Paramore Will 1600

Will of Henry Paramor

of Ash next Sandwich, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 32/38/260b
Submitted by Steve Clarke
In the name of God Amen the sixt daye of Aprill One thowsand sixe hundred in the two and Fortieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Queene Elizabeth
I Henrie Parramor of Ashe next Sandwich in the Countie of Kent Malteman beinge sicke in bodie but of p[er]fecte memorye (thanckes be to God) doe revoake all former Wills & Testaments by me made and hereby ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and Forme Followinge
First I Comitt my soule to God hopeinge to be saved by the onelie merritts of Christs passions and death and my bodie unto the earth from whence First yt Came

Inprimis my will mynd is and I doe [here]by will and appointe my Executrix hereunder named that she shall justlie, Faithfullie and trulie discharge and paye al[l] and singuler my debts whatsoever And alsoe that my said executrix doe decentlie? and certainlie? bringe upp all my Children

The residue of all and singuler my goods, Chattells and debts owinge unto mee (my debts wch I owe beinge fte [first] as aforesaid discharged and paid and my children and evry of them being brought upp in manner and forme as aforesaid And my funerall expences p'formed) I doe give and bequeath unto Joane my wife whome I make sole Executrix of this my last will or testament

And I desire and appointe my brother in lawe Edward Mostan to be th'overseer thereof

In wittness whereof I have Caused this my last will or testament to be made written openlie read and thereto have sett mye hand, and seale in the day and yeare first abovewritten
Henry Paramor by his marke
Read, sealed & delivered as and for his last will or testament of the said Henry Paramore in the prsence of:
John Prowd; Edward Mostan by his marke; John Brante; Henrye Harflete

Probatum fuit: 13th May 1600

Henrye Parramor, howseholder was buried at St. Nicholas, Ash-next-Sandwich, Kent on 8 Apr 1600.
Edward Paramor married Jone Hole at Ash on 26 Nov 1565.
Son Henry was baptised at Ash on 22 Feb 1572/73, s. of Edward Paramor.
Henry Paramor married Joane Stonard at Ash on 10 Sep 1593.

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 16th April 2023

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Will of Henry Paramor
Created by Maureen Rawson