Norwood Will 1627

Will of Robert Norwood

of Thanet St. Peter, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 16/188 N/1 or: PRC 17/65/12
Submitted by Steve Clarke
In the name of God Amen The one & twentie day of October in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred twentie and seaven
I Robert Norwood of the parish of St. Peter the Apostle in the Isle of Thanet in the Countie of Kent, Yeoman, The Unprofitable Servant of God, weake in bodie but of good and perfect memorie (God be thanked) I doe make & ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge (That is to say) :
First I commend my soule into the handes of Almightie God my maker and redeemer, hopeinge assuredlie through the m[e]rittes of Jesus Christ to bee made partaker of liffe everlastinge, And I commend my bodie to the earth whereof it is made

Item I give and bequeath unto Anne my wiffe the parlor and the Chamber over the parlor w[i]th free engresse, egresse & regresse wth free libertie during her natuall liffe
Item I give unto Anne my wiffe twelve pounds yearely for hir dowrie for to be payed quarterly by my executors during hir naturall liffe
Item I give my wiffe the feather bed and bedstedle furnished standing in the parlor wherein I now lyeth, and the table in the parlor furnished as it doth stand
Item I give unto Anne my wiffe all my lynnen w[hi]ch I have, And all the pewter wch I have
Item I give unto my wiffe a lettle brasse pott & a lettle brasse kettle
Item I give unto my wiffe eight bushelles of Apples everie yeare during hir naturall liffe, p[ro]vided that if there bee so manney [many] growing uppon the trees

Item I give unto my two Sonnes Thomas Norwood and Robert Norwood my Messuage and Tenement wherein I now dwelleth and all the landes belonging unto my sayd Messuage and tenement equallie to be devided between them, both paying my debtes and legacies

Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare after my decease
Item I give unto Jane my daughter Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare after my decease
Item I give unto Mildred my daughter Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare after my decease
Item I give unto Martha my daughter Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare after my decease
Item I give unto my daughter Anne Three shillings & foure pence to be payed by my executors one yeare after my decease

Item I doe ordaine my two Sonnes Thomas Norwood and Robert Norwood my sole & onely executors of this my last will and testament
In Witnes whereof I have set to my hand and Seale the yeare and day above writen
Rbert n Norwood
Sealed in the presence of: Jeremy Sampson; Greogory Philpott; Michaell Osborne

Probatum fuit: to Thomas & Robert Norwood, 3rd December 1627
Jacobus Bissell Substitutus

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 12th July 2021

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Will of Robert Norwood
Created by Maureen Rawson