Philpott Will 1599

Will of Richard Philpott

of Boughton Aluph, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/50/136
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In the name of God Amen The Nyntenth day of Marche in the Seaven and thryteth yere of the Reigne of or Sovereigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Frannce and Ireland Queene Defender of the faith &c., and in the yere of our Lord God one Thowsand fyve hundred Nyntie fower
I Richard Philpott of the p[ar]ish of Boughton Aluphe wthin the Countie of Kent Yeoman beinge sick and weake of body : But of good and p[er]fect mynde and memory (God ne thancked therefore) Doe Institute ordeyne and make this to be my Last will and Testament in mannr and forme hereafter followinge (That is to saye)
First I bequeath my Soule to almightie God my heavenly father, Trusting assuredly to be saved by the death passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Savyor my body I will to be buryed at or in the Church of Boughton Aluphe aforesaide or ells at the discration of my Executors

Item I will gyve and bequeath unto Stephen Philpott my Eldest sonne fyve pounds of good and Lawfull money of England To be payed unto him his executors or assignes wthin three monethes next after my decease

Item I give and bequeath unto Richard Pylcher, sonne of my daughter Pylcher deceased twoe Sheepe and fyve pounds of good and Lawfull money of England To be payed and delivered unto him or his assignes or Gardyan when he shall attayne and come to the age of Fytene yeres
Item I gyve will and bequeath unto Ellen Scott daughte(r) of my daughter Scott deceased Twoe Sheepe and Thirty three shillings and fower pence of like money To be payed and delivered unto her or her assignes or gardyan wthin one Whole yere next after my decease
And yf it happen that either of the said Richard Philpott or Elleyn Scott to dye before they or eyther of them soe dyinge shall atteyne and come to the age of Twentie yeres or before the daye of his or theire marryage Then I will that the over Lyver of them shalbee heire unto him or her soe dyinge and shall have and enjoye that porcon of money and goods by this my Will bequeathed to him or her soe dying

Item I gyve and bequeath to my twoe daughters Jane Browne and Affra Marchall to evry one of them Twentie pence a peece to be payed presently after my decease
Item I will and bequeath unto evry poore housholder of Boughton Aluphe that shall goe to my buryall fower pence a peece of like money And to eache of them that shall carry me ther(e) to Church fower pence the peece of like money, And to those p[er]sons that shall Ring the Bells in the same Churche at my Buryall three shillings fower pence of like money to be then presently payed unto them

Item the Reasydue of all my goods Chattells Cattells and moveables I will gyve and bequeath them unto Alice Philpott my Wyfe and unto Thomas Philpott my sonne equally to be devided betweene them ymediatly after my decease, my funrall expences discharged my debts legacyes and bequeathes and haryett? payde dischardged and p'formed
And I doe by this my Last will and Testament appoynte ordeyne constitute and make the said Alice my Wyfe and the saide Thomas Philpott my sonne my full and whole Executors of this my last will and Testament

This is the last will and Testam[en]t of me the said Richard Philpott first above named made instituted ordeyned and published of for and concerninge the gyving an disposinge of all my mannors Landes Tenements and heredytam[en]ts in manner and forme here following (That is to saye)

First I will gyve and bequeath unto the before named Stephane Philpott my eldest sonne and to his heyres for ever all that my messuage or tenement, howses, Edyfices, gardens and appurtenannces to the same belonginge Scituate lyinge and beinge in the Towne and parish of Wye in the said Countie of Kent wherein one Jekyn of Wye aforesaide Bric[k]layer nowe dwelleth

Item I will and bequeath unto Alice Philpott nowe my wyfe The mannor mansyon or dwelling house wherein I nowe dwell together wth the barnes, stables, outhouses, edyfices, bulydings, orchardes and one Crofte thereunto adjoyninge and three peeces or p[ar]cells of Land and Wood thereunto now belonginge and appertayninge whereof one peece or pcell of Lande is called Lane place conteyninge by estimacon Syxe acres of Lande, one other peece or pcell of Land is called French fielde Lying in Scoyne lyinge conteyning by estimacon Tenn acres of Lande sett Lying and being in the parish of Boughton Aluph aforesaid, And also one acre of Woodland Lying in Kingswood neere unto the flesh gute in the said parishe of Boughton Aluph or Wye or one of them
And also all rents Sutes Services and fee farmes and evry of them dewe belonginge or apperteyninge unto the said mannors, mansyon house or dwelling house wherein I now dwell, Lands and appurtennces or any of them wthall and singuler theire Appurtennes, To have and to hould and enjoye the same mannors, mansyon or dwelling house wherein I now dwell wth all Barnes, stables, Lands, Rents, premysses and all and singuler theire appurtenncs unto the said Alice my Wyfe and her assignes wthout doing comitting or suffering to be done Strippe or Waste for and dueing the terme and space of Tenn yeares next ensuinge after my decease yf the said Alice doe so longe lyve

Yeelding and payeinge therefore yerely dureinge all the saide terme unto my second sonne Thomas Philpott his heires and assignes the yerely rent or forme of Syxe shillings and eight pence of Lawfull money of England at the twoe usuall feasts of the yere at the Natyvitie of o[u]r Lord Jesus Christ and St. John the Baptist by even porcons halfe yerely to be payde
And for default of payment thereof I will that it shalbe Lawfull to and for the said Thomas my sonne his heires and assignes into the said house and lands to enter and distreyne for the same The first payment thereof to begine at the first of the said feasts wch shall happen to come next after my decease
And also I will that Alice my Wyfe shall yerely paye and dischardge all Rents Suits Services and fermes due to the cheife Lord or lords of the Fee or fees for the saide mannor, mansyon house and Lands duering her said terme; And further shall from tyme to tyme duringe the said terme Beare, keepe and mayteyne the same houses and buyldings sufficiently repayred Tenannte like

And after the end and expyracon of the said Tenn yeres or ymedyatly after the death of the said Alice my Wyfe or ymedyatly after wch of them shall first happen to come next after my decease I will gyve and bequeath all that the said mannor mansyon and dwelling house in wch I nowe dwell wthall edyfices, buyldings, orchards, gardens and Lands thereunto beloning together wthall other the before willed premisses wthall and singuler theire appurtenncs willed as before to Alice my said Wife, unto my said sonne Thomas Philpott and to the heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten
and for default of heires of his body Lawfully begotten unto Richard Philpott sonne unto the said Stephane Philpott my eldest sonne and to the heires and to the heires of the said Richard forever

And yf the said Alice my Wyfe doe happen to lyve after the end of the said Terme of Tenn yeres Then and from thence forth I will and bequeath unto her one Anuytie or Annuall rent of Twentie shillings of like money yerely to be payed unto her or her assignes after the expyracon of the saide tenn yeeres for and during her naturall lyfe out of the said mannor mansion house, Lands and appurtenncs wherein I now dwell in Boughton aforesaid at the said twoe usuall feasts or termes in the yere of the Natyvitie of or Lord and Savyor Jesus Christ and St. John Baptist by even and equall porcons halfe yerely to be payed

And yf it happen the said yerely Anuytie or Annuall Rent of Twentie shillings to be behinde and unpayde in parte or in all be the space of Eight dayes nexte after wither of the feasts in wch it ought to be payde unto the said Alice my wyfe or her assignes and being Lawfully demannded, That then I will that it shalbe Lawfull unto the said Alice my wif or her assignes into the said mansyon house and Lands or any of them to enter and distreyne and the distresse soe had and taken to lead, dryve and carry awaye and the same to deteyne and keepe untyll the said Anuytie or Annuall rent soe being behinde and the Arrerags [arrearages] therof yf any bee togeither wth her and theire Costs and Chardgs in that behalfe susteyned be unto the said Alice of her assignes fully satisfyed and payed

Provyded alwayes and my full mynde and intent & will is that yf any of my said twoe sonnes Stephane and Thomas Philpott the heires or assignes of them or any of them shall doe any act or goe about to infringe, breake, frustrate or make voyd this my Last Will and testament or any clause provyso bequeath or article therof or p[er]fecte or sewe [sue] one of them an other for any more or other mannor, Lands, Tentes [Tenements], hereditaments, goods, Cattells or Chattells then by this my last Will and testament is gyven, Willed and bequeathed unto him or them or either of them That then and from thence fourth he or they soe doing or pforminge or suffering the same to be done shall forfeyt, lose and forgoe forever after all benefitt, p[ro]fitt and comodytie and advantage wch he or they may inoughte should or ought to have and take by force and vertue of this my said Last will and Testament to all intents, constructions, meanings and purposes
And also I will that then and from thence fourth, he of my said twoe sonnes or his heires that doe p[er]foreme and keepe this my said Last Will and Testament shall have, hold and enjoye to him and them and to his and theire heires forever all and evry the said Lands, Tents and hereditaments, goods, Cattells and Chattells before in or by this my said Last will and Testament devysed, gyven, willed or bequeathed to him or them that soe shall Infringe, goe about to breake or disobey this my said Last Will and Testament in any thing to all intentes, purposes, meanings & constructions, any thing, clawse, Article, will, device or bequeath in this my present Will and testament conteyned, specifyed and declared to the contrary in anywise notwthstandinge

wittnes prsent at the reading, subscribinge, ratifieing and allowing of this present testament and last will here written
Thomas Sprott, Clark; John Sprott; the marke of Willm Browne and of John Dense the writer;
The marke of the said Richard Philpott the Testator

Probatum fuit: 24th June 1599 - mentions Johis Dense et Johis Sprott.

Richard Philpott a householder was buried the eighte daye of June 1595 at All Saints, Boughton Aluph.
Richard Philpott appears to have married 3 times – all at SS Gregory & Martin, Wye:
5 May 1556 to Eleanor Dane; 10 Jul 1559 to Eleanor Potten (buried at Wye 1 Apr 1562); and 23 Nov 1562 to an Alice (surname not given in register).
Alice Philpott wydowe married Wylliam Rowland 16 May 1598 at Boughton Aluph.
Children found (all baptised at Wye): 26 Dec 1561 Mary; 14 Oct 1565 Jane; 16 Apr 1569 Thomas.
Daughter Mary Philpott married Robart Pylcher 28 Jan 1581/82 at Boughton Aluph.
Daughter Aphra Philpot married Thomas Marshall 15 Aug 1586 at Boughton Aluph.
Daughter Jane Philpot married William Brown 21 Nov 1586 at Boughton Aluph.

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 10th June 2023

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Will of Richard Philpott
Created by Maureen Rawson