I will unto Sarah my now
wife half my moveable goods and household stuff being in the house at my
decease the worne and oud brass mortar and pestell belonging to it...
I will that my executor shall manteyne my said wife and Daniell my sonne in
sufficient meale and drink a full quarter of a yeare next after my
decease... without any rent paying untill my sonne Daniell aforesaid shall
attaine to the age of fourteene years or that my executor and my wife
aforesaid his mother in law shall afford agree to live together
And if it shall happen that they cannot live quietly together that shee shall have
that part of my house that Edmund Burwash now holdeth of me without paying
any rent...except shee shall happen to bee married then my will is that shee
shall leave and departe out of her said dwelling and hand it over whole to
my Exor...
And also I give unto Sarah my wife half the profitt of my
Sques(?) Mill for one quarter of a yeare...
And further my will is that att the age of ffourteen yeares .. his mother and his brother my executor and my eldest sonne George Petman that they putt my sonne Daniell aforesaid apprentice to such trade as may be fitting for him...
My lands tenements and edifices...I will ... unto my sonne George Petman aforesaid whom I make and ordain Sole Executor of this my last will and testament... That is to say I give unto George Petman all that my messuages and edifice wherein I now dwell... in Egerton... and in the parish of Charing... Kent to George Petman...
in Witness whereof I have sett my hand and seale Dated the day and
yeare first about written George Petman by his marke.
Edmun Burwash/ William White Seniore.
This will was proved at Westminster the twenty seventh day of June one thousand six hundred and fifty three before the judges for probate of wills and granting Administrations appointed by Act of Parliament...by the oath of George Petman the sonne and sole Executor named in the will to whom Administration was committed he being first legally sworne to Administer the same.
Will of George Petman