Item I will that Richard and Frauncis my Sonnes shall pay yerelie unto Pleasance my wife durynge her life, at the Feast of
Saynte Michaell the archanngell vjs viijd
Item I will that myne Executors shall delyvr unto the same Pleasaunce imedyatlye after my
decease my pyed red Cow, wt all suche stuffe of howseholde as she broughte to me at or mariage
Item I will to Frauncys my Sonne my litle red Cowe and my Red Haffer [Heifer]
Item I will and bequethe to Willm my Sonne xli [£10] the wch he oweth me
The Residue of all my moveable goods and Cattalls, I geve and bequethe to my Sonnes Richard, Willm, Laurance and Frauncis, The whiche
I make and ordeyne of this my laste Testament and will Executors
This ys the laste will of me the saide Roger Omer, made the day above written unto the disposicon of all my Lands and Ten[emen]ts wt thapprtenncs [the appurtenances] in Ashe in the countie of Kente, aswell prchased by me, as that I had wt my fyrste wiffe, mother to my saide iiij Sonnes in Ashe aforesaide by their assents and desyres, nowe beyng prsente
Fyrste I will and bequethe to Richard my Sonne, the messuage, garden and the Lands that I
boughte of Forstall in the whiche he nowe dwelleth, and iij acres of lande and that I boughte of Mr.
Boyes, and half an acre of land of Forstall, wt half one acre I bought of Crokers wydowe
Item I will to the saide Richard vij acres of lande that I boughte of Willm Gybbes
Item I will to the saide Richard vij acres and iij Rodds of Lande, that I boughte of Paule Rychemonde, lyinge in the Ville of Ware
Item I will to the same Richard, iiij acres of Lande that I boughte of Mr. Gason wt one acre and di? to the same, that I boughte of
Baldock and one acre & di lynge in the brooke were [where] the way to Well place
Item I will to the same Richard one acre and di lynge besides well place
Item I will to the same Richard one acre and di lyinge nere the saide messuage, and the broke [brook] there to the Lands that I boughte of
Forstall South
Item to the saide Richard v acres and di that I boughte of Mr. Gason, and one acre thereof I boughte of the said Paule
Item I will to the same Richard x acres of Lande lyinge at grenedrove boughte of the saide Paule wt ij acres of lande lyinge at wallesende
Item to the same Richard a little meadowe of half one acre of Lande lyinge to the hygheway
West and the streame there East, and one acre lyinge at the North side of Grenedrove
boughte of Mr. Gason, and one Rodd of Land lyinge betwene the channtrie and the Lands of Roger Seynt Nicholas
Item I will to the same Richard one acre of Lande lyinge in warefelde,
To have and to holde all the foresaide Lands and Tenents wt their apprtenances unto the saide Richard Omer his hayres and assignes for evr
Item I will and bequethe to Willm my Sonne one messuage wt a garden lyinge at Pamorstreete
and xv acres and one Rodd of Lande with another litle messuage, that I boughte of Cantysshe,
and also xj acres and iij Rodds of Lande lyinge at Pamorstreete that I boughte of Mr. Gason
Item I will and bequethe to the same Willm xviij acres of Lande lyinge at Trypps that I boughte of Mr. Boyes
Item I will to the same Willm iij acres and di of Lande lyinge at newclose to Mayslands there on A
Item to the same Willm one acres and di lyinge at warehawthorne
To have and to holde the saide messauge, garden and Lands to hym before lymyted, unto the same Willm Omer (his) hayers and assignes for evr
Item I will and bequethe to Laurence my Sonne my messuage and garden at Well, wt viijt [8] acres of Lande, and also xviij acres of Lande,
lyinge in Downefelde that I boughte of Mr. Gybbes
Item to the same Laurence ij acres and iij Rodds of Land lyinge at Nasshe to the Lande of Steven Solye
Item I will to the same Laurence my place at hide, in the parishe of hode [Hoath?], wt the garden
and viijth [8] acres of Lande And also viijth acres that I boughte of Mr. Monnynges, lyinge at Harmanstreete,
To have and to holde all the said Lands and tents before lymited unto the said Laurence, and to his hayers and assignes for evr
Item I will and bequethe unto Frauncys my Sonne my messuage at Ware, that I nowe dwell in,
wth the garden and howsynge of the same, next the saide messuage and vj acres lyinge
nere the same That I boughte of Mr. Gason, and iij acres and di nere lyinge at meltings, wt v
acres one Rod and di in a close at overlande, ij acres of brokeland [brookland] wt iij acres of
Lande in warefelde, to the Lande of Roger Seynte Nicholas West, and one acre and di in warefelde
To have and to holde all the saide Lands before lymited unto the saide Frauncis his hayres and assignes for evr
Provided alwayes that my mynde, will and entent is That yf any of my saide iiij Sonnes do breake or refuse to accomplishe or p[er]forme this my will and order...? or fortune contend or wrest againste the same, That then he or they or any of my saide Sonnes so conten // dyinge or be not content wt the same, shall (not) have or enjoye any p[ar]te or p[ar]cell of my prchased Lands any thinge in this my prsente Testament and will to the contrary in any wise not wtstandinge
Thies beayinge [being] witnes
Chrsofer [Christopher] Jerrard; Thomas Forte; Thomas Solye Carpenter and others
Probatum fuit: 17th June 1550
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 21st February 2024
Will of Roger Omer