Paule 1610

Will of Anthony Paule

of Hunton, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury 3 Oct 1610
Transcribed by John Crowson
In the name of God, Amen, The twenty day of November in the yeare of our Lord God one thousande six hundreth and Nyne, I, Anthony Pawle, of Huntington al[ia]s Hunton in the county of Kente, Clarke, and parson of the same parish, being of perfecte remembraunce (praysed be God) doe make and ordaine this my last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge.,
First I bequeath my soule to Almightie God my creator, and to Jesus Christe my redeemer, and to the Holie ghoste my comforter, and my bodie to be buried in the Chancell of Hunton.
Item I give to the poore mens boxe of Hunton tenn shillinges.
Item I will unto my servauntes twelve pence apeece.

Item I will unto John Paule my sonne the joyned bedsteade in the gessyn Chamber where he dwelleth, with the courte Cupboard there, and all the portalles, benches and wainscott joyninge to the walles of the parlour and gessinge Chamber, after the death of my wiffe, and she not to remove nor take them away at any tyme.
Item I will unto Margarett Coveney my daughter the lesser old joyned Bedsteade in the Hall left there.
Item I will unto Daniell Paule my sonne Fiftye poundes, to be paide unto him within one halfe yeare after my death.
Item I will unto Thomas Paule my sonne two hundred and fifty poundes, to be paide to him within one halfe yeare after my death.
Item I will unto Anthony Paule my sonne three hundred poundes, to be paide to him within three quarters of a yeare after my death.
Item I will unto Erasmus Paule my sonne three hundred poundes, whereof I will that one hundred poundes shalbe paide to him within one quarter of a yeare after my death, and the other two hundred poundes shalbe paide him within one yeare after my death.
Item I will unto Joseph Paule my sonne three hundred poundes, to be paide unto him within one yeare after my death.

Item I will that yf any of my sonnes, Anthoney, Erasmus or Joseph, happen to die before there legacies of money become due to them, then I will every such porc[i]on of money to be equallie devided amongst the residue of them three then remayninge alyve.
All the residue of my moveables goodes and Chattells, my debtes and legacies beinge paide and discharged, I doe will and bequeath unto Margaret the daughter of Peeter Elsicke deceased, my welbeloved wiffe, whome I ordaine and make sole executrix to this my last will and testamente.

This is the last will and testamente of me, the saide Anthony Paule, made and declared the daie and yeare first above written, concerninge the disposic[i]on of all my landes, tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever, in the County of Kente or ells where.
First I doe will unto Thomas Paule my sonne all that my messuage or tenemente called Hadsones, and all the landes to the same belonginge, with all and singuler the appurtaynaunces, sett, lyinge and beinge in Edgerton, to have and to holde to the saide Thomas Paule, his heires and assignes forever.
Item I will unto my sonne Anthony Paule all those my landes, meadowes and pastures which I bought of Allexander Weldeshe, with all and singuler the appurtaynaunces, sett, lyinge and beinge in Marden neare Stelebridge, to have and to holde to the saide Anthonie Paule, his heires and assignes forever.
Item I will unto Erasmus Paule my sonne all that my messuage or tenemente called [?]Scob, and all the landes to the same tenemente belonginge, with all and singuler the appurtaynaunces, sett, lyinge and beinge in the parish of Gowdherste, to have and to holde to the saide Erasmus Paule, his heires and assignes forever.
Item I will unto Joseph Paule my youngeste sonne all that my messuage called Bigges, and all the landes thereunto belonginge, with the appurtaynaunces, sett, lyinge and beinge in Yaldinge, to have and to holde to the said Josephe Paule, his heires and assignes forever.

Item I will and give unto Margarett my wife and to her assignes, in considerac[i]on that shee shall neither demaunde nor clayme anie widdowe righte or title of dowrye out of any of my landes after my death, one An[n]uitie or yearely Rente of twelve poundes by the yeare, yearely to be paide unto her by my sonnes Daniell Paule, Thomas Paule and Anthoney Paule, there heires and assignes, oute of all those landes and ten[emen]tes I have alreadie willed them, dureinge the terme of her naturall life, that is to saie, my sonne Daniell Paule shall pay her six poundes a yeare, yearelie to be paide, my sonne Thomas Paule fower poundes yearelie, and my sonne Anthoney Paule forty shillinges yearelie, The first payment to beginne and severallie to be paide by them [at the] first gen[er]all feast nexte followinge after my death, or within tenn daies, quarterlie to be paide

And yf it shall happen the saide severall sommes of money to be behinde unpaide, in parte or in all, as is before by me appointed and assigned, Then I will it shalbe lawfull for the saide Margaret my wife or her assignes, at all tymes or so often, to enter into every such portion or parte of landes where such defalte of paymente shalbe made, and the same to holde and kepe with all profittes irreplegiable untill she shalbe fullie satisfied, contented and paide, with all arrerages and charges that she will demaunde.
And my will is that my saide wiffe shall seale to a release being firste procured by my sonne John Paule, and demaunded by him and at his charges, onelie for to discharge him againste her tittle of dowrie she might have in his porc[i]on of landes.

Item I will that yf my wiffe shall hereafter dispose her selfe to marry, then she shalbe bounde, with two sufficiente suerties, seaven daies before the daie of her marriage solemnized, to every one of my sonnes as have not before received there legacie given to them by this my last will severallie, in the severall sommes of fower hundred poundes over and above his legacie alreadie bequeathed, For the true payment and performinge of there legacies to them bequeathed, as is by this my last will appointed, uppon paine that she refusinge so to doe shall forfett to every such sonne severallie the somme of fower hundred poundes over and above his legacie alreadie bequeathed.
In witnes whereof I have written this my last will and testamente with myne owne hande, and thereunto have subscribed my name and put to my seale, the daie and yeare first above written by me Anthony Paule. Anthonie Pawle, Clarke
Witnesses hereof John Webbe, the m[ar]ke of Edward Ritche

Probate of Will of Anthony Paule, 1610

Probatum fuit hu[ius]mo[d]i testamentum suprascriptum Apud London Coram venerabili viro domino Johanne Bennett milite legum doctore Curie Prerogative Cant[uariensis] Mag[ist]ro Custode sive Com[m]issario l[egi]time constituto tertio die Men[s]is Octobris Anno domini millesimo sexcentesimo decimo
Juramento Margarete Paule relicte dicti defuncti et Executricis in eodem testamento nominat[e] Cui Com[m]issa fuit Administrac[i]o om[ni]um et singulorum bonorum Juriu[m] et creditorum eiusdem defuncti de bene et fidel[ite]r Administrand[o] eadem Ad sancta dei Evangelia vigore Com[m]issionis Jurat[e] Ex[aminatu]r

[This abovewritten will was proved at London before the worshipful Sir John Bennett, Knight, Doctor of Laws, Master, Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, lawfully constituted, on the third day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ten,
By the oath of Margaret Paule, the relict of the said deceased, and the Executrix named in the same will, To whom was committed administration of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of the same deceased, she being sworn, on God's Holy Gospels, by virtue of a commission (ie an instruction to local vicar to administer the oath), well and faithfully to administer the same. Examined (ie register copy compared with original will).

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Will of Anthony Paule
Created by Maureen Rawson