And hereby I give unto my lovinge wyffe one Annuitye or yerelye rent Chardge of Fowerscore pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be
yssueinge and goeinge forth and owt of all my lands tenements and hereditaments in the Countye of Kent or ells where payeable at the Feasts of St.
Michaell the archangell and the Annuncacon of the blessed Ladye the virgin Marye or wthin fortye dayes after evrye of the said Feasts the first
payment thereof to begin at wch of the said feasts wch shall Firste happen next after my decease
To have and to hould the said annuitye or yearelye rent of fowerscore pounds unto my said wiffe soe longe as she shall keepe herselfe a widdowe in
full satisfacon and recompence of all such right title and interest wch she maye Challenge or demaund owte of my lands tennements and
hereditaments whatsoevr,
provided allwayes that yf my said wiffe will not accepte of this annuitye and other legacye hereby bequeathed unto her wch is my last will and
testam[en]t in full dischardge of her Dower, wch shall or may be due unto her owt of my lande and tenements, then I will that she shall have and
take noe benefitt of this my laste will and testament whatsoevr
But yf my said wife will accepte of the said rent chardge of Fowerscore pounds a yeare for and uppone the same Consideracons in manner and forme formerlie expressed, then I will that yt shall happen the said rente chardges of fowerscore pounds or any parte or parcell thereof to be behind and unpayed by the space of Fortye Dayes after any of the feasts aforesaid in wch as aforesaid yt ought to be payd that then and soe often yt shall and maye be lawfull to and for my said wiffe into all and singuler my lands and tenements and hereditaments to enter and distreyne and the distresse and distresses then and there soe had found and taken from thence to leade dryve beare and carrye awaye and the same to wthhould deteyne and keepe untill the tyme as the said sume of fowerscore pounds and the arrearages hereof of any shalbe unto my said wiffe fullye satisfyed Contented and payd
Item I give and bequeath unto my lovinge sonne Henrye Parramore all my houses for yeares or otherwise duringe the Continuance of them and evrye of them
This ys the laste will of me the said Thomas Paramore made the daye and yeare above written of all my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoevr
I give unto my said sonne Henrye all my said lands and tenements to be had and holden to him the
said Henrye Paramore and to the heires males of his bodye Lawfullye begotten
and for default of yssue male of his bodye lawfully begotten the remaynder to the heries females of his bodye lawfullye
begotten, and after defaulte of such yssuse the remaynder to my daughter Jane Sannders and Anthonye Bedfeild theire heires and assignes forevr
And I likewise will that yf my said sonne Henrye shall departe this lyffe wthowt heire(s) of his bodye lawfullye begotten whereby any of my lands, tenements and hereditaments may come to the said Anthonye Oldefeild that yt shall and maye be Lawfull to and for my executors or executor hereafter named to receive and take the benefitt, rent, issues and p[ro]ffitts of my said lands, tenements and hereditaments wch should or of right ought to have come to the said Anthony Oldfeild and the same to deteyne and keepe to the use and behoofe of the said Anthonye until he shall accomplishe his age of fower and twentye yeares, and then to paye or cause to be payd the said Anthonye all such some and somes of money as shalbe due unto him and seaven pounds in the hundreth yearelye for the same, or ells evrye seaven yeares to purchase lands or leases to the use of him the said Anthonye wth the same money and to receive the rents issues and proffitts thereof likewise untill his sayd age of fower and twentye yeares, and then to make a juste accompte thereof unto him the said Anthonye at his said age of fower and twentye yeares
Item I give and bequeath unto my Cousen Richard Culmer the some of twentye pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be payd him evrye
yeare tenn pounds untill the said twentye pounds be payd
and to my Cosen John Spracklinge the some of twentye pounds of like money to be payd by tenn pounds a yeare till the said some of twentye
pounds be payd both wch I will shalbe payd wthin two yeares nexte after my decease
Item I give unto my lovinge wiffe before nominated soe much of my houshold stuffe and plate at her election as shalbe praysed in my Inventarye of my goods and Chattell at the some of one hundreth markes of good and lawfull money of England yf she agree to the rent chardge aforesaid in manner and forme formerlye bequeathed unto her and not otherwise, and soe as she doe not make Choose of any p'ticuler thinge hereby in this my laste will and testament gyven and bequeathed to any other person
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Henry Parramore one of my broade gilt Cupps wth the cover,
And to my daughter Jane Saunders one other thereof, and to my daughter Bennett Foche one? other thereof,
to be delivered to each of them imediately after my decease
Item I give unto evry one of my Sister Culmers Children the some of tenn shillings apeece,
And to my Cosen Margarett the wiffe of John Lister the some of tenn pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be paid to either of
them wthin three moneths next after my decease
Item I give unto the poore people of Minster aforesaid, and to the poore of the parish of Mounckton to be paied to the Overseers of each of the p[ar]ishes, and to be devided att theire discretion to those that have most neede Forty shillings to each p'ish
Item I give and bequeath unto the said Anthonye Oldfeild the some of Fowerscore pounds of good and lawfull money of England, whereof I will thirty pounds to be given to bynde him an Apprentice, and the other fifty pounds to be paied unto hym as soone as he shall have served his Apprenticeshippe, to buy him a stocke wthall
Item I doe Remitt and forgive unto my tenants David Bishopp, Robert Jewell, Henry Leake, Nicholas Pryor, ______ Rowland and Widdowe Hamond all theire halfe yeares Rent wch shalbe due at the Feast of St. Michaell Tharchangell, or the Annuncacon of our blessed Lady the virgin Mary next after my decease
And I will to Robert Swinfford of Mynster aforesaid one sute of Apparell, and yf my executors shall bestowe tenn shillings upon a Jerkyn
and a paire of hosen to be given to James Dobson wthin one moneth next after my decease
Item I give and bequeath unto my goddaughter Anne Saunders the some of Fifty pounds of good and lawfull money of England, to be paied unto
her att her age of eighteene yeares, or on the day of her marriage, wch shall first happen
and to Anne Foche twenty nobles of like money att her age of eighteene yeares or daye of marriage, wch shall first happen
Item I bequeath unto my Cosen Thomas Paramoure of the Citty of Canterbury Esquier the some of Five pounds of good and lawfull money of
and to Mr. George Elvin, one of the Aldermen of the Cittie of Canterbury the some of Five pounds of lile money;
And to Mr. William Watmer one other of the Aldermen of the Citty of Canterbury the some of Five pounds of like money;
And to George Reade of the Town and port of Sandwhich the some of Five pounds of like money
The residue of my goods and chattells not formerly given and bequeathed, I give and bequeath unto my executors hereafter nominated
And I make and ordeyne of this my Last Will and Testament, my said sonne Henry Parramoure and my sonne in Lawe Henry Saunders of the Citty of
Canterbury Esquier my Executors And I give to every one of them the some of Five pounds a peece and a Ring worth Forty shillings to each of
them for theire paynes and care in seeing this my will and Testam't p'formed
In Witnes whereof to every leafe of this my last Will and Testament (conteyninge wth this Leafe fower leaves) I the said Thomas Paramore have
sett my hand and seale dated the day and yeare first above written
Sealed, subscribed, acknowledged and published to be the last Will and Testament of the said Thomas Paramoure in the presence of [blank]
Probatum fuit: 15th September 1621 To Henry Paramore and Henry Saunders
Thomas Paramore was buried 10th July 1621 at St. Mary, Minster in Thanet.
There is a monument on the West wall of the north transept (Canterbury) to Thomas:
Nere to this place lie enterred the bodies of Thomas Paramore, Esq., sometime Mayor of the City of Canterburie, and Anne, his first wife by whom
he had issue 3 sons & 2 daughters: viz. Michael and Thomas who died in his lifetime and Henry surviving, who married Marie the
daughter and heir of Thomas Garth of London, Jane wife to Henry Saunders of Canterbury esq., and Bennett married to Thomas Foach of Wotton, gent.
His second wife was Marie, the widow of Thomas Garth of London, Esq. He departed this life the vij of July A.D. 1621 ...
Thomas Paramour of Minster married Ann Huffam, virgin of Ash, at St. Nicholas, Ash, Kent on 29 Feb 1582/83, by Licence.
Thomas's wife Anna was buried at Minster 6 Jul 1614. He was given as Magisterat her burial
Thomas re-married in London 17 Aug 1615 to Marie [Mary, nee Sampson] Garth at St. Olave, Old Jewry.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 24th April 2023
Will of Thomas Paramore