Philpott Will 1612

Will of Thomasen Phylpott

of Crundale, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/55/89 (Original Will: PRC 16/151 W/2)
Submitted by Steve Clarke
In the name of God Amen the fower & twentyeth day of Maye In the yeare of or [our] Lorde & Savyor Jesus Chryst one Thousand Syx hundreth & eleven
I Thomassen Phylpotte wyddoe of the paryshe of Cronndall wthin the Countye of Kente Beynge in good helth of my bodye & in good & pfectt [perfect] mynde & memorye (I thanke my good God for yt) doe make & ordayne this my last wyll & Testamente in manner & forme as shews after followeth (That ys to saye)
Fyrst I bequeth my Sowle to allmyghtye God And my body I wyll to be decentlye & orderlye buryed wthin the churche yarde of Crondall aforesayd in the Church porche space (?)

Item I wyll gyve & bequethe to the poore people of the parryshe of Crondall Twentye shillings To be payde to the poore people there by my Executor at the feast of the Natyvytye of or lorde & Savyor Jesus Chryst nexte after my decease

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to my Syster Isabell Hennay ? wyfe of Thomas Hennay? fowrty Shyllings a yeare quarterly to be payde out of my howse & land lyenge & beynge at Soles Streate [Sole Street] wthin the parryshe of Crondall aforesayd duryeng the Terme of her naturall lyef [life]
And yf the sayd Isabell my Syster be not payde quarterlye accordynge to this my wyll Then I wyll that yt shall be lawfull after the sayd Isabell my sayde Syster or her assignes to drystreyne [distrain] in & uppon all my sayde lands & Tents. [Tenements] & the Dystresse or dystresses so had & taken to detayne & keepe tyll she be payed & every parte & pcell [parcel] thereof fully contented & payde wth the arraragyes [arrearages] & costs payde

tem I wyll gyve & bequeth to the poore people of the parryshe of Crondall Tenn shillings a peece for ever: To be levyed & bestowed by the church Wardens of Crondall Successylely for ever for the tyme beyng owt of my landes & Tenement at Solestrete wthin ye parryshe of Crondall at one hole payment the fyrst payment to begyne at the fyste [feast] of oure lord & Savyor Jesus Chryst wch [which] shall nexte come after my decease
And for want of payment there of yearelye as ys aspesyde [specified] I doe gyve full power and authorytye to the church Wardens of Crondall for the tyme beynge successfylalye [successively] use over to enter & dystreyne [distrain] in & appon the sayd lands & Tenements yf the sayde xs [ten shillings] a yeare be not payde accordnge to the tryst [trusts] (in) my wyll & uppon every parte & pcell [parcel] thereof And for dystresse or dystresses soe had & taken do detyne & keepe untyll yt shall be satysfyed by that occasyen had & susteyned

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to my brother Robert Coveney? Tenn powndes a yeare half yearely to be payde duryng the terme of hys naturall lyef To be payde by my Executor hereafter named

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to my brother Thomas Carters Chyldrene, viz to George Carter Jonas Carter Cleve Carter Elizabeth Carter Susan Carter to every one of them fyve pounds a peece To be payde to them & everye one of them by my Executor wthin one yeare next after my decease

Item I wyll & gyve to Thomas Carter my godson my sayde brother Thomas Carter hys sonne The some of tenn pownds To be payde to him by my Executor wthin one yeare next after my decease

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to my sayd Syster Isabell to every one of her Chyldren yt ys to say Edwarde, Elizabeth & Joane Ruck & to Cyayack Homerly? her sonne to every one of them The some of fyve pownds of good & lawfull money of England To be payde unto them & every one of them by my sayde Executor wthin one yeare next after my decease

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to Joane Glover ys wyef of Thomas my beste Blacke Cubenye (?) hys daughter the some of fyve pownds to be payde to her by my sayde Executor pay such after my sayde decease

Item I gyve & bequeth to Thomasen Ruck my Syster Isabell her daughter The some of xxxl [£30] & all my beddynge & howsholde stuffe that I have at mynthe camble? howse To be payde & disybered [delivered?] To her the sayde Thomasen by my sayde Executor wthin one yeare next after my decease

Item I wyll gyve & bequeath to Jane Coveney my brother Robert Coveneys daughter The Some of fourtye powndes [£40] of good & lawfull money of England & my fether bedd that ys at her sayde Fathers howse To be payde and delyvered to her by my sayde Executor at her age of one & twentye yeares or day of her marreyage wch of them shall fyrst com

Item I gyve & bequeth to John Carter the sonne of my cosen Jeames Carter the some of fourtyne shyllyngs [14 shillings] To be payde to hym the sayde John by my sayde Executor at hys age of xxj [21] yeares

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to George Ruck my Syster Isabells sonne my Tenement at Solestreate wth all the lands & appurtenccs there unto belongyng To be had & holden to the sayde George Ruck my Cosen & to hys heyres for ever Uppon this condycyon that he doe paye the xls [forty shillings] a yeare to Isabell Hennay? hys moder [mother] half yearely to be payde for the Terme of her lyfe & also that he doe paye the xs [ten shillings] a yeare for ever to the poore people of the parryshe of Crondall for ever to the Churche Wardens yerelie for tyme beynge successyvely for ever & that he the sayde George Ruck my Cosen doe paye or cause to be payde to my cosen Thomas Carter sonne of my sayde brother Thoams Carter Tenn pownds of good & lawfull money of England To be payde to hym the sayde Thomas Carter by my sayde Cusen George Ruck wthin fowere yeares next after my decease

The Ressydewe [Residue] of all my goods Chattells detts & money not before by me gyven otherwyse in this my wyll, I wyll gyve & bequeth whollye & Solelye to George Coveney my sayd brother Robert Coveney hys sonne wch sayd George Coveney I doe make & ordeyne to be my sole & only Executor of thys my last wyll & Testament he Seynge [seeing] this my sayd last wyll & Testament to be faythfully pformed & fulfylled as my trust ys in hym that he wyll doe

Item I wyll gyve & bequeth to the sayde George Coveney my Executor my howse & lands wyth thapurtenncs [with the appurtenances] sett lyenge & beynge wthin the parryshe of Racaleden? [Rolvenden? – unclear] wthin the Countye of Kente To be had & holden to hym the sayde George Coveney my Executor & to his heyires in fee Simple for ever

In Wyttnes that thys ys my last wyll & Testament I have here unto sett to my hande & seale the day & yeare fyrst above wrytten
The marke of the Testatrix

Wyttnes presente at sealing & delivery thereof
George Cuulyr by thys hys marke A - And of me John Dease the Wrytter hereof (complex sign)

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 8th May 2020

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Will of Thomasen Phylpott
Created by Maureen Rawson