PHILPOTT Will 1568

Will of Sampson Philpott

of Barham, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC17/40/293
Submitted by Veronica Nops
IN the Name of God Amen the 13th Day of January in the yeare of our Lord God a thousand fyve hundred three score and eight
I SAMPSON PHILPOTT of the Paryshe of Barham in the County of Kent beinge of whole mynde and in good and perfect remembrance lovede and preyse be unto all mightye God do make and ordaine this my present testament concernynge herein my last wyll in manner and forme followinge (that is to say)
Fyrst I comend my soule unto all mighty God my creator and maker in a sure and certon hope of the forgevenous of all my synnes thoughe the deathe and bloud shedynge of my sweete Lord and Savyor Jesus Christ. And my body to the earthe to be buryed at the dyscrecon of my Executor in a sure and certen hope of the reserectyon of the same in the last daye wherein there I believe to see my savyor to my endles comforte. And as concernynge my worldly goods

Fyrst I bequethe and also it is my very wyll that SYLVESTER PHILPOTT my well beloved wyffe shall have all her apparell and enjoy (one hole yeare beinge expyred after the day of my deathe) the frute of that bond made unto her from me when I maryed her accordynge to the true meanynge and tenor thereof which is the somme of fyftye pounds to be paide her by the handes of my Executor. And also hir Joynture which is fower pounds by the yeare to enjoy that duringe hir naturall lyef whereof also she hath a bond.

Item I bequeathe to my daughter MARYE PHILPOTT the somme of fyftye pounds to be delivered her at the Day of her Maryage. And I wyll that my said daughter shalbe in the custody and kepynge of my mother ROSE COLLARD. And my said mother to have also in her kepynge the said fyftye pounds withe my daughter untyll the tyme aforesaid whiche said fyftye pounds shalbe delyvered into the hands of my mother to the use abovesaid by my Executor after two yeares be expyred after the Day of my Death.

And if it happen that my said mother to dy before my daughter com to maryage then it is my wyll that my said daughter and also the said somme of fyftye pounds shalbe in the custody and kepynge of my Brother JOHN WOOD.

And if it happen my said daughter to dy before she becom to be maryed as God it defend if his wyll so be then it is my very wyll that the said fyftye pounds shall descend and com unto HENRY PHILPOTT and JOHN PHILPOTT Brethren and unto ANNE PHILPOTT equally to be devyded betwene them.

Item I bequeathe to my brother JOHN PHILPOTT the somme of twenty pounds to be delyvered hym at the age of thre and twenty yeares. And if he happen to dy before he accomplyshe the said yeares then I wyll that my brother HENRY PHILPOTT shall have the said twenty pounds to hym and his heyres forever.

Item I bequeathe to my syster PARNELL WOOD the somme of twenty pounds to be paid and delyvered her by the hands of myne Executor thre yeares beinge expyred after the Day of my Deathe. And if it happen my said syster to dy before her yeares be expyred then I wyll the said twenty pounds shall descend and comme to her sonne JOHN WOOD.

Item I bequeathe to my father JOHN COLLARD's children the somme of twenty pounds equally to be dyvyded amongst them one yeare beinge expyred after the Day of my Deathe

Item I bequeathe to my syster ANNE PHILPOTT the somme of twenty pounds whiche said twenty pounds shall com in the custody and kepynge of my brother HENRY PHILPOTT two yeares after the Day of my Deathe. And he to keepe it untyll my said syster com to maryage getynge yearely duringe the said tyme for the lone thereof thirty shillings to my syster aforesaid whiche said yearlye rent shall remayne in his hands untyll the tyme aforesaid.

Item. I bequeathe to the poore twenty shillings the one half to be distributed in the Paryshe of Barham and the other half at Shepherdswold.

Item I geve and bequeathe to my brother HENRY PHILPOTT all my lands and goods in the Paryshe of Shepherdswold or elsewhere to hym and his heyres forever he payeinge my debts and fairly performynge all my Bequestes legacyes and charges of my funerall whome I make and ordayne my sole Executor to this my last Wyll and Testament and my well beloved father JOHN COLLARD my overseer.

And I utterly revoke all and every other testaments wylls legacyes bequeathes Executors and Overseerers by me in any wyll before this tyme made named wylled and bequeathed.
These beinge wytnesses

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Will of Sampson Philpott
Created by Maureen Rawson