Item I will to my wyffe Johane two chestes one of the best an other of the seconde sorte and also I will to her the best bed in myne owne
chamber & the bedstedle thereto belonginge in as ample mannor as it was when I and she laye there together with all other thinges to the same
And also I will to her iij kyne [cows], x ewes, the markett horse, iiij hoggs whereof one of them shall be a good sowe
And also I geve to her halfe a dozen paire of sheetes
Also I will to her the first yeare after my decease three seames of wheate and three seames of barlye
And I will that if she keepe her selfe a wydowe that duringe the tume that she doth shall keepe her selfe so : she shall yearely have three seames
of wheate and three seames of barley
Item I will that Cicely my daughter if she happen to marry with John Spracklinge the younger, and havinge suche promisses and
granntes the wch the father of the said John Spracklinge did promisse to geve him, th[a]t is to saye, the messuage and landes wherein the saide
father of his how inhabiteth in St. Peters in Thanett aforesaide viz to him his heires & Assignes in fee simple for ever so that the saide
John Spracklinge the yonger accordinge to the Fathers agremente and myne do paye or cause to be payde to his brother nowe prtise? at London
viij xxli [£160] of Lawfull money of Englande, all other claimes, demanndes or dowries whatsoevr contrary to the true
meaninge of the sayde John Spracklinge senior & myne sett app[ar]te
I will I saye to the saide Cicely iiij xxli [£80] in all after the state thereof delivered to the
saide John Spracklinge the yonger & to his heyres then and immediatly the Michaellmasse
followenge or within two monethes after the said John and Cicely shall receyve to there uses of my
executor xl li [£40] parte or moyte of the said iiij xxli, & the other xl li, residue
of the saide iiij xxli shalbe payed to him and her the michaellmas then next followeinge or within two
monethes also and or every pte or pcell of the said iiij xxli be paide as is aforesaide
I will my executor and her frendes shall take assurance of the saide messuage and the landes in St. Peters aforesaide to hr use duringe her naturall lyffe of one annytie or dowrye of viij li yearly to be payde to her use at two terms in the yeare otherwyse this my legacye before expr[es]sed of iiij xxli shalbe voyde and of none effecte Yet neverthelesse whether she marry with him or no I will to her xl li to be paide to her at the feast of St. Michaell nexte after my decease or within two monethes next after the saide feast of St. Mychaell
Item I will to either of my brother Christopher Blaxlandes Children a seame of barlye to be payde To them of the next cropp that shall come
into my barne
Item I will that John Bussher th'elder shall have his dwellinge in my house in Minster Streete wherein nowe he dwelleth duringe his
naturall lyffe in as ample manner as he had it heretofore peceably paieinge the fore yearely to my sonne Thomas & his heires as he did paye
to me more or lesses xs
Item I will th't my wiffe duringe the time that she doth keepe herselfe a widow shall have yearely duringe that time both sommer and winter the
kepinge of iij kyne
This is the last wyll of me the sayde John Paramore made the day and yeare first before wrytten, concerninge all my landes & ten[emen]ts within the countye of Kent
Item I will all my landes and ten'ts wt all the appurtinancs whatsoevr in Prestone and Elmeston(e) to Thomas Par(a)more my sonne and his heyres in fee simple for ever of the cheife lordes of the fees of the same and yealdinge and paieinge to his mother my wyffe iiij li yearely duringe her naturall lyffe oute of the saide landes and tents before named
Item I will to Johane my wyffe duringe her naturall lyffe my howse in Monketon pishe with the ketchen and longe howse and all the landes that
Roger Wells nowe doth occupye of myne p[er]taining to the same and none other kepinge the rep[ar]ations of them
Item I will that yffe the said Joane my wyffe do clame or recover the xl li which I am bounde to paye her by a certaine wrytinge Then I will that
she shall Not have my howse willed to her before at Monketon nor the iiij li willed to her yearely oute of my landes in Preston and Elmeston
And also I will to my wyffe Joane a dosen of pewter and a dosen of napkins and a brasse pott, a keatle, foure tubbes, meete for her occupienge to brue [brew] withall & also I geve to her a couinter table and two candlesticks
The residue of all my goodes whatsoever unwilled my legacies and debtes fully satisfyed, contented and payde, I will them wholly to Thomas my sonne, whome I make and constitute my sole executor of this my presente testamente and last will
Witnesses at the makinge hereof
Simon Penny and John Bussher thelder
before named whiche sayde partyes hereunto have sett there markes, and also I the sayde John Paramore have sett to my owne marke with my owne hande
Probatum fuit: 9th May 1582
Note: John Paramour was buried at St. Mary, Minster, Kent on 17 Apr 1582.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 6th May 2023
Will of John Paramore