Item I bequeth to the poor mens booxe 20d
Item I bequeth to Agnes Pepper my doughter �6 13s 4d
Item I bequeth to Isabell Pepper my doughter �6 13s 4d
Item I bequethe to Obye Pepper my doughter �6 13s 4d
To be paid unto them and everye of them at the daye of their maryage yf they mary not then at the age
of twentye yeres of her that shal not marye/ And furthermore yf any of my saied doughters doe
deceasse before she be maryed or come to thage of twentye yeres/ Then I will that her porcyon that
shall deceasse shall Remayne unto the other systers
Item I bequeth to Everye of my sayd doughters a payer of sheetes
Item I bequeth unto John Pepper my Sonne the bedde and bolster and blankett that he hath of myne
Item I bequeth unto my 2 eldest sonnes Alexander and John the two greate Cheestes standinge on the lotes (?)
Item I bequeth unto John Pepper a kettell, a fryeinge panne
Item I bequeth unto everye one of my doughters a flocke bedd
Item I bequeth unto every one of my foresayed doughters that ys to saie Agnes, Isabell and Obye halfe a dosen of pewter
Item I bequeth unto my aforesayed daughters every one of them a coverlett
Item I bequethe unto Wylliam my youngest Sonne fower mother Ewes
All the Rest of my moveable goods unbequethed I geve and bequeth unto Alice my wyffe whome I
make my sole Executrix and she to paye my debttes and see my legacies fylled
And I desyre John Brensley to be my oversear
These witnes Nycholas Doe, John Brensley, John Carpenter and other
This is the last Will of me thafforesayed Wyllyam Pepper as consernynge my lands and tenements lyinge and beinge within the parishe of Wormshill made the daye and yere fyrst above wrytten
Fyrst I will that Alice my wiff shall have the occupyeng of all my landes and tenements lyenge and beinge in the parishe of Wormshill aforesayed untyll the tyme that Wylliam Pepper my youngest sonne come to the age of 21 yeares/ And not onlye unto the sayed Alice my wyffe but unto hir assignes for the terme of the sayed yeares/ for that I will the sayed Alice shall sea my Children brought uppe & my debttes well and trewlie paied/ And yf Alyce my wiff doo ---- to marye within the sayed yeres then I will that she shall enter into suffycyente bondes unto my oversears to sea my debttes payd and my legacyes fulfiled
And furthermore when my youngest Sonne William shall come to the age of 22 yeres Then I will that all my landes and tenements shall Remayne unto my fower Sonnes in maner as folowthe/ that ys to say/
Fyrst I will that Allexander Pepper and John Pepper my two Eldest Sonnes shall have all that my tenemente or mansyon howse with all my landes lyenge in the Est syde of the Quenes Streate in the paryshe of Wormshill at a place there called Norwood/ that is to saye these percells folowinge Home fylde, Pylchars fylde, Tyrnden Dane, Stonerocke Dane, Garrades Dane, Chestonfeild and a little Orcharde lyeng at the Southe Einde of Chestenfylde to the foresayed Alexander and John and to their heires for ever
All the Reste of my landes Lyenge on the West syde of the Quenes strete I geve and bequethe unto Robert Pepper and Wylliam Pepper my two youngest Sonnes to theme and their heyres for ever
Also yf hit canne be approved that any of my Sonnes doe make any sale of any parte of his Landes before my Youngest Sonne Wylliam come to the age of 22 yeres all which tyme I have appoynted my landes to Allice my wiffe and her assignes/ Then and uppon dew proffe therof I will that he or they that shall goe aboute to make sale of his Landes shall for ever lose his parte of all the landes that I have geven hym And the sayed landes of him that shall goe aboute to make sale shall Remayne unto the heyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten that shall soe goe aboute to make salle And for lake of heires of his bodie lawfullie begotten to Remayne to his other brothers
Also I will that my wiffe shall see my mother well and sufficyentlie kepe with meate and drinke and
clothes with fyre and flete and all other necessaryes as she ought to have
And yf yt please god that my sayed mother do lyve when my sonnes come to their landes/ Then I will
that my sayed Sonnes shall see my mother kepte as aforesayed
Provyded also that yf Alice my wiffe doe continue a wydowe and doe not marye after the tyme my
sonnes come to their Landes Then I will that my sayed wiff shall have the best chamber in my
tenemente which she will then with fyre and fleate fre comynge and fre goynge durynge all the tyme of hir wydohoode
And also I will that my sayed wiffe shall have owte of all my landes fortye shillinges a yere payed hir
quarterlie by my sayed Sonnes that ys to saye of Allexander Pepper and John Pepper my two Eldest
sonnes / 26s 8d a yere / And of Roberte Pepper and William Pepper my two youngest Sonnes / 13s
4d a yere / durynge her naturall Lyffe
But and if my sayed wiffe doe forten to marrye/ then I will that when my youngest Sonne come to the
age of 22 yeares she shall take her goodes and departe my howse and to have her fortye shillinges
ayere payed hir as aforesayed durynge her naturall Lyffe
Also I will that Alyce my wiff shall see all my howses well kepte in good Reparations and she shall
nether strype nor waste all the tyme that she shall have my Landes in occupyenge
Also yt shall be lawfull for Alice my wiffe to distrayne uppon any parte of the sayed tenemente and
landes for her fortie shillinges yf yt be not payed within 8 dayes after any of the quarter dayes and the
detresse to holde and kepe untyll the sayed Alice be satisfyed contented and paied
And yf the sayed Alice my wiffe do refuse to enter into suffycyente bondes both for the fechinge in of
my landes payinge of my debttes and fulfillinge my legacies then I will she shall have no more
benefytte by this my will but onlie a chamber as abovesayed and hir fortye shillinges a yere, fyre and
flete, fre cominge and free goinge and all my houseould stuffe
And all the Reste as my Corne and Cattell both within the howse and uppon the grounde I will shall be
sould by myne Oversear and Executrix And the monye risinge thereof shall goe towards the payinge of my debttes
And also I will that my sayed oversear shall hyre for the my Landes tyll the Reste of my debttes be payed
These witnes Nycholas Doe, John Brensley and John Carpenter with other
Probate 13 Nov 1565
Will of William Pepper