Paramore Will 1497/8

Will of John Paramore

of Ash-next-Sandwich, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 33/7 Otherwise PRC 33/11
Submitted by Steve Clarke
In the name of owre Lord Amen the xxvth Day of the monthe of Decembr the yere of oure Lord God a M iiijc vij [1497?]
I John Pamore of the parish of Asthe beyng hole of mynd & seke in body make my pr[e]sent testament in this forme
In the Fryst [place] I bequeth my sowle to almyghty God to o[u]r blessed lady & to all the Company of hevyn, my body to be buryed in the Chuche yerd of the parish Church of Asthe

Also I bequeth to the hie Awter [high altar] of the same church forgoten tythes vjs
And I bequeth to William the parishe pr[i]est of the same church xxd
Item I bequeth at the day of my buryng in the seid paristh Church for v masses
Item at my monthis day v masses Item at my yeris mynde v masses
Item I Wyll ther be seid for my soule & all csten [Christian] Sowles iiij Fridays Adoyng after my decease evry fryday hygh masse of Regimen

The residue of all my go[o]des above not bequethed my dettes and bequeythis payed, I gyve and bequeth to Elyzabeth my Wyf Whome I make my trewe executryce that she dyspose for the helth of my Sowle & all my frends sowles & all csten Sowles as is moste necessary and nedefull to be doone by the dysposion of the seid myne executrix

This ys the last Wyll of me the seid John Paramore mayde the day & yere above seyd

In the fyrste I wyll that Elyzabeth my wyf shall have Aft[er] my desease my ten[emen]t which I dwell yn w[i]th thapprtenncs [the appurtenances] & all my landes that I have unto the terme of her lyf, kepyng sufficiently reparciones [reparations]
And aft the desease of the seid Elyzabeth my Wyf I wyll that Nicholas my soone shall have the seid ten't souly to hym
& all my landes equally to be devyded bytwene the said Nicholas, Thomas and William my soones

And if it fortune the seid Nicholas to deseace wtoute heyer of the body laufully begotyn then I wyll the seid tent shall remayne only to Thoms my son And the p[ie]ce of the seid landes of Nicholas equally to be devyded bytwene the same Thoms & Willm my soons

And if hit fortune the seid Thomas to dye wtoute Issue of his body laufully to be goten that then I wille the seid tent and all my landes only shall remayne to the seid Wylliam my son And to his heyres of his body laufully begotten
And so evry of them to be others heyers in mannr & forme afore seid as hit fortuneth

And if hit forune the seid Thomas, Nicholas & William all to dye wtoute heyres of there body laufully begeven then I will the tent and landes shalbe solde and the money thereof comyng to be dysposed in good dedes of almys [alms] as is moste nedefull to be doon [done] by the dysposion of the Executors and feoffers in that tyme beyng
No witnesses.

Proved 6th March 1497/98

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 8th October 2023

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Will of John Paramore
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