Item I will that all such debts and duties as I owe of right or of conscience to any person or persons be well & truly Contented
paid by myne executor heereafter named And after my debts paide and my funerall expenses performed
Item I give & bequeath to Mary my wiffe, shee observinge the Condicons guiftes bequeasts & legacies heereafter ensueing, all
my goodes & chattells stocke and houshould stuffe whatsoever that shall remaine att the tyme of my decease
Allsoe I give and bequeath unto my said wiffe for tearme of her liffe if shee remayne soe longe unmarried the Occupacon of this house and lands wherein I nowe well at St. Peeters aforesaid w[i]th the Appurtenances even as I nowe occupie the same, my said wife findinge all manner reparations and doeing noe manner of Waste nor Spoile dureinge her said tearme
And if it shall fortune my said wiffe to marry againe and take an husband then my Will and full mynd is that my said house and Landes with the appurtenances shall remayne descende and come ymmediatly to the use behoofe & occupacon of my sonnes Michaell Norwood and Richard Norwood and in full recompense thereof my said wife to have during the tearme of her life naturall the some of Forty shillinges of good and lawfull money of England, to be paid her yearelye out of the aforesaid house & Landes for her Thirds
Item I give and bequeath unto Michaell Norwood my Sonne Five acres lieing in the Feildres (That is to saie)
One peece or parcell thereof lieinge att London tree contayning three acres; the other peece or parcell thereof lieth att Bromstone
chalke pitt contayning twoe acres, ymmediatly after my wifes decease or when shee doth marrye agayne
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Norwood my sonne my house and the rest of my Land belonging to my said house wth the appurtenances ymmediatly after my wifes decease or when she doth marry againe
Provided allwaies that if Michaell Norwood my sonne do not enjoy his Uncle Michaell Norwoods guifte Bequeathed unto him in his last will and Testament That then my full will and mynde is that my house and Lands shall be equally devided betweene Michaell Norwood and Richard Norwood my twoe sonnes
Item I give and bequeath to Mildred my daughter tenn pounds of good and lawfull money of England to bee paid unto her by
myne Executor w[i]thin one halfe yeare after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to Mary my daughter tenn pounds of good and lawfull money of England to bee paid unto her by myne
Executor wthin one halfe yeare after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to Alice my daughter tenn pounds of good and lawfull money of England to bee paid unto her by myne
Executor wthin one halfe yeare after my decease
Item I give & bequeath unto my sonne Thomas his daughters beeing twynnes [twins] (That is to saie)
To Anne the eldest tenne pounds of good and Lawfull money of England to be paid unto her by my sonne Michaell Norwood when
shee shall accomplish her full age of Eighteene yeares or att her marriadge day w[hi]ch shall first happen
Item I give and bequeath unto Mary his other daughter tenne pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid unto her
by my sonne Michaell Norwood when shee shall Accomplish her full age of Eighteene yeares or att the day of her marriadge wch shall
first happen
And yf fortune any of my sonne Thomas his Children to decease before they accomplish their said ages and before that tyme bee not
married That then I bequeath that part of them soe deceasinge to the other of them then soe survivinge To bee delivered unto her
when shee shall accomplishe her said age of Eighteene yeares or else bee married
And if it fortune both his children to decease (as God defend) before they accomplishe their said ages and before that tyme bee not
married Then I bequeath their parts to my sonnes Michaell Norwood and Richard Norwood to bee equally devided betweene them
And of this my present Testament I make and ordayne Mary my said Wiffe my sole and onely executor
In wittnes whereof I have heereunto subscribed my name and sett my seale unto this present last will and Testament the daye and
yeare first above written in the presence of
Thoma Norwood
In the presence of: Nico Osborne - Michaell Osborne
Probatum fuit: 2nd June 1626
Cowper : an old English spelling of Cooper - one who makes or repairs casks or barrels.
Thirds, Widow-right or Dower: The rights of the widow to one third of her husband’s estates.
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 9th August 2021
Will of Thomas Norwood