Nethersole my sonnes £10 each
Item I give and bequeathe unto William Nethersole my youngest sonne £40 to be paid within 1 yr
Item I give unto my sonne John Nethersole his wife a towel of Damaske and a tablecloth of Damaske the longest that I have

Item I give unto my daughter Rickard my best Christeninge sheete and my other tablecloth of Damaske
Item I give unto my daughter Smytheott another Christeninge sheets with white bone lace
Item Unto my daughter Mundye the christening sheets which she hathe allreddie in her custodie
Item unto my said daughter Rickard my best gowne with the kerth
Item unto my daughter Smitheott my 2nd best gowne with the kerth
Item unto my daughter Mundye my 3rd best gowne with the kerthe unto whom also I will that my executor shall take sure order as she may be paide 10s yearlie during her natural life

Item I give unto John Nethersole my sonne John his sonne, unto Thomas Whitefeilde the sonne of Edward Whitefeild my sonne latelie deceased, unto Francis Smitheest my goddaughter, and to Margarett Mundye my goddaughter, 10s each
Item I give unto Michaell my sonne Christophers man 10s

The resydue of all my goodes and Chattells aswell reall as personal (my debtes and legacies being paid and my funeral discharged (except my longest table carpet) I give and bequeath unto Christopher Nethersole my sonne whom I make sole executor of this my last will and testament

And I make and ordaine my said sonne John Nethersole overseer thereof unto whom I give over and above my bequeathe Aforesaid the table carpet above excepted

present at the reading and publication of this p’sent will and testament
John Nethersole, Thomas Ladd, Vincent Nethersole and Franncis Rickard

Viresimo nono decembris [=29th Dec] 1587
(type of Codicil) Memorand the foresaid testator the day and yeare lastabovesaid in the presence of the parties underwritten did declare And Publishe that her minde and intent as that Willyam Nethersole aforesaid over and above the £40 to him aforebequeathed, that he should Have a bedstede a featherbed 2 bolsters 2 pillowes and pillow berees 2 blankette and a coverlet and 2 paire of sheets and all such bedding as he hath of mine allredie and I forgive him the 40s I lent him

con cordat cumorig inali
Probatum: Thomas Wilson; ?Cleriso
xxvij [=27th] Aprilis [=April] AD 1588 on the oath of John Nethersole, Francis Ricard & Thomas Lad[d] the witnesses

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Will of Sylvester Nethersole
Created by Maureen Rawson