Also I bequethe to the poore of the parrish of Elham aforesaid vjs viijd [6s 8d]
Item I bequeth to each of my brother Willyam Golders children liveinge at the time of my deathe one ewe a peece
Item I give unto my brother William Golder and to my brother Thomas Golder to eache of them one steere budd about xij monthe old
Item I bequethe to my brother William Paye his children eache of them one ewe a peece
Item I give to Henrie Golder my godchild xxs to be p[ai]d within one monehte nexte after my death
Item I bequeth unto eache of my godchildren foure pence a peece
The residue of all my goodes cattles & debtes after my debtes paid my funerall expences performed and
these my legacies conteyned in this my present testamente fulfilled I wholie give and bequeth unto Jone
my wife whome I make and ordaine my sole and only executrix of this my last will and testamente
and I ordaine my brother William Golder Overseer touchinge the execution of the same and for his paines
taken in that behalfe I give him xs
And I utterlie revoke and adnull all and every other former testamentes, wills, legacies, bequeastes, executors and ovrseer by me in any wise before this time made, named, willed and bequethed
This is the last wyll of me the saide Roger Paye made the daye and yeare above written concerninge the disposition of my landes and tenements which I have in the parrishe of Elham In the countie of Kent or ells where
First I will unto my Brother Willyam Pay all my landes and tenements in the sayde parrishe of Elham in the county of Kent or ells where to have and to hold the said landes and tenementes to him and his heires for ever immediately after the decease and deathe of Jone my wyfe
savinge and exceptinge one little peece of land conteyninge by estimation an acre called the medow lienge at
North Wigmore forestall and also excepting a well in North Wigmore wood and a conveniente way unto the sayd well from the sayde little peece of land
to fetch and carry water the which peece of land with the sayde will standinge at a gapp in my said wood and the said waye with the reversion of the
sayde peece of lande now in the occupienge of one Davye Boughton I give unto Stephen Gyllett my wyves brother to heve and to hold to
him and his heires for ever ymmediately after my decease
and also exceptinge one other little peece of lande having a house uppon it lienge at Wigmore Bridge conteyninge by estimation one acre the which
peece of land with the house uppon it I gyve to Henrie Gillett my wyves brother and to his heires for ever ymmediately after my decease
Item I will unto Jone my wife all my said landes and tenementes in the parrishe of Elham in the countie
of Kent or ells where (excepte before excepted) to have and to hold to her and her assignes duringe the
tearme of her naturall life ymmediatley after my decease
But if Jone my wife doe marry after my decease then I will that her estate in those landes which are in the occupation of David Boughton
shall cease and that Willm Paye my brother shall ymmediately after her marriage enter into the foresaid landes in the occupation of the sayde David
and hold them to him and his heires for ever (except before excepted) and that then Jone my wife after her marriage forgoinge the saide lands in the
occupienge of the sayd David shall have one annuitye of x li [£10] by the yeare oute of the said landes in the
occupieinge of the sayd David duringe the tearme of her naturall life to be paid at the feast of the anunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint
Michaell tharchangell by even porcons and if it happen the said yearelie rente to be behinde in parte or in all then
it shalbe lawfull for the said Jone in the said landes to distraine
Item I will unto William the sonne of Agnes Pay my halfe syster one Annuitye of viij li [£8] by the yeare to be paid to the said William
at the feast of the anunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michaell tharchangell by even portions when he shall come to
the age of twentie yeares
and if it happen the sayde annuite to be behinde in parte or in all then it shalbe lawfull for the said Willyam to distraine in those landes which
are in the occupienge of the said David Boughton Provided allwaies the said annuytie to endure onlie the space of fyve yeares next after the
first beginninge thereof and also the lande bequethed to Henrie and Stephen Gillett to be free from the distresse aforesaid
Item wheareas I have given my landes in the parrishe of Elham or ells where in the countie of Kent unto Willyam Paye my brother and to his heires for ever after the deathye of my wife in manner abovesaid my full minde and will is that he the said William or if he dye his heires shall give unto Henry Paye his brother and to his heires for ever four acres and a halfe of lande lienge in Grimsacre feild in the parrishe of Elham when the said Willm or his heires shall enjoye my landes now in the occupienge of David Boughton before in this my will given to the said William and his heires and if the sayde William Paye or his heires foe not give the sayde foure acres and a halfe in manner and forme aforesaid then I will that Henrie Paye aforesaide shall have my peece of land called Synderland to him and his heires for ever ymmediatelie after my wives decease
Item I will that William the sonne of Agnes Paye my halfe sister shalbe susteyned with needefull victualls and cloth untill he come to the age of xviij yeares by my wife and after her decease by Willm Paye my brother and his heires, and for defaulte of such convenient maintenannce I will unto him ls [50s] a yeare duringe the sayde time oute of all my landes & tenementes (excepte the two little peeces of lande aforesayde) to be payde to the said William yearelie at the feaste of the annuntiation of the Virgin Mary and St. Michaell by even portions and for defaulte of payemente it shalbe laufull for the sayde William to distreine in all my landes (excepte before excepted)
Provided allwaies and I will that if Jone my wyfe be with child at the time of my decease then I bequeth all my landes and tenements to my sayde childe & his or her heires for ever ymmediatelie after the decease of my sayde wyfe Any thinge in this will to the contrary notwithstandinge
In Witnesse of this my will and Testamente I have sette my hande and seale
By me Roger Paye
Witnesses: John Tooke; David Boughton; Thomas Strowde and others
Concordat cum originalis
Probatum fuit: 20th September 1583
Roger Paye was buried at St. Mary the Virgin, Elham, Kent on 27th August 1583.
His widow Jon(n)e Paye was buried there 9th July 1593.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh Mason 14th April 2022
Will of Roger Paye