First I give to the poore of Eshforde xxs
Item I will unto my sonne Joseph my Turky Carpett
Item I will to my sonne Richard my Silver Cupp and two Silver Spoones
The residue of my househould stuffe I will shallbe devided betweene my two sonnes
Provided allwaies my will and mynde is that Custance my wellbeloved wife shall have soe much of my said plate and howsehould
styuffe as shee shall thincke fitt to use for & duringe her naturall life
Item I further give unto my said wife all the money shee hath in her keepinge
Item I give unto my said sonne Thomas all my Tanninge vessells, tanmills and all the tooles and Imblements [Implements] w[hi]ch I nowe use about Tanninge
The residue of all my goodes and Chattells unbequeathed I give unto my sonne Joseph whome I make and ordayne my sole executor of this my Last will and testamente and intreate my lovinge Freinds Mr. John Wallers and my Uncle Robert Hunt to bee my overseers
and for the better payment of my debts my will is that if the said residue of my goodes & Chattells bee not sufficient to dischardge my said? debts That then my will is that my said executor shall take and receave soe much of the profitts and rents of my Landes and tenements except that give to my wife as shalbe thought sufficient by my said Overseers
Item I will and bequeath unto Custance my said wife my Landes and tenements late Michaell Vinetts and alsoe ye Messuage, garden and orchard late Dennys Lynes for and duringe her naturall life, shee keepinge reparacons [reparations] and paieinge Lordes rent
Item I will unto my said sonne Joseph the messuage, Landes & tenements sometymes Robert Mellors To have and to hould to him
and his heires for ever
And my will is that my said sonne Joseph and his heires shall paie Five poundes a yeare of Lawfull money of England unto Custance my
said wife quarterlie to be paid at the Fower usual feasts or tearmes in the years (That is to saie)
the Nativity of our blessed Saviour; thanunciacon of the blessed virgine Marie; the nativitie of St. John the Baptist; and St.
Michaell tharchangell by even porcons duringe her naturall life And for default of paym[en]t as aforesaid it shallbe
lawfull for my said wife and her assignes to enter and distrayne in due Forme of lawe Upon the premisses
And futher my will is that my said sonne Thomas and his assignes shall have for Five yeeres next
after my decease the use and occupacon of ye tan yeard and housinge as they are nowe latelie Verided? by pale ? beeinge amd standinge
upon parcell of the Landes formerlie given to my said sonne Joseph the said Thomas paieinge duringe the said tearme (if hee soe longe
use it) twentie shillinges a yeare to my said sonne Joseph
And alsoe alloweinge unto my sonne Joseph and his assignes a convenient way to the Malthouse and River as is nowe used
dureinge wch tyme my will is that my said sonne Thomas and his assignes shall have libertie to digge upp and take awaie the tanninge
vessells, tanmill and othr tooles and Instruments formerly given unto him by this my will
Item I give unto my said sonne Joseph and his heires for ever (after my wifes decease) the said Messuadge [Messuage], garden & Orchard, late Dennis Lynes, lieing in Eshford aforesaid
Item I will unto Richard my sonne all those tenements and gardens lieinge in the parishe of St.
Dunstans sometymes Nicholas Scotts To have and to hould to him and his heires for ever
Alsoe I give unto the said Richard and his heires my Messuadge and Landes at Ebony late Thomas Harts
And further I will unto the said Richard and his heires (after my wifes decease) all myne landes and
tenements lieinge att Homewood in the parishe of Eshford and Willesborough late Michaell Pennetts
Item I will and bequeath unto my said sonne Thomas and his heires all my Coppie howld [Copyhold] landes and tenements in Eshford
accordinge to the Custome of the mannor
Alsoe I give to the said Thomas and his heires one Tenement and garden in Eshford late Richard Haldens
And further I give and bequeath to my sad sonne Thomas and his heires for ever all that Messuadge tan howse, meadowes and pasture
lieinge in Eshford wch I late had in severaltie by a partition made betweene me and my nephew Thomas Osborne the Younger
And my will and mynde is that my said sonne Thomas shall paie unto Custance my said wife eight poundes of lawfull money of England yearlie duringe her naturall life to be paid in such manner and forme as is before appointed for my sonne Joseph to paie the said Five poundes As alsoe for default of payment my said wife and her assignes to have the like power to distrayne upon the premsses as is before appointed
And Whereas my foresaid Nephew Thomas Osborne hath morgaged to me for fiftie poundes two p[ar]cells of land and meadowe, my will is that
if my said Nephew Thomas do not redeem them att the tyme appointed then I will the upland peece to my said sonne Joseph and his heires
And I will the meadowe peece to my said sonne Thomas and his heires
But if the Lande bee redeemed then I will the said Fiftie poundes to be equally devided betweene my said twoe sonnes Joseph and Thomas
And for the better settlinge and secueringe of the severall estates and interests of my said three sonnes Joseph, Richard and Thomas in the Landes and tenements formerlie in this my Last will and testament severally given to them and their heires, my Will and mynde is that if any of them or their heires shall refuse and denie upon reasonable request made by any other of my said sonnes and their heires or assignes to doe and perform me all such reasonable and lawfull suite and suits for the better and further assurance to either of my said sonnes and their heires for the injoyeinge of their severall p[ar]te or parts before Willed unto any of them, That then any such of my said sonnes and their heires soe refusinge and denyeing shall loose his whole benefitt of this my Will
By me Jeremy Osborne
Probatum fuit: 12th April 1621
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 29th September 2021
Will of Jeremy Osborne