Item I give and bequeath unto Anne my wiffe the parlor and the Chamber over the parlor w[i]th free
engresse, egresse & regresse wth free libertie during her natuall liffe
Item I give unto Anne my wiffe twelve pounds yearely for hir dowrie for to be payed quarterly by my executors during hir naturall liffe
Item I give my wiffe the feather bed and bedstedle furnished standing in the parlor wherein I now
lyeth, and the table in the parlor furnished as it doth stand
Item I give unto Anne my wiffe all my lynnen w[hi]ch I have, And all the pewter wch I have
Item I give unto my wiffe a lettle brasse pott & a lettle brasse kettle
Item I give unto my wiffe eight bushelles of Apples everie yeare during hir naturall liffe, p[ro]vided that if there bee so manney [many]
growing uppon the trees
Item I give unto my two Sonnes Thomas Norwood and Robert Norwood my Messuage and Tenement wherein I now dwelleth and all the landes belonging unto my sayd Messuage and tenement equallie to be devided between them, both paying my debtes and legacies
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare
after my decease
Item I give unto Jane my daughter Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare after
my decease
Item I give unto Mildred my daughter Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare
after my decease
Item I give unto Martha my daughter Tenne poundes of good and lawfull money of England to be payed by my executors one yeare after
my decease
Item I give unto my daughter Anne Three shillings & foure pence to be payed by my executors one yeare after my decease
Item I doe ordaine my two Sonnes Thomas Norwood and Robert Norwood my sole & onely executors of this my last will and testament
In Witnes whereof I have set to my hand and Seale the yeare and day above writen
Rbert n Norwood
Sealed in the presence of: Jeremy Sampson; Greogory Philpott; Michaell Osborne
Probatum fuit: to Thomas & Robert Norwood, 3rd December 1627
Jacobus Bissell Substitutus
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 12th July 2021
Will of Robert Norwood