Parker Will 1596

Will of William Parker

of Northfleet, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1596
Transcribed by Maureen Rawson
In the name of God Amen The xxx th day of Julie in the xxxvij th yeare of the Raigne of Queene Elizabeth etc. I William Parker of Northfleete in the Countie of Kent gent. Sycke of bodie but, notw�th standinge of verie good and perfitt remembrance (thanks be god) Doe make and orda�e this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge.
First and principallie I commende my Sowle into the hands of almightie God my maker and Creator and unto Jesus Christ his onlie sonne my Redemer, hoping and assuringe my selfe of the forg(iv)enes of all my synnes onlie throughe the merrits and Death of him who sheed his most precious Blood, uppon the Cross for my Redemption.
My bodie I will to be buried by my fathers in the p�ish Churche of Northfleete.

And I give unto my wife Dorothie all my Lands lyeinge within the parishes of Ashe & Ryddye for and duringe her naturall lyffe lyinge in the Countie of Kent and beinge in the occupacion of one Thomas Borrowe.

And after her decease I give all the aforesaide lands unto my Nephewe Richard Parker my Brothers sonne, and to the heires of his Bodie lawfullie begotten, upon Condicion that he shall paye out of the saide lands unto his Systers Ellioner Parker and Margarett Parker, my nephewes also fowre score pounds in money equallie to be devided betwixt them, and to be payde w�thin fowre yeares after my wives decease.

And my will is that, they shalbe eache others heire unto the saide somme of money if any of them shall fortune to dye before yt shalbe due.
And yf yt shall happen that the saide Richard Parker shall denye or refuse to paye unto his Systers the aforesayde somme of money as is specifyede in this my will, Then my will is that his Systers shall enter upon and enjoye the aforesaide Lands unto theire use and uses untill ye saide Richarde shall have paide the aforesaid somme of money.

And I give unto my wife, and to her heires for ever, all my Lands and tenements and edifysses whatsoever with theire appurtenances lyinge in the parishe of Northefleett in Kent whearsoever or in whosoevers occupacion they shalbe,
uppon Condicion notwithstandinge, I give then that my wife or her heires or assignes paye or cause to be payde unto or cause to be delivered unto the Churchwardens of the parishe of Northeflett every yeare after my deceasse for the space of xxi yeres the somme of Thirtie Shillings to be devided amongest the poorer sorte of the parish of Northeflett at the discrec(ion) of the Churchwardens or minister then beinge, the money aforesaide to be paide & distributed everie yeare uppon the daye of the moneth of my buriall all the afores�d time.

And yf the Churchwardens then beinge shall refuse to paye or distribute the saide somme of money as is aforesaide beinge offered yt by my Executor or her assignes Then my minde is, that my Executor shall delyver it unto the Churchwardens of my Owne parishe nexte adjoyninge unto Northeflett to be geven unto the poore theire accordinge also unto theire discreacion.

And my will is that my Executor or her assignes shall provide a sufficient preatcher to preatche unto the aforesaid poore and others at the same tyme also, eche to have for his Sermon and paynes, vis. viij d & I will that the Neighbores of the parishe then comyinge unto that godly Exercise of preachinge shall have spent amongst them lx s? for theire honest refreshinge goinge out of all my lands tenements and theire appurtenances in Northeflett in the Countie of Kente.

Item I give and bequeath unto Dorothie my wife and to her heires forever all my Beasse Leasses [leased?] being twelve keine and a Bull, lying in the parish of Swanscum in the Merche called the commone Frcknyes?

Item I give unto Dorothie my wiefe and to her heires forever That my great Tenement w�th the appurtenances lyinge and beinge in Thames? Street in London in the parishe of St Marye at Hill nowe late in the occupacion of one Thomas Harvye groser or his assignes, which said tenement was latelie by me purchased of one John Pasmer sonne and heire of William Pasmer deceased as by his indenture of Bargayne & Sale unto me made and Inrowled more at Large appearethe.

Item I give unto Ellior Pecoke L? iij li. In money to be paide at the daye of her marriage
Item I give unto William Pecoke L? iij li. To be paid w�thin fowre yeeres after my decease.
Item I give unto my father Maxfeilde my Sylver pott or tankarde of Silver which was my owne fathers.
Item I geve unto my brother Symond Mowsse three Angells to make him a Ringe to weare for my sacke.
Item I geve unto Agnes Mantell L? xxx s to buy her a gowne.
Item I give unto everie one of my godchildren which I have L? x s to be paide within one yeare after my decease, they so longe lyvinge.
Item I geve unto my brother Arthur Mowsse three Angells to make him a ringe to weare for my sake.
Item I give unto the poore of our parishe to be geven and devided amongst them at the daye of my Buryall L iii li.
Item I give unto my Clarke John Barry L? x s.
Item I give unto each of my servants in my house vi s viij d.

All the residewe of my lands tenements goods chattells money and moveables what soever in my possession or out of possession to me belonginge or appertayninge, I give them whollye and freelye unto Dorothie my wife and to her heires forever, whome I constitute & appoynte to be my full & wholl Executor of this my last will and Testament.

And I doe also apoynt my father Maxefeilde and my brother Arthur Mowsse to be the overseers & Suparvisors of this my last will, and to see that my legacyes be payde and my Buryall dulie Executed, for whose paynes I gyve unto each of them L xx s.

In Witnes hereof that this is my true & Last will & Testament I have hereunto Subscribed my owne name and have written this my will with myne owne hande the daye and yeare above written
William Parker
Sealed & delyvered as my Last will & Testament unto the use of my Executor Dorothie Parker. Witnes hereunto
Robert Borrowe, Thomas Boorrowe.

Probatum (in Latin) at London 28 October 1596, John Theker, notary public, Dorothie Parker executrix

William Parker was Perpetual Vicar of Northfleet
Dorothy Parker, daughter of Rev Thomas Maxfeild married Thomas Hodsoll in 1599.
Thomas and Dorothy Hodsoll are my ancestors.

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Will of William Parker
Created by Maureen Rawson