Item I give to my well beloved wife MARGARET PETTIT two of my best kine which she shall please to make choyse of.
Item I give unto the said MARGARET all my housholestuff being in the house wherein I now dwell or
belonging to the farme whatsoever it be bedding linnen brasse pewter wooden and earthen vessells and all other
my housholestuff being in the house wherein I now dwell or belong by what name so ever it be called or knowne.
Item I give unto my son in law HENRY SACKET the summe of ten pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him by mine Executor within one yeare after my decease.
Item I give unto my son in law MATHEW RAY the sume of ten pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid unto him within three years next after my decease.
Item I give unto MATHEW eldest sonne of the said MATHEW sixe sheepe three whereof to be ewes and the other three weathers to be delivered unto him within sixe monthes next after my decease and to be chose by two honest indifferent men one to be elected and nominated by his said father and the other by mine Executor.
Item I give unto my sonne RICHARD PETTIT the sume of ten pounds of like lawfull money to be paid to the said RICHARD within two yeares next after my decease.
Item I give unto MARGARET the eldest daughter of my said sonne RICHARD one sow the said sow to be chosen for her by the said RICHARD upon and after my said wife hath made her election as aforesaid. And if the said RICHARD or my said wife shall not make their said elections within ten dayes next after my decease that then the said MARGARET daughter of the said RICHARD to make her election herselfe.
ITEM I give unto RICHARD PETTIT eldest sonne of my said sonne RICHARD ten sheepe five whereof to be ewes and five weathers to be delivered unto him within ten dayes after my decease the said sheepe to be chosen for the said RICHARD by two honest indifferent men one to be elected and nominated by my said sonne RICHARD and the other by mine Executor.
Item I give unto the Churchwardens of the said Church of the Parishe of Ringwold to be imployed for the benefitt of the said Church and for the same purpose to be put into the church stock of Ringwold aforesaid the sume of thirteene shillings foure pence to be delivered to the said Churchwardens within one month next after my decease.
And for my lands and tenements which it hath pleased God to let me injoy and whereof I now stand and am seized? in fee simple lying and being in the Parishe of Ringwold aforesaid I give and bequeath them in manner and forme following that is to say.
Imprimus I give and bequeathe unto my said wife MARGARET that messuage or tenement wherein JOHN ABBOT now dweleth and together with the barne situate neare to the said messuage and the backside and gardens thereto belonging with all and singular the appurtenances and also all other lands which I late purchased of HENRY ROGERS one Close only excepted lying about the Linch in Ringwold aforesaid called or knowne by the name of Rogers Close all which said lands and tenements are mentioned expressed and contained in a certaine Deede bearing date the thirtieth day of December in the seaveneth yeare of the Raigne of Our late Soveraigne Lord King James over England Ireland and over Scotland the three and fortieth made from the said HENRY ROGERS to mee the said GEORGE PETTIT as the said Deede wherein the same are butted and bounded may fore fully appeare to have and to hold all the said messuage barns and land the said Close onely excepted unto my said wife for and during the terme of her naturall life to the use of the said MARGARET my said wife and to noe other use and purpose whatsoever.
And after the decease of the said MARGARET my said wife then I will and bequeath the said messuage barns and all the said lands and tenements togeather with all and singular the appurtenances to my sonne GEORGE PETTIT and to his heirs forever togeather with all writings manuments? and evidences thereto belonging or aptayning.
And my will and meaning further is that if it shall soe happon that my goods and chattells before unbequeathed shall not be sufficience for to pay my debts and legacies in this my last Will and Testament bequeathed that then my said sonne GEORGE shall sel soe much of the said lands for and towards the payment of my debts and the said legacies as shall be sufficient to pay and discharge the same and that the said severall legacies in case that my said personall estate shall not amount thereunto.
And of this my last Will and Testament I doe make constitute and ordaine my said sonne GEORGE my sole and only Executor and doe bequeath unto the said GEORGE all my goods chattells debts and duties whatsoever not before herein bequeathed.
In Witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand and seale dated the eleaventh day of July Anno Dmi 1632 GEORGE
And published in the presence of
Whereas I GEORGE PETTIT of Ringwold in the County of Kent Yeoman have made and ordained my last Will and Testament bearing date the eleaventh day of this instant July in which said last Will and Testament among other things therein contayned I have made certaine provision for my wife for her maintenance after my decease and whereas whereof since that time I have thought fitt to add something more to what I have therein devised and bequeathed unto her I have caused this codicill to be added unto my said last Will and Testament thereby ratifying and confirming the same and every parte thereof
And I doe in this my codicill give and bequeath unto my said wife two pounds of good and well conditioned wheate and five pounds of like barly to bee delivered unto her by mine Executor at such fitt and convenient time or times as my said wife shall be pleased to demand the same and as shee shall have occasion to use and imploy it. And my will is that this codicill be esteemed and taken to be parte of my said last Will and Testament as available and effectuall as my last Will or any parte thereof shall be.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale.
Dated this 20th Day of July 1632 GEORGE PETTIT. In the presence of
Will of George Pettit