Norwood Will 1645

Will of Richard Norwood

of Boughton Malherbe, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury PRC31/126/N/2
Transcribed by Maureen Rawson
In the name of God Amen the eight and twentith day of .... in the yeare of Lord 1644
I Richard Norwood of Chilson als Chilston neare Lenham in the countie of Kent Esqr doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following
First after recommadacon of my soule into the hands of Almightie God I will that my body bee decently yet privatly buried att the discretion of my executors

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Ann my beloved wife one Annuitie or yearely rent of Fortie pounds to bee issuinge and beinge out of my mill and all my lands in the parish of Saint Peters demised with Dane Court To have and to hould unto my said wife duringe the terme of hir naturall life over and above her jointure and to bee paied att such time and tearmes yearely as her Joynture is to bee paied by equable porcons the first payment thereof to bee and begin att such of the said times and tearmes as shall first happen next after my decease with power of distresse for non payment thereof

Item I doe give my mansion house of Chilson with all my lands and tenements p�cell or reputed to bee p�cell of my mannour of Chilson in the said countie of Kent unto the said Ann my wife To have and to hould unto the said Ann my wife duringe the tearme of hir naturall life (If shee contynue my widdow soe longe) she committinge noe volentary wast

Neverthelesse upon this trust that my said wife bestow and employ one full moytie of all the rents issues and profitts yearely and every yeare by equall porcons quarterly or halfe yearely payments to and for the use benefitt and manteynance of my daughter Dame Mary St Leger wife of Sr Anthonie St Leger Kt. and her children for such time and soe longe as her said husbands lands shall bee cleare of Sequestration
Then my will and intent is that my said daughter shall have all the rents issuinge and profitts of the said Lands untill shee hath recovered her ..sth of her husbands Lands allowed unto her by the ordmance of Parli�t Provided that the same or any p�t thereof shall nott come to her said husbands hands nor shalbee Sequestered as any p�t of his estate

Item I appoynt my executors to receyve out of the lands lyinge in the p�ish of Saint John Baptist and now in the occupation of Thomas Dobbins and my lands in Saint Lawrence Fortie and five pounds yearely to such use as I shall direct bee with said lands in St. Johns and St. Lawrence I will shall bee sould for my daughters porcons when itt bee found due

Item I give unto my grandchilden Warham and Antonie St. Leger one hundred pounds a peece to be payde them when they shall accomplishe severall ages of one and twenty yeares (yf they soe longe live) by my heire or heires that shall have the greatest pt of my mannours and lands

Item I give and bequeath unto my trustie servant John Hoadley one annuitie of Fortie shillings a yeare duringe the tearme of his naturall life to bee issuinge out of a peece of land called Hammons Feild in St. Peters in Thanett payable att the feast of St. Michaell yearely with power of distresse for non payment thereof

Item I give and bequeath unto my goode frend and Cosen Daniell Gibbon gent. One annuitie or yearely rent of tenn pounds duringe the tearme of his naturall life to bee issuinge out of my winde mill and lands therewith demised situate and beinge in the p�ish of St. Johns aforesaid payable yearely at the feasts of the Annunication of blessed virgin Mary and St Michaell the Archangell or within tenn daies after eyther of the said feasts by equall portions with power of distresse for non payment

Item I give and bequeath unto Elyzabeth Downes and Margrett hir daughter my Tenement att Margate now in the occupation of Daniel Ferrier duringe theire naturall lives

Item I give unto my sonne Paul one annuitie of Thirtie pounds p annum to bee paied quarterly out of Dane Court untill my debts bee paied
Item I give unto my sonne Willm one annuitie of Thirtie pounds to bee paied quarterly out of Hengrove and Vincent If soe much can bee raised thereof
both w�ch Annuities I desire my executors to pay

the residue of all my lands I will shall remaine In my executors hands to pay my debts out of the rents except such as I have limitted to that purpose to bee sould mentioned in a schedule hereunto annexed together with my interest in Norwood both by lease and joynt purchase (My minde is allso that my debt to Sr. Baswell Deywell bee first paied) Together with such debts as are due to me in Kent Glostershire and other where

Item I give unto my sonne Alexander (my debts beinge first paied) my mannour of Chilson with the appurtenances allsoe my lease att Norwood together with the purpart or moytie of the demaines laitely made over by a Feoffm�t together with Nash? Court and the mannour of Dean with theire appurtenances and all my lande in St. Johns (except Hengrove and Vincent) and lands appoynted to bee sould as aforesaid To have and to hould to my said sonne Alexander duringe the tearme of his naturall life
and after his decease unto the first sonne of his body lawfully to bee begotten and to the heires of the body of such first sonne lawfully to bee begotten and for default of such yssue to the second sonne of the body of my said sonne Alexander lawfully to bee begotten and to the heires of the bodie of such second sonne lawfully to bee begotten And for default of such yssue to all and every the other sonnes of the bodie of my said sonne Alexander lawfully to bee begotten successively one after an other as they shall bee in theire senioritie of age and to the heires of theire severall bodies lawfully begotten
And for default of such yssue to my son Paul and to his heires males with such lymittation aforesaid
And for default of such yssue To my sonne Will�m and his heires males with like lymitation and yf noe such yssue bee Then to the heires females of my eldest third and second sonne
And for default of all such yssue to Warham and Anthonie St Leger my daughters sonnes with limitations aforesaid
And for default of such yssue to my right heires

Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Paul (my debts beeinge paied) all that my mannour of Dane Court with all the lands and tenem�ts thereunto belonginge and allsoe the winde mill situate and beeinge in the p�sh of St Peters To have and to hould unto my said sonne Paul duringe his naturall life and the remainder as in my sonne Alexands intayle the first to Alexander the second to Willm and the third as afore mentioned

Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Willm all that my farme and lands called Hengrove with the appurtenances conteyninge bye estimation one hundred and eight acrees late in the occupation of James Boycott and my farme called Vincent all in the p�sh of St Johns with the appurtenances To have and to hould duringe his naturall life and the remainder First to my son Alexander the second to my sonne Paul and the third as before mentioned

Item the residue of my lands nott mentioned nor bequested (my debts beeinge paied) I give unto my sonne Alexander with the like linitation as I bequeathed my fore mentioned lands unto him Item I will that my executors have power to lease any of my said lande w�ch now are or shall bee out of lease the lease nott exeedinge the tearme of seaven yeares and they leasinge the same out to the best advantage that cann bee made of the same

Item I will that my executors suffer my eldest sonne Alexander (if he happen to marry) to make A Joynture accordinge to his wyves porcon the said porcon beeinge paied to my executors towards the payment of my debts
Item I will that myne executors doe keepe eyther of them a booke of severall accounts for receipts and disbursments
Item I allow my executors twentie pounds a peece for theire paines And allsoe twelve pence a mile for theire jouneys for the due execution of this my will And my desire is that they doe repaire to Mr Francis Lovelace for his assistance by counsell yf neede bee upon my charge

Lastly I constitute and appoynte my said wife and my loveinge frend and brothers in law Allen Eppes of the Cittie of Canterbury gent and George Somner of the p�ish of St Johns aforesaid gent my executors of this my last will and testam�t Intreatinge them to be aydinge and assistinge both by theire good counsell and other wayes unto my said sonnes and daughter

And I do hereby revoke all former and other wills In Wittnesse whereof I the said Richard Norwood have to eyther sheete of this my will subscribed my name and to the topp thereof sett my seale the day and yeare first above written
Richard NorWoode
Sealed acckowledged and published by the said Richard Norwood as his Last Will and testament in the presence of
Edward Norwood � Thomas Hardinge

A Scedule of Lands to bee sould over & above those w�thin mentioned
St Johns
15 akers late in the occupacon of Willia. Parker whear of hee & his sonne conceale? one aker & halfe
7 akers late in the occupacon of Alexander Fleete? Now of John Smith pt of this may bee in St Lawrence
3 akers 3 rods being a close at Drays with pt of a barne in the occupacon of Widow Allen
Allso certayne p�cells of land one either side the way from Church-hill to Margate to builde one leaving convenient passages one either side p. way to my other land
St Peters
1 aker at or neere .opton in Will Sackels occupacon
5 akers at Callis Court in Hen. Wilds occupacon
& if neede bee let Austin Feild in Minster bee sould allso.

A Coddicell to be annexed to this my last will made the thirtieth day of December 1644

Imprimis my will and meaninge is (if it happen my sonne Alexander doe marrye accordinge as I have expressed in my will) and the porcon beinge accordinge to his means, and that porcon to goe towards the payment of my debts that then these lands w�ch I have devised unto him shalbe clearely discharged from the payment of the remaynder of my debts w�ch porcon shalbe p�portionable to these lands w�ch he shalbe then sensed? offe w�ch I leave to the discretion of my executors

Item my will and meaninge is that if it please God my wife shall depart this present life before my sonne Paule come to enjoye my lands to him bequeathed that my executors shall receive the rent of the same lands (and my debts being paid) and accompt to my said sonne Paule
And if it happen my sonne Paule doe marrye with the likinge of my executors, before all my debts bee paid that he shall allowe out of his wives porcon aconsadorable some towards the payment of my said debts All w�ch I leave to the discretion of my executors.

Item if my daughter have noe Joynture setled mor? her children ..ated accordinge to Covenant immediately after shee shalbe free from Covert Barre? that my executors consine over all those lands in St Lawrence to her and her heires for ever

Item whereas I have appoynted the revenewes of my lands to pay my debts my will and meaninge is that it shalbe such debts wherein I am principall w�ch are onely myne
Whereas I have conveyed one tenement to Elizabeth Downes by this my will my meaninge is that my Cosen Edward Norwood shall receive the proffits thereof till he bee satisfied for such money as hee hath dispursed or ..... ingaged for, for her former husband Henrye? First paid as is specified in this my will

Richard Norwoode
The above written scedule and Coddicell I doe acknowledge and publish to be my will and meaninge where unto I have set my hand and seale in the presence of
Thomas Hardinge

8th April 1645 ...Robt Marriott clico ... de Lenham Cant dioc. .... Edward Allen, Daniel Gibbon and Leonard Browne ...
Richard Norwood armiger .. of Chilson als Chilston ... of Boughton Malherb ....
Anne Norwood widow and George Somner? Gent. ....

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Will of Richard Norwood
Created by Maureen Rawson