Pettit Will 1579

Will of William Pettett

of Chillenden, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC17/44/196
Submitted by Pauline Willson
In the name of God amen.
This is the last will and testament of William Pettett of the parish of Chillenden made the second day of September Elizabeth 21th Ano 1579 .... sick in body but in good remembrance thanks be to god wherein I bequeath my soul unto Almighty god and my body to be buried in the church yard of Chillenden or elsewhere.

First I will and give unto Margarett my wife all my movable goods wherewith she shall bring up my children to her ability and power
Item more I give unto my two sons John and William Pettett all my lands in the parish of Staple and Woodnesborowe or elsewhere to be ... divided between them

and if Margarett my wife now with child be delivered of a man child then I will that he shall be heir with my two sons John and William and the lands to be divided as aforesaid as in one piece of land called the long close by estimation five acres more or less more the acres called the meddow more or less more two acres called preste close more or less

Furthermore I give unto my said children before named my land bought of my brother John Pettett that is an acre and a half more or less
Item I give and bequeath unto Anne my daughter five pounds she to have the said money at the age of 21 years if she marry before 21 years I will that she shall have the said .... at the day of marriage.

Furthermore if Margarett my wife be delivered of a maide child then I will that she shall also have five pounds to be paid unto her as unto my daughter Anne aforesaid the one of them to be heir unto the other.
Moresoever if my said daughter or daughters do die before the age of 21 years or day of marriage then I will that the said money shall remain unto my sons aforesaid

More I give unto my said sons my howsm.. called Barnshowlde in the parish of Staple aforesaid with my part of the lands thereunto be longing according to my father’s will
Furthermore provided that my said lands before given unto my sons shall be sold by mine Executors to the most .... thereof for the profit and use of my said sons within one year next after my departing my debts and legacies to be paid by mine Executors out of the foresaid lands the rest of the money by the said Executors to be paid and equally gifted to my said sons at the age of 21 years

moresoever if any of my said sons die within age aforesaid then I will the one to be here unto the other
more I will that Margarettt my wife to have the .... of my sons and daughters with the profit of there portions until they come to lawful age as aforesaid

more I give to Margarett and William Taylor my Executors for their pains herein ... each of them
More I make and ordain my brother Bartholmewe to be overseer to this my last will and testament.

... .... Legacies
I will that if Margaret my wife do marry after my decease then she and he whom doth protend [intend?] to marry her they shall before the day of marriage put sufficient bond for the performance of this my will unto William Taylor my Executor or to his assigns as the same William shall think good for the use of my said children according to this my will or else the said William to take away the said children with the profit to them belonging as it doth appear in my will and the said William or his assignes to be bound unto the ordinary or according to this my will as aforesaid.

Probate 1579.

Witness hereof George Grenstrete, Bochonde? Pettett and Clement Diar

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Will of William Pettett
Created by Maureen Rawson