Paramore Will 1559/60

Will of Thomas Paramore

of Ash next Sandwich, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 32/28/27b
Submitted by Steve Clarke
In the name of God Amen the xxvjth [26th] daye of September in the year of or lord God 1558
I Thomas Paramowre of the p[ar]ishe of Ashe next Sandw[i]ch in the countye of Kent Yeoman beinge sicke in boddy and of good and p[er]fytt remembrannce (thancks be gyven to Almightye God) doe make and declare this my p[rese]nte Last will and testame[n]t in manner and Fowrme followinge (That ys to saye)
Fyrste I will and bequeath my soule to Allmightye God my creator and redemer theron gyve the merrytts of whose passyon he hathe purchased for me and all man kynd everlastinge lyffe and my boddye to be buryed in the churche yeard of Ashe aforesayde

Item I will that there be at my buriall monithemynde [1 month after burial] and Twelvemonths mynde and everye of them one busshell of wheat baked in bread and to be distributed emonge the poore people
Item I will and bequeth to Elyzabeth Gates my wyffs best gowne, her best kertle, her best red pettycote, her best russett peticote and one chist wth spring locke

Item I will and bequeth to my sonne Symon Paramoure iijli vjs viijd [£3 6s 8d] to be payd unto him at or wthin ij yeers next after my discease
Item I will and bequeth to my sonne Raymond Paramour iijli vjs viijd to be paid unto him at or wthin iij yers next after my discease
and yf yt fortune the sayde Raymond to decease before the sayde iij yeers expyred Then I will the same be payd & devyded emonge his chyldren when they shall accomplyshe th'age of xxj yeers

Item I will and bequeth to John my sonne one chest at my bedssete in my cha[m]ber & halfe the fuston from the same Chest, my best cubboarde in the haule and mye best fetherbedd savinge one the beste whyte hanging bedd, my best couverlett, my best trunnck, the best pillow and pillowcote, ij payr of shets, one under clothe, a blankett, one bedstedd, one Querne, a skylett, a stuppen, one other little stuppen, the greatest kettle, one chaffing dyshe and one potinger of pewter

Item I will and bequeth to my sonne Henrye iiijli [£4] of Lawfull monnye of England to be payde unto hym when he commeth to the age of xxiiij [24] years
And also one fetherbedd, one couverlett, one trunnk; ij payr of shetes, one underclothe, one pillow, and pillow cotte, a cubborde in the Lofte, a shipp chest, the greatest brasse pott adeyping? pannel of whyte Laice, one spytt, one chaffing dishe and thother halfe of the Latten, brasse & pewter in the sayd pell at my bedssete in the chamber before mencioned and one chayre, one pewter pottinger and one mortice

Item I will and bequeth to my sonne Thomas Paramoure iijli vjs viijd to be payd unto him when he commeth to the full age of xxiij yeres,
And also one lyttle cubbord standinge in the haule next the doore, one joyned stoole, one dryping pann, one chest standinge in my chamber neer my bedsted, the hangings in my chamber there, and one mattrasse, one bolstor, ij pilowes, one pilow cote, one shred coverlet, one payr of shetes, one underclothe, one bedstedd, one brasse pott called hys brasse pott, my best kettle (savinge one); iij platters, iij pewter dishes, one salte, one latten bason and ij candlesticks and also vj Ewes and ij Lambes

Item I will that the sayde Thomas Paramowre shalbe immediatly after my discease have th'occupyeing of that my messuage or ten[emen]t at Paramoure Strete in the pyshe of Ashe aforesayde and of all the Lands therto belonginge
And also all that he the same Thomas shall have the reasyonable use and occupction of all the resydew of the houshold stuffe, goods and cattalls to hym not bequethed untyll my sonne John shall come unto his full age of xxij yeers (except all suche pewter, brasse and Latten wch I have Locked in a chest standinge in my chamber at my bedssete So that he the same Thomas do paye and to hym selfe retaine all and everye suche some and somes of monye by me before gyven and bequethed to his sayde bretherine and him selfe in thys my pnte testament
And so that the same resydew of the housholde stuffe, goods & cattalles as aforesayde be not wasted nor confirmed but be payd and delyvered to my sayde sonnes accordinge to my bequests and legacyes before mencioned
And so also that the same Thomas shall Leave and holdeth upp the said Landes so sufficiently and in lyke manner sowen and croped as the saide Landes shall att the tyme of hys entringe into the Occupacon therof
And for suche or as muche Landes as shelbe unsowen and not cropped the sayde Thomas shall delyver or cause to be delyvered suche kynde of sede as shalbe most fessettt? to sow the same acordinge to the course of the lyke therof And that he the same Thomas shall kepe lyke course his the tyllage therof as shalbe lefte unto him at hys enteringe

Also I will that the said Thomas duringe the tyme of the occupacion of the syde messuage or tent. shall have suche suffycent tymber to be hadd and taken uppon the premiss(es) to be employed upon the reparacons of the sayd messuage and tentes. And also ij Lodes of wood for fewell everye yeer during the occupacion of the sayde premiss(es) so Longe as he the same Thomas shall occupye the same, The wch tymber and fuell to suche uses so to be employed shalbe taken by the assignement and appointment of my cousen Thomas Harflett

And as concerning the Resydew of all my moveables, goodes and cattalles not bequethed, my detts, legacyes and funeralls contented and payd, I will the same to my sonnes Thomas, John, Henrye and the sayde Elyzabeth Gates and betwene them to be equallye devyded by the sayde Thomas Harflett

And also I doe ordaine constaytute and make George Slaughter and Robert Adam Executors of thys my p'nte Laste will and testament to whome I gyve for theyre Labor and trayvaille taken herein [left blank]
And the sayde Thomas Harflet my overseer of thys my Last will and testament A [blank]

And touchinge and concerninge the disposition of my sayde messuage or ten'te at Porramouer Streat in Ashe aforesayde & all the Landes therto belonginge I bequethe and gyve the same mesuage or tent and all the Lands therto app[er]tayning to my sayde sonne John Paramoure when he shall accomplyshe the full age of xxij yeers To be had to hym and to hys heires males of hys boddye Lawfullye begotten for ever

And for Lacke of suche yssue male then I will the sayde messuage Landes & tentes wt th'apprtenan[a]ncs to remayne to the sayde Henrye my sonne and to the heires males of his boddy Laufully begotten
And for Lacke of suche yssue male then I will the sayde messuage Landes & tentes to remaine to the sayde Thomas my sonne and to theires males of hys boddye Lawfully begotten
And for Lacke of suche yssue to remaine to the sayde Raymond my sonne and to the heires males of his boddye Lawfully befotten
And for Lacke of such yssue I will the same to remaine to Symon my sonne and to theires males of hys bodye Lawfullye begotten
And for lacke of suche yssue Then I will the same to remaine to Robarte Paramoure of Worde to hym and to hys heires for ever

Wytnes of thys my p'nte Last will and testament
Wyllyam Combe; John Catt; Wyllyam Fann; Wyllyam Jackson, xpofer [Christopher] Harflett writer herof

Probatum fuit: 9th March 1559/60

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 17th April 2023

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Will of Thomas Paramore
Created by Maureen Rawson