Item I give to my sonne Thomas Paramor my Joyned bedstedle in the loafte and the Table & forme & one presse in the said lofte
Item I give to Ellen my wiffe my Copper kettell
Item I give to my three daughters Anne, Elizabeth and Jane to eache of them five pounds To be paid them by Ellyn my wyffe & by my sonne
Thomas Paramor, that is to say, five pounds thereof to be payd by the said Ellen my wyff to whome shee hath most mind to unto my
daughters and the other Tenn pounds to be paid by my sonne Thomas at the dayes of the marriage of the other two daughters
& my will is that my wife shall pay the said other daughter wch shee thinkes fyttes to pay, to pay it at the day of her marriage
And if any of my said daughters fortune to dye before the day of their marriages then I will that that parte soe dyeing shall remaine to my sonne
Thomas Paramor
This is the last will & Testament of me the above named William Paramor made & declared the day and yeare above written of & concerninge my lands, Ten[emen]ts & hereditamentes wth their appurtenance(s) in Eastrie as followeth
Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Paramor and to his heires of his body lawfully begotten, all that my howse that I now dwell in with the upper place and Courte to the same and all my lands lyeing in the upper close neere to my said howse and also parte wch my wife in the lower howse and p[ar]te of the orchard in the pishe of Eastrie afroesaid
Item I give & bequeath into Symon Paramor my sonne & to the heires of his body lawfullie begotten, three rods of Erable land lyeing at the mill lanes end in Eastrie aforesaid and yf yt happen that my sonne Symon to dye wthout heyres of his body lawfully begotten then I will that his pte of his Lands soe being dead remayne to Vincent Paramor and his heyres for ever
Item I give to Vincent Paramor my sonne one acre of erable land lying at the myll lane end in Eastrie
aforesaid to hym & his heires of his body lawfully begotten, & yf the said Vincent dye wthout heires
of his body lawfully begotten then I give it to Simon my sonne and to his heires for ever;
yf either of my said two sonnes Simon & Vincent to dye wthout yssue then I will it to Thomas & Robert there
partes & yf that Thomas & Robert dye wthout Issue then there partes to remayne to Symon & Vincent
Item I give to Ellen my wiffe parte of the lower howse wth parte of the orchard & all those two acres of Earrable lands lyeing neere unto the wyndmill in the pishe of Eastrie aforesaid : for & dureing the time she keepe her selfe a sole woman or widow, she keepeing the same in all reparations and payeing the Lords rentes & doeing neither strioe nor wast to the same
Item I give to my two sones Thomas and Robert and to their heyers all that land the wch I bought of
Vincent Church & Cornelius Whitfilde Equally to be devyded betweene them and yf any of them
dye wthout Issue then I will one of them to be the others heire;
yf yt fortune that Thomas & Robert to dye wthout Issue then I will the said land to Symon & Vincent & to their heires for ever Alwayes
provided the one to be the others heire
Item I will that my lower howse, orchard, two acres of land neere the myll Imediatly after the marriage of my said wiffe or at the day of her death if shee marry not shall remaine to my sonne(s) Thomas & Robart & to their heires for ever Equallie to be devided betweene them If it fortune that both my sonnes Thomas and Robart to dye without yssue then I will and bequeath the said land to Symon and to Vincent my sonnes and there heyares for ever if any of them dye wthout Issue then I will that they shalbe each others heyar
Item I will that Thomas & Robart shall have sufficient roome in the barne wch my wife for
their Corne that shall yearly grow one [on] there lands lately given them wth free coming and goinge
at all convenient tymes through[ou]t the Court place or backside of the said lower howse
Item I will that my hearbe [herb] garden shalbe devided in two Equall partes and the one halffe
thereof I give to my sonne Thomas Paramor and the other halfe to remayne to the lower house aforesaid for ever
Item that yf the sayd Ellen my wiffe doe clayme any dowrie or widow Right out of any of my lands nd tenements aforesaid or out of any parte or parsell thereof then I will and my mind is that she shall not Injoy any benifytte by this my last will and testament but onely to have a Fetherbed and a steddell, 2 payre of sheetes, a coverlett, a payre of blanketes, a boulster & a cow and my two daughters Elizabeth & Jane to have but fyve shillings a peece and Symon & Vincent my sones to have five shillings a peece amd to have no parte of my Lands before given them
Item all the residue of my moveable goodes unbequeathed, my debts, legacies & funerall charges being payd, I will shalbe devided into equall partes, the one parte thereof to be equally devided among my Children, that is to wit, Robart, Symon and Vincent my sonnes; and to Elizabeth, Ann & Jane and Ellen my wife to evry of them and [in?] equall parte, and the other parte, and halfe of the said moveable goodes I give to Thomas my sonne
Item I will that my sonne Thomas shall Injoye Vincents & Symons parte of there lands & goods till
the end & Expiration of Vincents [ap]prenteshippe come out without making of any
accompte of the proffites of there Lands & goods allowed them as abovesayd
Item my mynd and will is that Thomas my sonne shall not become bound in any bonds to any
parsonds [persons] whatsoever if he soe doe then my will is that he shall loose the benifyte of this my
last will and Testament and then yf he soe doe I give his parte to my sonne Robart Paramor
I make and ordayne Thomas Paramor my sonne my sole Executor of this my Testament and last will and Ellyn my wiff to be Overseer of the same
In witnes whereof I the sayd William Paramor have hereunto sett my hand and Seale by me
William Paramor
In the presentes of us:
William Idley? and Gibb Right; William Hillde
Probatum fuit: 1st May 1617 or 28th Mar 1617
William Paramor was buried at St. Mary the Virgin, Eastry, Kent on 6 Oct 1616.
William Paramore had married Ellen Ruck 6 Jul 1592 at Eastry.
Vincent Paramor, s. of William was baptised at Eastry 8 Jan 1595/96.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 5th October 2023
Will of William Paramor