Philpot Will 1513

Will of William Philpot

of Shepherdswell, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/12/-275b
Submitted by Veronica Nops
In the Name of God Amen in the 4th Day of the Month of November in the Year of Our Lord 1513
I WILLIAM PHILPOT of the Parish of Shepherdswold in the Countie of Kent being hole of Mynde and being in good memorie thanked be do ordayne and make this my present Testament in manner and forme following.
First I bequeath my Soule unto Almighty God my creator and to Our Lady the Virgin his glorious Moder and to all the holy companyth of heven. And my bodie to be buryed within the Churchyard of Shepherdswold.

Item: I bequeath unto the High Altar of the sayd church for my tithes and offerings forgotten or by mee necligently witholden 12d.
Item: I bequeath to the St. R..... Light a Bushell of barley.
Item: I bequeath to owre Light and to the Light of St. Peter and every of them a Bushell of barley.
Item: I bequeath to the reparation of the ymage of the Crosse of the sayd Church 3s. 4d.
Item: I bequeath to any of my Godchildren a Bushell of barley.

Item: I bequeath to WILLIAM my Sonne eight seames of whete and tenne seames of barley two seames of otes two bushels of peas two bushels of tarys twenty pounds (money) wethers twenty pounds (money) ewes two horse pce any horse twenty shillings and two kine pce twenty shillings

I bequeath to my Daughters any of them five markes and their to be payde at the Daye of their Marriage. And if it fortune the one of thym to decease the one to be the others heire.

Item: I bequeath to ELIZABETH my Daughter a pott and pann.
Item: I bequeath unto JOHN MOTE four Bushells of barley.
Item: I bequeath to RICHARD CLARKE a horse.
Item: I bequeath to ROBERT CLARKE two ewes.
Item: I bequeath to AGNES PEYRSE four Bushells of barley.
Item: I bequeath to Young ZETE GILLES two ewes.
Item: I bequeath to any of my Brothers Children of Ryngewold two ewes.
Item: I bequeath to HARRY MERYWETHER 6s.8d.

Item: I bequeath a cowe to fund a taper of five pounds burning evry yere before the sepulcure at Easter tyme in the Church of Shepherdswold for evermore.
I will have at my departing oute of this world during which commendations and at my burying tenn masses and at my twelve monthes day syng twenty masses.

And of this my present Testament I ordayne and make my Executors that is to say JOHN MERRYWETHER and JOHANE my Wife.

And of all my goods and moveables unbequeathed I bequeath to JOHANE my Wife one of mine Executors she to dispose it for the wealth of my soule at her discretion.
Also I will that MASTER JOHN BOYS be Overseer of this my Testament and last Will he to have for his labors 3s.4d.
And the foresaid JOHN MERRYWETHER one of myne Executors to have for his labors 5s.8d.

In Witness whereof WILLIAM PHILPOT

This is the last Will of me Mr. WILLIAM PHILPOT made the Day and Year above written.
Imprimus I will that my Testament shall standeth and effect and strength.

Item: I will that JOHANE my Wife shall have all my Land and Tenements beinge and lying in the Parish of Shepherdswold and Ryngewold hopyng she do reparations of the sayd tenements or else the Feoffes to putt her oute unto the tyme that WILLIAM come to thage of twenty one yeres.

And then I will that WILLIAM shall have all my Land and tenements unto hym and to his heires of his body lawfully begotten masculyn. And yf William my Sonne die withoute heires of his bodie lawfully begotten masculyn that then I will that JOHANE my Wife shall have all my Land and tenements during her life.

And after her decease I will that the foresaid Lands and tenements called Norton and Ryngewold be sold by myne Executors and Feoffes and one half of the money thereof coming to be dispersed in the Church of Shepherdswold and the other half of the sayd money to be dispersed in the Church of Ryngewold for the wealth of my soule my friends soules and all the Crystan soules as myne Executors and Feoffes by their discretion thynketh most best.

And as for my Lands and tenements at Upton I will that THOMAS PHILPOT my Brother shall have thaym unto hym and unto his heires forever more yf my foresaid sonne WILLIAM dyes without heires of his body as is afore rehersed.

And if my Sonne William live and come to the age of twenty one years I will that he shall give her every yere during his Moders lyfe 3s.4d out of my place at Norton. And yf she be not paid yerely she to distrayne upon all the Lands and tenements at Norton for the non-payment thereof menconed.

If WILLIAM my Sonne dye as is for rehersed then I will that the foresaid Legacy to which I bequeath unto hym the one halfe equally to be divided between my two Daughters and the other halfe to JOHANE my Wife.

In Witness whereof

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Will of William Philpot
Created by Maureen Rawson