Furthermore being desirous to have peace with God & man, I acknowledge these to bee my proper debts, viz.
Unto Richard Perce? of Dumpton in the parish of St. Peters, I acknowledge my selfe to owe three pounds of good & lawfull mony of England
More Unto George Witherden willing in the thora? parish I acknowledge my selfe to owe fowre pounds more
More I acknowledge my selfe to owe unto Stephen Impett, woollen draper in Sandwich the some of seven and thirty? shillings
More I owe unto my sonne in law John Browninge the somme of three pounds fourteene shillings
which sommes of mony I doe appoint my lovinge wife Joane Norwood being my sole executrix of this my will & Testament to paye & discharge in my behalfe out of my goods & moveabls whatsoever & the overplus wch shall remaine shall bee disposed of at the pleasure of my executrix to any p[er]sons whatsoever, the legacys hereafter named being also fulfilled by her according to my intents
Moreover I will & bequeath unto Joane my lovinge wife & sole executrix of this my will & testament all this my tenement out house, barne, stable,
Orchard, Garden wth the appurtenances therunto belonginge and tenne acres of land mor[e] & lesse being now in my own occupation, comonly caled
Crediers lying in the foresaid parish of St. Peters, to have enjoy, possesse, the p'didt [praedicti=aforesaid] promises onely soe long as shee
shall keepe her selfe the widow of mee the p'didt Nicholas Norwood & no longer time But if she the said Joanne doe marry againe, then my will &
testament is shee bee frustrate(d) of the legacye
Item shee shall noe longer have, injoy to her any of my lands, howss [houses] or tenements whatsoever fro(m) her day of mariage againe
Provided allways it is my will & testament th[a]t she my now wife being sole executrix & keeping her selfe widow of mee the deceased Nicholas Norwood shall have liberty to cutt downe timber or trees growing upon the prmisses towards the necessary reparations of the p'didt prmisses, howses or barne to maintaine them tenant like, windtith & watertith but not to any her use whatsoever
Furthermore my will & testament is that after the decease of my said wife Joane (shee keeping her selfe the widow of mee the deceased Nicholas Norwood untill her hour of death), that the said tenement barne orchard garden house whatsoever together with the tenne acres of land bee equaly devided betwene my two sonnes James Norwood & Symon Norwood, unto whome & unto the heires of ther(e) boddys lawfully begotten I doe equaly bequeath the pdidt [aforesaid] prmises after there mother shall marry againe or after immediatly after shee shall depart this life & unto ther(e) heires lawfully begotten for ever
Provided th't if any of my two sonnes James Norwood & Symon Norwood doe depart this naturall life without heires lawfully begotten, then my will is th't the survivour shall bee the heire of the deceased & for to enjoy the whole prmisses for ever But if it happen if they both doe depart this life without heires lawfully begotten then my will & testament is that the pdidt [aforesaid] prmisses of howse, tenement, orchard, gardens & lands withall the appurtenances therunto belonging bee equaly devided betwene my two daughters Mary Norwood & Anne Norwood & be they other(s) heirs & enjoy the prmisses equaly for ever
Touching my daughter Mary I doe give unto her six pounds be bee paid unto her by my executrix or her assignes fower yeeres after my decease
Provided if during the terme from the daye of my departure my will is th't shee shall have profitt & interest from my executrix or her assignes
after the rate of one shilling In Pence by the pound,
Unto my daughter Anne I doe give fortye shillings to be paid unto her by my executrix or her assignes within halfe a yeere after my decease
Moreover, my will & testament is th't if my daughter Mary doe depart this life before the terme of fower yeers having noe heires lawfully begotten,
th't then her forenamed legacye of six pounds bee paid unto my daughter Jane [Anne?] & her heires three yeeres after the decease of my daughter Mary
Unto my sonne James Norwood I give forty shillings to bee paid unto him within halfe a yeere after my decease by my executrix or her assignes
Unto my sonne Symon Norwood I give likewise forty shillings to bee paid unto him by my executrix or her assignes nine moneths after my decease
Provided if any of my sonnes James Norwood or Symon doe dye before this legacye of forty
shillings bee by her paid them th't then the legacye of the deceased shall bee void & frustrated
Unto my sonne in law John Browninge I give tenne shillings to bee paid unto him by my executrix or her assignes within halfe a yeere after my
That this is my last will & testament I have confirmed it by my hand & seale Dated Maye 15 1632
Nicholas Norwood bye his marke
Sealed & confirmed in the presence of:
Edward Barbett Slery; John B Browings by his marke
Probatum fuit: 6th June 1632
Nicholas Norwood was buryed the : 18th daye of May : 1632 : St. Peter the Apostle, St. Peter, Isle of Thanet, Kent
Nicholas Norwod married Johane Sandwell there on 28 Jan 1607/08.
Jone Norwood was buried there, widow 31 Mar 1639.
Their known children (all baptised at St. Peter's):
John 12 Feb 1607 (bu: 19 Mar 1607); James 16 Oct 1608; Mary 2 Dec 1610; Anne 28 Mar 1613; Richard 9 May 1613; Symon 28 Aug 1614;
Nicholas 13 May 1616 (bu: 8 Mar 1616); Thomas 8 Jun 1617; Roger 22 Apr 1621; Nicholas 5 Jun 1625.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh Mason 13th February 2023
Will of Nicholas Norwood