First I give to the poore of Ashfourd the some of xxs [20s]
And also I give to the preachers at Ashfoord towards theire mayntenance if they continewe preaching at Ashfoord the some of xs
Item I give to Mr. Hawlden, vicar of Sellinge the some of xs
Item I give and bequeath to Marie my Wife the some of tenne pounds of good Englishe money to be payde to her by my executor hereafter
And all my Wearing apparrell as I have made for her since our Intermarriage, one cheste
standing at the beds feete Where I nowe lye, and two payre of sheets lying in the sayd Cheste,
one boxe standing in the same place where I doe now lye, and all the linnen lying in the same boxe,
together w[i]th one bedstedle, one featherbed, one feather bolster, one Cov[e]rlet, one
blankett, one pillowe, one payre of pillowe coats, two rings of gold w[hi]ch lye wth mee as a
gage for xxs, one other gage of pewter and brasse wch lye wth mee for xijs, one peece of goulde of xxs and all the woodworke wch I have newe
made since out intermarriage
Item I give to Martha my wive’s daughter when she cometh to her full age of xviij yeeres the some of xxs
And to Anna one other of my Wive’s daughters v shilling
Item I doe give to Edward Osbourne my sonne one joyned bedstedle wch late stoode yin [in] my p[ar]lor wher(e) the chimney is, one featherbed, one feather boulster, two feather pillowes, one payre of blanketts, one Covrlet, sixe payre of sheets, one diap table cloth, one dozen of playne napkins, four pillow Coats, my best quilt, one dozen of pewter, the one halfe of pewter platters, thother halfe of pewter dishes, one Charger, two bel candlesticks of brasse, the best chayr, one sylver salte wth a covr and tenne pounds of good Englishe money to be payd to him wthin three monthes nexte after my decease and tenn poundes more wch I lent him in kindenes
Item I doe give to Edmond Mellowe the sonne of Edmond Mellowe towards his putting forth to be an apprentice xxs
Item I doe give to Thomas Osbourne the sonne of Nicholas Osbourne Xli [£10] of good Englishe money
whereof he hath alreadie in his hands three pounds as appeareth by his bond or Writing obligatorie
hereof to mee made soe as he wilbe ruled and governed by my executor hereafter named
The Residewe of all my moveable goods and chattells, mye debts, legacies and funerall expences being satisfied and payd, I give, will and bequeath to Jeremie Osbourne my sonne, whom I ordeyne and make my sole executor of this my pr[esen]t testam[en]t and last will whoe I have? will se[e] the same my will in evr poynt p’formed & kept
And Nicholas Sawkins and John Smart I appoynt to bee my ov[e]rseers of this my sayd will, to whom I give xijd ovr and above theire Chardges when they or either of them travell in any of my affayres
This is the last will of mee Thomas Osborne by mee made and p[er]sonally declared the xxvijth [27th] daye of February 1606 concerning the disposing of all my Customary lands and tenements Whatsoever taken of the Lorde of the mannor of Ashfoorde Whereof I have made a surrender to the use of my last Will according to the Custome
To Edwarde Osborne my sonne the Copyholde that I purchased of John Adams senior and the Coppiholde wch I purchased of Willm Browne to houlde the same according to the Custome of the same mannor
Item I doe give and bequeath to Jeremie Osbourne my sonne all the Coppieholds I purchased of Daniell Lowes als Low and Martha his wife to be had to him and to his heires for ever according to the Custome of the sayd mannor of Ashfoorde
Item my Will and minde is that if Edwarde my sonne shall at anie time or times hereafter
attempte, endeavour, practise or go about to attempt any sute [suit] and therebie or by anye
other wayes or meanes recover by the Spirituall lawe or by com[m]on lawe any right or interest in any of my lands, tenements, goods or
chattells wch I have before willed and bequeathed in this my prsnt Will other than for such lands and goods as I have before willed to him
Then my minde and will is that prntly after such attempting, endeavouring, practising or going about contrary to the meaning of this my Will,
all the benefitt and p[ro]fitt wch I have before by this my will given and bequeathed to the sayd Edward my sonne shalbee and remayne to the
sayd Jeremie Osborne my sonne and to his heires and assignes forever Anye thing in this my p[resen]nt will conteyned to ye contrarie in any
wise notwithstanding
Item I bequeath to Mary my Wife and to her assigne or assignes during her widowehood my housse
wch I late purchased of Mr. Haulden, Vicar of Sellendge, wth all the lands, comodities
and appurtenances thereto, she keeping the same windetight and watertight during the sayd terme
And after her intermariage wth any man or after her decease, wch shall first happen to Come to passe, I will give and bequeath the same housse
wth all the lands, comodities and appurtenances thereto belonging to the sayd Jeremie Osbourne my sonne and to his heires and assignes for evr
All wch sayd sevrall legacies and bequeathes as aforesayd bequeathed unto my Wife I have bequeathed the same to her uppon condicon yt she shall
houlde her selfe contented wth the same legacies and bequeathes and not attempt, endeavore, practise or goe aboute to sue or recover by comon
lawe any right or interest in any of my lands, tenements, goods or chattells whatsoever wch I have before willed and bequeathed in this my pnt
testament and last will
If she or any person or persons for her or in her name doe or shall at any time hereafter goe about or
attempt to sewe or recover her right at the Common lawe in all or any of my sayd lands,
tenements, goods or chattells Then my minde and will is that pntly after such
attemptyng, endeavouring, practising and going about contrary to the trewe meaning of this
my pnt testamt and last will all the benefitt wch I have before in this pnt
testament and last will willed and bequeathed to my sayd wife shalbe and remaye [remain] to the sayd Jeremie Osborne my sonne any thing in this
my will conteyned to the Contrary in any Wise notwithstanding
In Witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal and have published yt to be my last will and testamt and doe hereby renounce all other
wills whatsoever by mee formerly made, dated the daye and yeare above written
Thomas Osborne his marke
Witnesses p[rese]nt at the reading, sealing and publishing of his pnt testament and last will
John Walleis, Vicar of Ashfoord, p me Jo: Stedde; John Terrie
This will was read and acknowledged to bee the Will of Thomas Osborne the xxviijth daye of October 1608 in the p'nce of
John Walliese, Vicar of Ashford; Robte. Hunt
Probatum fuit: 16th October 1611
Note: Beginning appears to be missing from this will transcription
An Inventory made the fortenth day of October Anno dom. 1611 of all the goods and Chatteles of Thomas Osborne of Ashforth in the County of Kent Yeoman deceased prysed by Robert Hunt & William Tucker as followeth £. s. d. Inprimis his purs(e) and Ready mony 16 00 00 Item all his wearing apperell [apparel] 01 00 00 In the Hall Item 2 tables, 2 cupherd [cupboards], 2 Longsetle(s), } 3 chayers, 4 Joyned stooles, 2 brandirons, } 02 00 00 3 cushions } In the Parlour over the siller [cellar] Item 2 bedstedles, 2 fetherbeds, 3 boulsters, 2 coverings, } 3 blanckets, 4 pillows, i (1) chaaire, 4 chests, 2 boxes} 04 10 00 & 1 round table } Item 14 paire of sheets, 4 table cloaths, 8 pillowcots, } 03 00 00 [pillow cases], 2 dosen of table napkins } Item certayne plate xls 02 00 00 In other Romes [Rooms] in the house Item 3 other bedsteadles wth matts, 2 featherbeeds, } 2 boulsters, 2 blanckets, 1 covering, 1 pillowe, } 04 00 00 2 quiltes, 2 carpetts, 3 chests & 2 chaire(s) } Item 2 peuter [pewter] chargers, 14 peuter platters, } 12 peuter dishes, 2 peuter candelstickes, } 4 fruit dishes, 4 saucers, 2 basins, 8 porringers, } 01 15 00 4 flower pottes, 2 chamber potts, 2 other potts, } 1 bottle & 1 close stoole } Item 1 caldron, 2 brasse potts, 2 stupnets, 3 kettles, } 1 warming pan, 2 chafers, 1 chaffing dishe, 1 morter, } 01 10 00 & 6 brasen [brass] candlestickes } Item 3 spits, 2 driping panns, 2 frying pans, 1 payer [pair] } of tongs, 2 fier [fire] Racke, 1 fier pan, 2 trinet, } 01 00 00 2 corslet furnished, 2 caliner & 1 payer of cobirons } Item 2 barrells, 2 tubs, certaine milke vessels, 1 charne } [churn], 1 bunting huch [hutch], 1 kneading trough, } 00 06 00 & certayne shelves } Item 1 cowe xls [40 shillings] 02 00 00 Item 3 Loades of woode 00 12 00 Item For divers things of smale value not being pticulerly } 00 05 00 [particularly] expressed } Sum total: £36 18s 0d Robart Hunt } prysers [appraisers] William Tucker }
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 27th October 2021
Will of Thomas Osborne