Parker/Packer Will 1680

Will of Judith Pecker

of Deal, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury PRC32/54/551 (will) & PRC 27/28/206 (inventory)
Submitted by Noël Siver
In the name of God Amen This Thirteenth day of September Anno Dmi 1676 and in the Twenty Eight Yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles ye Second by the grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland King defender of His faith &c
I Judith Pecker of Deale in the County of Kent widdow being very weake in body, but praised be God of very good and perfect memory doo make & ordaine this and only this to be my last will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
First I resigne my Soule into the hands & protection of Almighty God that gave it, assuredly Trusting and verily beleiving to be saved by and through the meritts of my blessed Savior: Jesus Christ[.] Secondly I comitt my body to the Earth from whence it came to be decently & christianly buryed in the parish church yard of Deale aforesaid att the discrecon of my Executors hereafter all mentioned And now for the settling & disposeing of my Temporall Estate which God of his infinite mercy have beene pleased far beyound my desertes to bestow upon me

In primis I give & bequeath unto my Grandson Thomas Norman of Deale aforesaid pilott and to his heyres after my decease All and Singular that parte of Messuage Tenement or my now dwelling house in Deale aforesaid upon the Sea Beach with the porch and portall thereunto belonging as it now Standeth, and alsoo a Capstane ground lying and being uppon the Beach aforesaid contayning thirteene or fourteene foote of ground more or lesse and right before the said part of Messuage Tenement or dwelling house,
and more I give and bequeath unto him the said Thomas Norman and to his heyres all & singular the Yard and Backside well & woodhouse now belonging to my dwelling house aforesaid and everything whatsoever perteyning thereunto the same to be possessed & enjoyed by him the said Thomas Norman and his heyres for ever
And furthermore I give and bequeath unto the said Thomas Norman and his heyres all and singular and all manner of moveables or household goods mony and mony worth or any thing whatsoever, which I the sd Judith Pecker shall dye decd[?] of or leave in my said dwelling house or in any parte thereof att the tyme of my death

Item I give & bequeath unto my Grandson John Pyne [should be Pye] of Deale aforesd pilott and to his heyres forever (after my decease) all and singular that pt of Messuage or Tenemt adjoyning to the North end of the aforesd Tenemt and now in the occupation of Joseph Barnard with the use of the well aforementioned with all and singular such moveable goods of mine as I shall leave standing in the said Tenement or dwelling house att the time of my death,
and more I give and bequeath unto the said John Pyne [Pye] and his heyres to and for his and their sole and proper use & uses that capstone ground lyeing and being upon the Sea Beatch aforesaid right before the said Tenemt and now dwelling house of Joseph Barnard aforementioned and adjoyning to the Northward of the Capstone ground first specified and given to Thomas Norman

provided allwaises and neverthelesse it is my Will that the said John Pyne [Pye] out of his said porton of inheritance shall pay unto my grandson Thomas Pyne [Pye] brother to him the said John Pyne the sum of Tenn pound of good and Lawfull mony of England in and upon ye first demand after my decease

And to this my last will and Testament being Contayned in one sheete of paper I doo hereby make ordaine Institute and appoint Thomas Norman aforesaid to be my able Executor

In witness whereof I to every thing herein contained I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written./
Judith Pecker her marke
Sealed and delivered and by her the said Judith Pecker published and declared as her last will and Testament In the presence of us
Nicholas Goff - Phineas ....? - Daniell Smith

Proved on 18 December 1680. Inventory taken.

December: the 3d: 1680:
An Inventory then taken of the Moveable goods and Chattells of Judith Pecker of Deale widdow Late deceased and appraised by Joseph Barnard and Thomas Trice of Deale aforesd: as follow:

													£   s    d
In p[rimi]s: Her purse and Girdle									00  05  00
	In the Hall 
A close Bedstedle and a fether Bed with the furniture thereuto belonging				01  02  04
one Cubbord one old Chest one old table and four Joynt Stooles & two old Chayrs				00  04  02
one pair of Cob Irons one pair of fire Irons 
one fire pan one pair of Tongs & a fire forke Two small spitts: one old dripping pan 			00  04  01

Pott hooks & pott hangers & one fire Iron One Warming pan: one Brass Platter 
Two Candlesticks: & one pair of Bellows One looking Glass and two old gilded Cooshens 			00  06  03
one old looking glass and some old Earthen Weare: one pewter Chamber pott and quart pott of pewter 
	In the Kitchin
One Iron pott: Five pewter Dishes one old Table and a White broken Bason 				00  03  00
	In the Chamber over the Hall
One old Bedstedle and an old fether Bed with the furniture thereunto belonging  Six old Chayres: one 
old table & Cubbord And foare old pictures & a foot banck One blew earthen pott & two earthen bottles	01  03  04
	In the Chamber over the Kitchin
One old Foot banck & one old Chest									00  01  03
Three pair of old Sheets two pair of pillow coats one doz[en] and a half of Napkins Two table clothes: 
one Box Iron & heaters one old Linnen box: one Cubbord Cloth one Skillett & one old tinn pudding pan 	00  18  10

											Totall Sum[me]	04  08  03
						Joseph Barnard
						Thomas Trice 
[Five-line phrase in Latin that includes the date 14 December 1680 and the name Thomas Norman]

Widow Judith Pecker, should be Parker, appears to have been born in the late 1590s. Her maiden name was Hill.
She married three times: (1) William Bracy (also spelled Bracie, Bracey, and Brasse) on 12 June 1617 at St Leonard's, Deal. He was the father of her daughters Anne and Jane, sons Thomas and William;
(2) William Browne on 14 September 1627 at St Mary Bredman's, Canterbury, by licence;
and (3) John Parker (also spelled Packer) on 4 April 1629 at St George's, Canterbury, by licence.
Judith Pecker, should be Parker, was buried at St Leonard's, Deal, on 30 November 1680.

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Will of Judith Pecker
Created by Maureen Rawson