Philpott Will 1555

Will of William Philpot

of Shepherdswell, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC17/30/84
Submitted by Veronica Nops
In the Name of God Amen the 21st Day of October in the yeare of Our Lord 1553 in the 6th yeare of the reigne of Our Sovereigne Lord Kinge Edward the 6th
I WILLIAM PHILPOT of the Parishe of Shepherdswold in the Countie of Kent beinge hole of mynde and of good remembrance do constitute and make my last Will and Testament in manor and forme followinge
First I bequeath and committe my soule to all mightye God my maker and redeemer by whose mercy and goodness I truste to be saved willinge my bodye to be buried in the Parishe Churchyarde of Shepherdswold atoresaid.

I will that my Executors shall delyver or cause to be delyvered to SAMPSON PHILPOT my eldeste sonne when he shall come to the age of 21 yeares fore carte horses price at 10 pounds a carte shodd with iron strakes a ploughe with all manor of apparell to the same belonginge fowertie wethers the price at 6 pounds 13s. 4d. ten ewes price 4 pounds 13s 4d 2 baken hogges price 10s 8d 8 seames of wheate and seames of barley and five seames of otes halfe for seed and halfe marchannte 6 bushelles of pease and 6 bushelles of taris to be delyvered unto the said SAMPSON at the Feaste of Saynte Michaelle the Archangell which shall be next before his age of 21 yeares for to be sawen uppon his landes then to his owne use.

Item I will to HARRY PHILPOT my son 20 pounds of lawfull money of England whereof 15 pounds to be delyvered to him when he comyth to the age of 21 yeares and 5 pounds the residue of the said 20 pounds to be to him at the tyme when he shall be fortune to be bound prentise to some occupacion

Item I give and bequeath unto JOHN PHILPOT my sonne 20 pounds of lawfull money of England whereof 5 pounds shall be payd unto him at the tyme when he shall fortune to be bound prentise to some occupacion and 15 pounds the full of the sayd 20 pounds to be paid unto him when he comythe to the age of 21 yeares.

Item I give and bequeath unto PARNELL PHILPOT my daughter 10 pounds of lawfull money of England 2 kyne a fether bed full furnyshed and a paire ofshetes to be delyvered unto her by my Executors at the Daye of her Marriage.

The Residue trulye of all my goodes and chattelles as well moveable and unmoveable my debts and bequeathes aforesaid paid I will bequeath and give unto ROSE PHILPOT my wyfe.

Item I will that SAMPSON my sonne shall paie 5 pounds unto HARRY and JOHN PHILPOTT his brothers when they shall come to the age of 21 yeares.

Item I do constitute and ordayne make and appoynte ROSE PHILPOT and HAMON CLOKE to be my Executors of this my last Will and Testament and JOHN MYLLES my Overseer of the same. And I give and bequeath to eche of them for their paynes to see this my Will parformed 20 pounds.

And if it fortune that ROSE my wyfe to marrye before my children come to ther age of 21 yeares then I will that the said ROSE my wyfe shall entre into bonde to HAMON CLOKE and JOHN MYLLES aforesaid for the performance and fullfillinge of this my Will and Testament and to paye my said bequeathes or els the sayde HAMON CLOKE and JOHN MYLLES shall enter in and uppon all my landes and tenements and goodes moveable and unmoveable and so kepe all my children payinge and didchardginge all my debts and bequeathes above bequested.

This beinge witness hereof SIR ROGER JACSON Vicar of Sheppherdswold RICHARDE GRAYE SIR DAVYD ROBERTS Curat of Coldred with other more then beinge p'nte.

This is the Last Will and Testament of me WILLIAM PHILPOT mayd the yeare and date above written touchinge and concernninge all my landes and tenements in the Countie of Kente and els wher willinge and devysinge the same as hereafter ensueth.

First I will that SAMPSON PHILPOTT my eldest sonne shall have all my hole mesuage and tenement called Upton Court and all the arable landes and pasture to the same messuage or tenement appertayninge and belonginge set standinge lyeinge and beinge within the Parishe of Shepperdswold aforesaid wythe tenne acres of land called Haynes to be had and holden to him and his heires forever when he shall come to the age of 21 yeares.
And I will that ROSE my wyfe shall have the use and occupye all my said messuage and tenement with all the landes afore bequeathed unto my sonne SAMPSON takinge and receavinge the profeetes thereof to her owne use duringe the mynoritie of the said SAMPSON and untill suche tyme as he myght be of the age of 21 yeares.

Item I will that ROSE my wif shall have my place or house standinge and beinge at Netherton Wall the landes to the said house belonginge also 7 acres of lande lyeing at West leas duringe her naturall lif.
And after her decease I will the said house at Netherton and the landes to the same belonginge with said 7 acres at Westleas shall remayne and comme to HARRYE PHILPOT my sonne and to his heires forever.

Item I will that JOHN PHILPOTT my sonne shall have my tenements and the garden to the same appurteyninge standinge lyeing and beinge at the fostall which I late bought off STEPHEN W1CHAM in the frenche acre of lande and halfe an acre of lande which I late purchased to the said tenement and the chapel close to be hadd and holden to the said JOHN and his heires forever when he shall come to the age of 21 yeares.
And I will that ROSE my wif shall have the said tenement and garden with other the landes bequeathed to my said sonn JOHN duringe his mynoritie and untill suche tyme as the said JOHN my sonne might be of the age of 21 yeares.

Item I will that the said ROSE my wif shall have 25 acres of land in Eastland dane duringe her naturall lif and after her decease I will the said 25 acres of land in Eastland dane shall remayne and come to my said sonne JOHN PHILPOT and to his heyres forever.

And if HARRY and JOHN my sonnes or any of them happen to dye before they come to ther age of 21 yeares without heyyres of ther bodyes lawfully begotten then I will that one of them be the others heyre

Witness at the makinge hereof
SIR ROGER JACSON Vicar of Shepherdswold SIR DAVYD ROBERT Curat of Coldred RICHARD GRAYE with other more then beinge p'nte

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Will of William Philpot
Created by Maureen Rawson